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    Ed: A few posts back you said,….Hi Tim,How can you be without works? That is why I made the statement, ….you appear to be fully accepting of the old test…..cleansing by ritual works! and again…..righteousness is “DOING” righteous deeds….!First off, obedience unto God has always been and always will be Faith/Believing his words!! God…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic The Kingdom of Heaven in the forum Truth or Tradition 13 years ago

    1John5:20…..John says, …..we know him and we are in him, that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ….THIS IS THE TRUE GOD, AND ETERNAL LIFE!!

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    ftk replied to the topic Quotes in the forum Chatroom 13 years ago

    The mind of man is 90% full of non-experiential information garnered from second hand news, gossip, here-say and conjecture accepted by faith! (any information not personally experienced first hand, is taken by faith)

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    ftk replied to the topic The Kingdom of Heaven in the forum Truth or Tradition 13 years ago

    Psalms 8:5…….FOR THOU HAST MADE HIM A LITTLE LOWER THAN….”elohiym”…plural of…”elowahh”/”eloahh”(the Diety: or God)! That's what is says, anyone can translate it any way they desire, but the truth in the end is Diety/God! TK

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    Mark: I know we don't always see eye to eye but I have been reading this thread and watching you hold fast to the truth that God has no evil, never did have, and never will have. IMO, you are absolutely correct and have stood your ground. Whoever Lucifer is in Isaiah, some say Satan some say the Devil I say it could be Adam but that aside, Lucifer…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Quotes in the forum Chatroom 13 years ago

    Having no God at all is still a belief, which is faith.

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    Pierre: Let me see if I can get this right. You believe that your works and deeds are going to be judged by Jesus, on judgment day. There will be a ceremony of sorts and the book will be opened (as the scriptures say) and the dead will be judged by the book!! Wouldn't the book be the Bible? Gods word? You are believing you are to be judged by…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Quotes in the forum Chatroom 13 years ago

    The most incredible thing is, whatever God we choose to steadfast believe in, is truly the God we serve and the God we reflect to others! TK

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    ftk replied to the topic The Kingdom of Heaven in the forum Truth or Tradition 13 years ago

    Here is something interesting. The scripture Paul is quoting at Hebrew 2:7….in the New Testament came from Psalms, 8:5…. and it uses the word “Elohyim” that is translated as “angels”….!….for thou hast made him a little lower than “Elohyim” and hast crowned him with glory….! Wow!! TK

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    ftk replied to the topic The Kingdom of Heaven in the forum Truth or Tradition 13 years ago

    Gene: I do so agree with you. Christ “in us” is the hope of glory. Jesus is our lord and master but also our brother and first born of many. The spirit/life force/truth of God has come to us through Jesus. The words of God are the Kingdom of God, within each person. Spirit is within and without. Spirit is everywhere which is wonderful because…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Quotes in the forum Chatroom 13 years ago

    “The concept of evil is useful in moral choosing, but in actuality it is just that, a concept. Just as a shadow is only relatively real. It is not necessary to experience evil personally, yet some will in their moral progress and spiritual development. Evil becomes a reality ONLY when a mind makes evil its CHOICE.”

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    ftk replied to the topic Quotes in the forum Chatroom 13 years ago

    “I have called upon you to be born again, to be born of the spirit. I have called you out of the darkness of authority and the lethargy of tradition, into the transcendent light of the realization, of the possibility of making for yourselves the greatest discovery possible for the human soul to make – the supernatural experience of finding God for…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Peace and love to all in the very highest. I know my God through the words he gave to my savior Jesus. I have allowed the words of God to do their work in me, washing and cleansing my soul. Filling me with love, trust, peace and joy with great expectation for the future when the testing of my faith is finished and the fulness of the promise is…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 26 2011,09:38)Quote (ftk @ Sep. 25 2011,21:27)I hear the law of the lord and it is not the ten commandments.Hi Tim,If you reject the 10 commandments,you're rejecting God's laws. Jesus said the two commandments summed up all 10.Jesus also said that He gave us a new commandment: that we love one another; as he has loved us. (John…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 26 2011,04:13)Quote (ftk @ Sep. 26 2011,03:33)Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 25 2011,01:56)tkQuote Here's a question for you Ed!There are two men standing. One man believes sin exists and that sin separates God from man. He also believes that he sins every day even when he isn't aware that he sinned. He believes that he has…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Please take notice. ……Quote Jn 3:19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.Jn 3:20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.Jn 3:21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Gods “Will” is the New Testament!……….God expressed his “Will” through Jesus, the testator of the “Will” of God, who executed the “Will” of God and sealed it in blood. The “Will” being testate until Jesus, the testator of the “Will”, is no longer living. At the death of the testator the “Will” of God is made valid and executed. The…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 16 2011,14:50)tkQuote I am only what God has made me, through the words of Jesus!So are all believers!  Total equality, none greater none lessor! TKBack to topGod did not make you ,I mean you personality ,character ,ect; you did that ,the reason why we say that it is God it is to look good when we say that, but the truth…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 25 2011,03:57)Quote (ftk @ Sep. 24 2011,21:59)   If you choose to believe the old testament you have chosen the way of sin and death.Hi Tim,Your own words speak out against you!Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH! (Psalm 45:17)יהוה האלהים=117  (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm! Ed J (AKJV Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14 /…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Quote (princess @ Sep. 25 2011,08:24)Quote The old testament was distorted and altered by religious men, greedy for money and control of the peopleQuote If you accept the New Testament truthes So TK, the new testament has not been distored or altered by religious men, greedy for money and control of the people? Double standards at its best,…[Read more]

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