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    the word TRINITY i dont really know where it comes from. it could hsve even been from a roman catholic paganism interference but the fact still remains that God must be glorified. bible saya, He uses the foolish things of this world to com-found the wise. the wisdom of God is more than the wisdom of men. if i may say this, the word trinity never appears anywhere in the bible , i was thinking if it came from roman paganism then the pope was trying to make himself a mediator between God and man. how? if we say Father, Son and Holy Spirit, then we must need a mediator to reach them, which if im not wrong, the pope was the perfect mediator. the pope claims to be Gods representative on earth. so we need him to connect to God. and our God is so wise, that is why He made sure He said,I have said that you are gods bcos, gods begat gods and Jesus said, Father, that they may they all be one, as you are in me and I am in you , may they also be in us. these are the direct words of Jesus himself not paul or some other disciples. there are so many religious beliefs that are not scriptural and we dont talk about it bcos we have been blinded by it. do you know why the jews killed Jesus? john 19:7, simply bcos He came to reveal the truth that was not hidden but was in the heart of their religion but would take a man that has the mind if God to understand it. for us to receive a revelation from God we must be a people that can be broken, bcos even Jesus Himself was broken for us. but i thank God for that word trinity bcos it has kept a consciousness of something in the minds of men that had become a puzzle but yet a reality, that there is a need for us to know who and what we are to oue heavenly Father. thanks


    i wish most of us here will come to realize the mystery of the trinity. firstly i strongly believe that God has so many hidden secrets that will only be revealed to us when we want to trust him and throw away our religious beliefs. i will not waste time but tell you this, the Holy spirit is not a third person in trinity, even if 3 bears witness, it dont mean the 3 are the same. i strongly believed in Holy Ghost, Jesus and God as trinity bcos i was brought up that way (religious).But this day i didn’t know why God took me there but He said my son, you are a part of trinity. I know it sounds crazy but just give me a minute.Jesus never said any where in the bible that the Holy Spirit and him are one and the same. But if you will remember this, through out the bible He does not fail to say “my Father and I are one and the same”. Bfor Jesus departed, He fully revealed the plan of His father as we read john17:21-23 the true meaning of where is the part the Holy Ghost is playing? it leads us to ask again, who is the Holy Ghost?. the Holy Ghost is the spirit of the Father. it is the power of God bringing these 3 together, man ,Jesus and the Father. Jesus came to us thru mary by the power of the Spirit. Jesus went back to God by the same power. Man is reconciled back to God thru Jesus by the power of the same Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Joining power or factor of these 3 in one. The plan of God was to make man be a part of Him. God is a family God. without man the purpose of the God Head ids not complete. pray, remove religion from your heart and ask God to reveal the mystery of the trinity to you. the fact that it has been a misconception all these ages dont mean it will not be known some day. if you have any more questions about the trinity, u can contact my email, THANKS

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