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    Ed: I will go over this with you once again. Please look up the greek word, translated as “doeth” in the exhaustive concordance.That greek word means,…to agree….to continue….or abode, to live in…! There is no such thing as “doing” righteousness. Righteousness is a condition created by God for his relationship with man. It is not an “act”…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 08 2011,08:01)Hi Tim,Being born of the spirit, Tim, is what keeps us from sinning. Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? (Gal.3:2-3)1John 5:18 We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that…[Read more]

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    Ed: Previous post….Quote 1) Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. (John 8:34) Notice it says “Commit”, NOT 'think'? DO, act, transgress, NOT think!2) Why do you always appear to be telling me things that don't apply to me? “I STOPPED COMMITTING SIN; PERIOD!”……You reiterate that sin is something you…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Ed) Was that post supposed to be an answer to my questions? Could you expound a little more on the questions. We have gone over that scripture in Hebrews quite extensively! TK

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Ed: I am happy to see that you recognize your sinless position. Could you please answer a question for me?1) You said you,…”stopped sinning”…..! Do you now consider yourself sinless through faith in Jesus, taking away sin, or do you consider yourself sinless because you have “stopped sinning”? TK

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    BUMP FOR ED: Is that what you say if you would like a response to some questions on the post above? TK

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    Wm: Thank you for your kind and gentle response of truth reflecting the love of God within you!If I may make a couple of points to consider: I have always been under the impression that in Heaven there is no pain, suffering, sickness, hurt, sorrow etc.! I still believe this to be so. There is no sorrow or displeasure in God. Man has created that…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ftk

    Wow! I just read one page of this site and I see two children arguing over words and terms that matter not, build up nobody and enlighten nobody! There is no grace for the hearers, and no truth for inquiring minds. Nothing to even stimulate searching the scriptures for truth. Good job fellas a page of nothing!! IMO, TK

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    Ed: …….Hi Tim,Since Point #2 is more important, I will start with that first.We are above the law, meaning we establish a law for ourselvesthat is even a higher standard than the 10 commandments Moses gave.This is what the Apostle Paul meant when he said the following in Phil.2:12-13. with fear and trembling. 13 For it is God…WORK FOR YOUR…[Read more]

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    I hit the post button. Start again!……Gal.3:16….To Abraham and his seed were the promises made..(to one seed)…Christ…and I say, that the covenant,(Abrahams promise) that was confirmed (before) of God in Christ,(before) (the law), which wasfour hundred and thirty years after,(Abrahams promise) cannot disannul, that it should make the…[Read more]

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    Ed:……I will interpret in full caps and point out what I am referring to with parentheses. ….Gal.3:16….To Abraham and his seed were the promises made..to one seed…Christ…and I say, that the covenant,(Abrahams promise) that was confirmed (before) of God in Christ, (the law), which wasfour hundred and thirty years after,(Abrahams promise)…[Read more]

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    Ed: I wish you wouldn't be so defensive. When I write, “you” I do not mean “you personally”. At least most of the time. My intent is not to make personal accusations of which for the most part I can't know what you think and speculation can be argued. You avoided a couple of questions that I wish you would answer. With more that one or two words!…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 05 2011,08:43)Quote (ftk @ Oct. 05 2011,08:16)EdYou say we are going to be judged in the future.IMO, TKHi Tim,Why do you make up things about me that are not true?Don't you know bearing false witness is a sin? (Ex.20:16)Ed J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgEd: Once again you are trying to hard to judge/condemn me…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 05 2011,08:36)Quote (ftk @ Oct. 05 2011,08:16)EdYou say we are still in sin. IMO, TKHi Tim,Why do you persist in bearing false witness?I never said anything even close to that?Ed J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgEd: If you don't believe we are still under(in) sin then why do you quote:….Don't you know bearing…[Read more]

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    Ed) If you will look up the word “commiteth” you will find a truer definintion…..WHOSOEVER COMMITETH SIN!…. I told you before what the word “commeth” means. Look it up…..Whosoever agrees with sin….whosoever abides in sin….(like when Jesus said to “abide” in his words) “dwell in” continue to think on sin….ponder and meditate on sin…[Read more]

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    All: Religion (mans ideas about God) has created an image in most people that they don't even recognize. Let take a look at the comparison of religion vs Jesus/truth Jesus said the house of God, kingdom of God, temple of God and Church of God are inside of mankind in the New Testament Truth.Religion today says come to this concrete structure on…[Read more]

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    Ed: The scriptures say….you will know the truth and the truth will “make” you free(from bondage of sin)……the choice of the word “make” instead of….”set”….you free….says to me that we were never in sin/bondage in the first place. For me, to be set free means I was bound and then set free. Make you free to me means, make you understand…[Read more]

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    Ed: You mentioned in one of your responses where I said the two covenants are completely separated and do not mix. You said…who's mixing them?…You do if you believe there is a carry-over law from the old testament to the New Testament. The New Test. has a precept for life, LOVE! It is not a law by my definition.Yes, I have learned much from…[Read more]

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    Ed: Please look and hear!…..G) The Jews said they “were never in bondage” also. (John 8:33)…..JESUS SAID THEY WERE SERVANTS OF SIN ABOUT TO LOOSE THEIR HOUSE/TEMPLE….. But what saith the scriptures: John 8:34-36 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant…[Read more]

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    Ed: You most likely got that cute little first line,…”The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed”…..from some commentary in the past but I totally disagree with its accuracy!At the beginning, with Abraham the covenant was made with God and sealed by faith. Faith was the original, the…[Read more]

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