meerkat replied to the topic Man, all mortal or just his body? in the forum Truth or Tradition 15 years, 7 months ago
Quote (Paladin @ July 24 2009,03:06)Quote (meerkat @ July 23 2009,22:56)Paladin/JodiReading your posts to each other on the sons of God that took daughters of men to wife and had children with them and I tend to agree with Jodi.If they were angels it would have said angels (malak) – it was sons of God – When you read the geneology of Jesus, Adam…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic Man, all mortal or just his body? in the forum Truth or Tradition 15 years, 7 months ago
Paladin/JodiReading your posts to each other on the sons of God that took daughters of men to wife and had children with them and I tend to agree with Jodi.If they were angels it would have said angels (malak) – it was sons of God – When you read the geneology of Jesus, Adam is the son of God, Paladin,Tartarus is of pagan greek origin – the…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic Proper decorum in the forum Truth or Tradition 15 years, 8 months ago
I second Mandy's post ………… It is great of you 3 to show respect to each other.
meerkat replied to the topic The new worlds translation on titus 2;13 in the forum Truth or Tradition 15 years, 8 months ago
Thinker,When it says that Christ will be subject to the Father so that God can be all in all – it is different from you saying that it really means the the distinction between Father and Son is lost. It does not say that. It says that Christ will be G5293ὑποτάσσωhupotassōhoop-ot-as'-soFrom G5259 and G5021; to subordinate; reflexively to obey:…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic The new worlds translation on titus 2;13 in the forum Truth or Tradition 15 years, 9 months ago
Quote (WorshippingJesus @ June 10 2009,11:28)Quote (meerkat @ June 09 2009,16:25)Thinker and WJI have noticed that the wording in the KJV is different from what was quoted in the starter postbefore Saviour Jesus Christ is the word “our” are there any other examples of the rule that have this – does this additional word separate the 2 persons of…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic The new worlds translation on titus 2;13 in the forum Truth or Tradition 15 years, 9 months ago
Thinker and WJI have noticed that the wording in the KJV is different from what was quoted in the starter postbefore Saviour Jesus Christ is the word “our” are there any other examples of the rule that have this – does this additional word separate the 2 persons of “the great God” and our “Saviour Jesus Christ” ??
meerkat replied to the topic The new worlds translation on titus 2;13 in the forum Truth or Tradition 15 years, 9 months ago
Quote (thethinker @ June 10 2009,05:54)Meerkat said:Quote It seems to me that in Titus 1:4 that there is reference to God the Father distinct from Jesus our Saviour in other places we are told that God is our Saviour that does not mean that they are the same person or that one and not the other is our saviour – to me it seems that God is our…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic The new worlds translation on titus 2;13 in the forum Truth or Tradition 15 years, 9 months ago
Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 09 2009,22:14)Hi TT, God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. God saves through Jesus.I agree, Nick
meerkat replied to the topic The new worlds translation on titus 2;13 in the forum Truth or Tradition 15 years, 9 months ago
It seems to me that in Titus 1:4 that there is reference to God the Father distinct from Jesus our Saviour in other places we are told that God is our Saviour that does not mean that they are the same person or that one and not the other is our saviour – to me it seems that God is our Saviour and he is saving us THROUGH his son Jesus Chr…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic Ephesians 6 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 15 years, 9 months ago
Quote (942767 @ June 09 2009,14:18)Quote (meerkat @ June 09 2009,12:06)Quote (942767 @ June 09 2009,13:47)Hi Jodi:You say: that “we were born chilren of wrath”. Where can I find that scripture?Thanks,Love in Christ,MartyEphesians 2:3Ephesians 2:1 And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 2 in which you once walked according to…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic Ephesians 6 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 15 years, 9 months ago
Quote (942767 @ June 09 2009,13:47)Hi Jodi:You say: that “we were born chilren of wrath”. Where can I find that scripture?Thanks,Love in Christ,MartyEphesians 2:3Ephesians 2:1 And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 2 in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic Jude 1:9 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 15 years, 9 months ago
Excellent post, Jodi
meerkat replied to the topic Three days and three nights in the forum Truth or Tradition 15 years, 9 months ago
Quote (bodhitharta @ June 02 2009,08:39)Quote (Paladin @ June 02 2009,03:09)Jesus did not die on Friday, he died on Thursday. Actually there are two Sabbaths” under consideration, and they are referenced by Mathew's account. Matthew 28:1 In the end of the sabbatwn , as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic What God cannot do in the forum Truth or Tradition 16 years ago
Quote (thethinker @ Feb. 17 2009,07:48)Meerkat said:Quote You seem to rely on Jesus never having the ability to sin is why he never did sin when it was Gods foreknowledge and Spirit which kept his son from sinning. I agree with Martian that to be tempted there is a choice and awareness involved – if there was never the awareness and ability to…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic What God cannot do in the forum Truth or Tradition 16 years ago
Quote (thethinker @ Feb. 17 2009,06:38)Martian said:Quote Certainly if Christ had sinned it would have interfered with God’s foreknowledge because God would have seen something different then we now know he saw. Had that happened Gods promises would have been written differently.In other words, Christ's ability to interfere implies that God's p…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic hayah in Exodus 3:14 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 16 years ago
Thinker,The Moses and the snake example is still referring directly to the situation that is being talked about and the snake was/existed/exists/became in the present time of the future event that was being talked about.What you are trying to prove is that hayah can mean that God will become something at a future time that is not related to the…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic Jesus promises you will stop sinning in the forum Scriptural Teachings 16 years ago
Nick This thread is Jesus promises YOU will stop sinning – have you stopped?Has any christian stopped sinning while in a physical, carnal human body?
meerkat replied to the topic FAITH ALONE in the forum Scriptural Teachings 16 years ago
Quote (thethinker @ Feb. 13 2009,10:20)Meerkat said:Quote Martian,You seem to be judging this board only by the vocal people who are replying negatively to your posts and challenging you Meerkat,I agree with you and and I thank you for saying this. If you challenge Martian or his sources you're just speaking “opinion”. Yet I have provided two…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic FAITH ALONE in the forum Scriptural Teachings 16 years ago
Quote (thethinker @ Feb. 13 2009,11:23)Meerkat said:Quote But if I look at 1961 {hayah} and the other places in scripture that it is used , it does not always have a future sense to it and when it has a future sense to it is because the context of the passage is future itself.I agree that it doesn't always have a future sense. I was commenting…[Read more]
meerkat replied to the topic FAITH ALONE in the forum Scriptural Teachings 16 years ago
It seems to me that there are overlaps between the threads in that faith alone vs faith plus works depends on what you mean by faith and what you mean by works – Some could be referring to faith as a mental belief in Jesus and a fear of hell causing them to abide by works of rituals of purification and obedience ie baptism then churchgoing and no…[Read more]
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