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  • #4162

    Okay, thanks muchas gracias people!!!


    yeah, its really cool. But the thing is, is that he has actually been talking about really wanting to get baptized for a while now. but if you could, you can pray for him too…???


    That same friend that i spoke of that believed in reincarnation and evolution and stuff and didn't know for sure what to REALLY believe in and stuff like that. He told me he got saved just the other day. Isn't that great?


    of course there are all the other times Jesus had to help the demon possessed and all in the bible… so many other times…


    in other words – faith without works is hypocracy, and works without faith are dead works… but does salvation begin now, or at the final reckoning??


    thats interesting, and i don't exactly know for sure.
    Salvation i'm sure, can begin now and keep on it until the final reckoning…wouldn't you think? hm…what would you say?



    Satan is condemed allready, he has nothing to lose!!!

    Thats cool, and true. I mean, we gotta be on our guard cause satan is lurking around and has nothing to loose as ringo put.
    Personally, i don't believe angels have sex if thats what your talking about…and I've never read the book of Enoch…i'll be sure to read it sometime.


    Well, You see, they are satans angels. In otherwords, they are Satans Messangers. They are Not refered to as GoD's angels that rebelled and followed satan. They are purly satans messangers.

    There is not even a place in bible anywhere to support that mass amounts of GoD's angels followed satan either. At least I dont think so. Never read it, or heard it, apart from the theory of satan as an angel, with a third of GoD's angels under his controll.(not in bible)

    Now…. an angel can be refered to as, someones “There angel doesnt fail to see god”(jesus talking about children, rough quote) and is still gods angel. But i see no evidence that this is true for satans beings that follow him.

    As for being locked up, GoD would not say so unless it is done. As for satan, he accuses before GoD. So yer, another reason as to say Satan is not, and has never been an angel of GoD.

    i really dont know what you mean all the way, … i mean, your saying that satan was never an angel of God…but…why? just wondering and stuff…but anyway…gotta go…getting kinda late…kinda


    yeah, your right. i was just commenting…but i understand now that i think about it. sorry bout that.


    i still like to think that the serpent in the garden was a dragon… what i want to know is, when the serpent said to eve to eat the fruit, why didn't she go, “aarrgghh – a talking snake!!” maybe animals in the garden weren't dumb…

    hey, whatsup? ok…
    back then, it was so different. why she didn't think it strange, a talking snake and all, is a mystery to me as well as to others, but i don't think we can immagine how different it was back then. maybe the animals were smarter, but i know they didn't go around trying to kill adam or eve.
    Can you imagine remembering more than 44,000 names, facts and stuff. Adam had to name ALL of those animals, and he remembered it all. could you immagine, remembering all those names. i cant even remember twenty five and get them straight without messing up the order and which goes where.
    But also, i don't know, its just a thought, but everything could have still been new to them, so Eve didn't really figure it was too much out of the ordinary for a snake to be talking. But those are just what i think, cause to me its still a mystery.

    i think it was lucifer that was translated shining one, or morning star… can't say i remember very well either

    yeah, i would think that too; in lets say the NIV, it says morning star or shining one, but if you look up the same verse in KJV or something in those matters, then it says lucifer…I just looked it up the other day actually and i might have actually posted it on this topic earlier on, but i can't be sure.


    hey. yeah, the only thing i was saying is that to be actually saved and be glorifying the Lord, you can't only have faith, but you can't only have works either. It requires both together, but faith comes before the works. but you still need both of them.


    hey, yeah, i really don't remember where it says something like that either, but i do remember it and its very interesting. And man, CS luis is good…i like his books.


    oh…i also got this off of a site i think its:

    but its real interesting.

