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    Pierre: Matt. 10:25….It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master and the servant as his lord…!What I tried to semi quote before,…Jesus also told his disciples to go into all the world preaching and teaching them “all things, whatsoever I have commanded you”….! That quote is really from Matt.28:19…..Go ye therefore, and…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Each time Jesus sent out disciples or apostles to do the work of the ministry he sent them to preach the good news of the kingdom, heal the sick that are within, cast out demons/devils (lies & darkness) with the word/light/truth! This is the “entire” ministry of Jesus. How can anyone read the New Testament about Jesus and not know this is…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Maybe think of God dwelling in you this way. Jesus said his words are spirit! God is spirit! Jesus spoke God/spirit/words to us. If we accept them in our mind/heart and agree with them, then we have that much of God dwelling inside of us. The more spirit/words of God we consume the more God we have within us. The picture of Baptism is a…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Where do you think I get the information I write? Absolutely it is Bible based knowledge. In all the parables evil is destroyed, the bad fish is thrown back and the good fish are gathered and kept. The chaff is removed from the wheat and bundled and burned with fire. The wheat is gathered into the barn and kept. Please wake up! The meek…[Read more]

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    For all, this is an excerpt I wrote not long ago that some might find important. I desire your critique in this matter.Two of the keys of understanding the Bible that are most necessary are the timing of spiritual events and spiritual application to what is being written. When Jesus speaks he speaks in parables & spirit words which create…[Read more]

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    Pierre and Mike: Since the scriptures in Ezekiel don't use a name I take it that you imply(satan) as the object of Ezekiels writing, which doesn't appear when reading Ezekiel 28:12! Why do you insert satan as the object? Are we sucking into other men's doctrines that perhaps you have heard. Lets try thinking and reasoning outside the box a bit.…[Read more]

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    Gene: Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Whether anyone sees or understands it or not I am led to this site to fine tune my personal truth and learn from those who both know the truth and those who think they know the truth. Everybody has some truth. The ones that are truly searching for God's truth seldom waste time pointing fingers and calling…[Read more]

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    God bless you Kerwin! TK

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    Pierre: I don't see that it matters whether you call a serpent a snake or she just heard a voice in her head, the information that came was a lie against the truth. All lies or spirit/thoughts & words that do not align with God are temporary man made illusion that will be revealed and cast away eventually as we see the light of truth.I am…[Read more]

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    Hmm! Rev.4:5….Jesus Christ….”prince” of the kings of the earth! V6…hath made US kings and priests unto God! Jesus said he who is least in the Kingdom of God is the greatest! Then again in Rev.5:10….and hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth…! Sounds somewhat like a…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Quote …so Satan is also a imaginary being,? Satan is a spiritual lie against the spirit of truth! Is that a being? Maybe! How do you fight a “lie”? The only way to fight a lie is finding the truth! When the “truth” is found(light) it will cast out or dispel the darkness/untruth!!We are in search of the “truth” about God are we not? The…[Read more]

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    Kerwin: I believe that to be the truth. God is spirit, heaven is spirit, God everywhere, God is heaven. All ONE!/ The Kingdom of spirit was delivered by Jesus the spirit/words of God/spirit.I believe Jesus in each of these verses is referring to the New Spirit Kingdom and the Old/carnal/religion! In Luke he was speaking to the Jews being cast…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Emmanuel in the forum Scriptural Teachings 13 years, 2 months ago

    Charles: Like everyone on this site, we all are on a path that we hope leads to God. Much of what you say is truth but your beliefs about the physical body are unsupported by scripture and reason. The physical body has no life or mind or soul or spirit in and of itself. It is only a container of those things. A physical robe of the soul if you…[Read more]

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    Kerwin: The kingdom of heaven is as a mustard seed. To me that is a picture of a small seed (word of God) sown in the garden of our heart if we accept it, that continues to grow and get larger with more truth until it is an immovably large tree, fully established, not easily uprooted.Faith comes by hearing the words of God. Both physically and…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 13 years, 2 months ago

    Pierre: Thank you, I have accepted the judgment of God for myself. The word of God is the final judgment. Jesus gave us the words of God which are the final judgment from God. Jesus washed us with the spirit of God. Sin was washed away! One who accepts and believes the words of God from Jesus, is saved from sin, cleansed, made whole in Christ,…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Maybe you know what darkness is better than I do or even Jesus does. Jesus came to the “lost sheep”. Jesus came to a darkened world of sin. Who was in sin? Those going to temple and following mans laws, rules, rituals, washings and all types of man made religion. Those outside didn't even know what “sin” was except through temple…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 13 years, 2 months ago

    Quote (terraricca @ July 18 2011,08:55)TKFOR ALL: Faith is not “doing”! Faith is a knowing, so absolutely that something actually is that cannot yet be seen and experienced physically! In other words Faith knows something is, before its actually is manifest. Faith is calling things that be not, as though they already are!Jas 2:19 You believe that…[Read more]

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    Ed: I couldn't get any audio. But he sure dresses nice! TK

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    Princess: Quote Rom.13 the night is far gone, the day is at hand.Perhaps the night represents darkness, ignorance, no light, no incite into the truth of God, lack of knowledge which had passed away with the old covenant and the Jewish temple worship. They were in darkness and sin. They did not have the truth/light.The day of the lord has come.…[Read more]

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    Pierre: It seems you misunderstand “true humility”! True humility agrees with God no matter how it really feels. You may feel unclean or sinful or self condemning in a variety of ways but not matter how you feel about yourself, what ever God says about you is what you accept as truth. The highest respect one can give to God/Jesus is accepting his…[Read more]

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