kerwin replied to the topic Was Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem or born at the Jordan? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 8 years, 7 months ago
Nick is right we all struggle because as Paul said these are bodies with sin in them, which we all have, they must be destoryed,
Your misunderstand Paul because he is not a Gnostic and that is a Gnostic statement since they believe the physical world is a flawed creation and God said human beings, including their physical bodies were a very…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic Was Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem or born at the Jordan? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 8 years, 7 months ago
Nick is right we all struggle because as Paul said these are bodies with sin in them, which we all have, they must be destoryed,
Your misunderstand Paul because he is not a Gnostic and that is a Gnostic statement since they believe the physical world is a flawed creation and God said human beings, including their physical bodies were a very…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic Why are some people homosexual? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 8 years, 7 months ago
Jesus does come to us as he states in Jn 14:18 if we received his Spirit; which is God’s Spirit that the Father gave to him.
He is not speaking of his physical presence but of his Spiritual presence. Physically he is still in heaven but Holy Spirit serves as his agent on earth.
It is one of may times that he is speaking of the u…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic Was Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem or born at the Jordan? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 8 years, 7 months ago
‘He who has died has been freed from sin’
This is true of all human beings as the dead do not sin.
For one to be freed from sin they must be freed before they die.
Paul is encouraging believers to have complete faith that they were freed from sin when they were immersed in Jesus Christ.
It is about believing God can and does do the imp…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic Was Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem or born at the Jordan? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 8 years, 7 months ago
I serves no purpose to argue over words.
You keep defining free will as random will. Random will is not free will because free will requires an individual to be subject to their own will and not to random chance.
Going by what Jesus stated we can make a choice that originates at a superior part of us than our wills for he submitted his…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic Was Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem or born at the Jordan? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 8 years, 7 months ago
I serves no purpose to argue over words.
You keep defining free will as random will. Random will is not free will because free will requires an individual to be subject to there own will and not to random chance.
Going by what Jesus stated we can make a choice that originates at a superior part of us than our wills for he submitted his…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic Was Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem or born at the Jordan? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 8 years, 7 months ago
I serves no purpose to argue over words.
You keep defining free will as random will. Random will is not free will because free will requires an individual to be subject to there own will and not to random chance. Going by what Jesus stated we can make a choice that originates at a superior part of us than our wills for he submitted his…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic Was Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem or born at the Jordan? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 8 years, 7 months ago
kerwin….JESUS SAID, “NO” man , “CAN COME”, unto me except the Father “draw” (from the Greek word drag) him”. That to me is saying it is not within a man , from his own so-called “freewill”, to chose CHRIST on his own.
You are missing information. First Jesus promised each human being that hungered and thirsted for righteousness that…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic Kuntillet Ajrud in the forum Archaeology & Biblical History 8 years, 7 months ago
God has spoken to most nations but over time his message was corrupted. The Jews managed to keep it non-corrupted though confusing in some parts. Even then they had a hard time doing it.
Just as there is but one God there is but one way of salvation but even then God judges according to the heart and takes in account mitigating and…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic Kuntillet Ajrud in the forum Archaeology & Biblical History 8 years, 7 months ago
The texts you mentioned in the head post do not predate the bible though they do predate some parts of it. They are from the first period when certain Jews were chasing after false gods. Solomon, called the wise, was very tolerant of false religions as were a number of his dependents. King David may have been more of a conqueror than…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic Kuntillet Ajrud in the forum Archaeology & Biblical History 8 years, 7 months ago
I am convinced that Scripture teaches that the husband is supposed to be the head of the household. The wife is to have a lower rank and so defer to him. He one the other hand is support serve her as Jesus serves the church.
Even in a household some males, such as laborers, children, kin, etc. hold lower rank than the wife. Rank is…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic Kuntillet Ajrud in the forum Archaeology & Biblical History 8 years, 7 months ago
The real Jesus Christ is a human being so to serve Jesus that is the one true God or even an angel is to serve the delusions of one’s own mind. That in turn is serving one self.
In addition Jesus serves us not we him. It is an idea that our society had gotten in part as we believe rulers should serve the people. It is gotten in…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic Kuntillet Ajrud in the forum Archaeology & Biblical History 8 years, 7 months ago
The language of what you quoted sounded feminist. Our society has adopted some of language while still retaining the old meanings.
kerwin replied to the topic Kuntillet Ajrud in the forum Archaeology & Biblical History 8 years, 7 months ago
Had a thought tonight when one claims Jesus as their God, does this reflect one now serves man?Had a thought tonight when one claims Jesus as their God, does this reflect one now serves man?
They do serve man when they do so but that man is not the real Jesus Christ.
kerwin replied to the topic Kuntillet Ajrud in the forum Archaeology & Biblical History 8 years, 7 months ago
YHWH and HIS Asherah
You do realize that is another way to say Asherah and Her YHWH. A possessive is used to reveal a social contract not possession. They would possibly be highly offended if you even suggested to them that is meant ownership as they had slavery.
If the possessive is removed then so does the evidence suggesting the…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic Kuntillet Ajrud in the forum Archaeology & Biblical History 8 years, 7 months ago
I do not know much about Asherah except that she pops up in various religions of the area with various names. She is also claimed to have fallen from the sky in the form near the city of Byblos. I do not think she is the goddess called city but the tendency of the people of that time to slap multible names on a person confuses the issue.
kerwin replied to the topic Kuntillet Ajrud in the forum Archaeology & Biblical History 8 years, 7 months ago
The bible condemns the worship of Asherah. She is considered the queen of heaven and like El is involved in a number of ancient religions of the middle east.
kerwin replied to the topic Kuntillet Ajrud in the forum Archaeology & Biblical History 8 years, 7 months ago
The Canaanite and Hebrew religions are confusing and like today some sects/traditions seemed to borrow from the other religion. Sometimes El translated God did have a wife but in at least some of those case she what the city. Even in Scripture there may be such references but it is considered symbolical. Even to this day we have…[Read more]
kerwin replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 7 months ago
Old English is probably a dead language and possibly extinct and may have been dead when the original manuscript of the AV of the KJV was written. The English we have today is considered a modern language as it still has native speakers.
kerwin replied to the topic Was Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem or born at the Jordan? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 8 years, 7 months ago
The Spirit does not give heavenly bliss in this world. It can give joy but I think even that is tinged with sorrow for those that will not inherit the kingdom. In addition the knowledge that all sin is malevolent and that it is common causes a maturing Christ more grief and perhaps anger as one matures. There is also glimpses of paradise.
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