    They tell us that 3,000,000 species of plants and animals developed from one primordial germ, in 60,000,000 years. How many new species should have arisen in the last 6,000 years? Now 20 doublings of the first species of animals would make 1,048,576 species, since 2 raised to the 20th power becomes 1,048,576. Again we will favor the evolutionists by omitting from the calculation all species of animals in excess of 1,048,576. Therefore, on an average, each of the 20 doublings would take 1/20 of 60,000,000 years, or 3,000,000 years; and, therefore, 1/2 of the entire 1,048,576 species, or 524,288 species, must have originated within the last 3,000,000 years. Can that be the case? Certainly not.


    so true…

    If evolution is true, then all of us are accidents, and therefore have no purpose in existence or accountability to a Higher Being. No one would have free choice to decide between good and evil, because there would be no good or evil. You are just a product of millions of accidents, your environment, and your genes. Death is final, and there is no eternal spirit in man.
    If creation is true, and the God of the Bible did design the world, then as Creator, He is also Owner. If He is the Owner, He has the right to set the rules. He is the ultimate authority for all mankind…each of us will answer to Him. You do have free choice, because God made you with the ability to either accept or reject His plan. Good and evil exist based upon whether or not we follow God's instructions. If creation is true, then there is a spiritual world and an afterlife


    she's still very new at this and i am afraid that she will abandon all hope or something. I havn't seen her in a while… please pray…thank you


    I still dont think satan is an angel at all, cause GoD locks away the angels that sin in chains. Awaiting Judgement.

    i do likey your thinking but i don't exactly agree with it all…

    You see, i still believe that satan is an angel. it is not explained in scripture but there ARE some angels that are locked up, and there are some angels that are not…

    Matthew 25

    41″Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

    Revelation 12

    7And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9The great dragon was hurled down–that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

    The dragon (Satan) who was indeed hurled down to the earth which i still believe he IS an angel, though a fallen one, and he had angels with him.
    I mean, i would think that would mean that there are angels roaming the earth as well as locked up…right? what do you think about this?


    *It is talking against a specific King who took power over Israel, The man thought he would be like GoD, But GoD had other plans. This is not talking about an angel.

    the part i specifically want to mention is in verse 12 where it says
    Isaiah 14: 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    The Hebrew for this expression–“light-bringer” or “shining one”–is translated “Lucifer” in The Latin Vulgate, and is thus translated in the King James Version. But because of the association of that name with Satan, it is not now used in this and other translations. Some students feel that the application of the name Lucifer to Satan, in spite of the long and confident teaching to that effect, is erroneous. The application of the name to Satan has existed since the third century A.D., and is based on the supposition that Luke 10:18 is an explanation of Isa. 14:12, which many authorities believe is not true.


    oh, another verse reffering to it is in Ezekiel 28


    As to where did God come from. My youth leader put it this way. Humans are a fly compared to God….not even. We are just stupid and cant comprehend things like eterity and perfect happyness. We have never experienced it. God has and forever will be exsistant. We just simply cant comprehend that.

    Thats very interesting and so very true.

    Another thing is like this…
    a drawing on a simple sheet of paper is 2D right, lets say they are real. The drawing is lets say, you. You can't look up or down or whatever the deffinition of 2D is, but you don't have all the abilities of a 3Dimmentional person. You can't exactly see the 3D person. Now, we are 3D. If there are other dimmentions, lets say God is in one, then, we don't have all the abilities, not even close to it, that another dimmention person has.

    We can't see radio waves either…so how do we know they go past you, but you believe they do right.

    I don't believe the theory of evolution is true at all. A theory is different than a fact. Evolution itself is change over a period of time, thats also different than the THEORY of evolution…


    you should always be on your guard, stay alert, because when you get saved, your not going to be leading a life where there are no troubles or anything. You are going into a life where there is war. It's not always easy, it shouldn't be.
    if your playing football, and you don't have the ball, and your stopped watching the cheerleaders or hot guys or somethign, the players arent going to come after you. But if you have the ball and are doing your job, then they ARE and WILL come and try to tackle you and stuff. and you have to be alert and also doing your job…like when your a christian, believer in Christ…


    very true t8
    didn't he pray to God too? and talk to him?


    Yeah, i like it a lot too, and to me, it is easy to understand…

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