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    Ed: Wow! So untrue! When a man is in the process of “being born again” it has NOTHING to do with his work and deeds, nice or un-nice! Being born again is re-creating ones belief system. Taking out of the mind the old, religious thoughts, doctrines, and beliefs in order to give room for the new truth from God through Jesus. The spirit of God had…[Read more]

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    Ed: You err? Pursuant to God or having to do with God, there is no such thing as an “action of righteousness”. There are acts of love and kindness but righteousness pertaining to God, is a state of cleansed, purification of man, created by God alone, for man, accepted as a gift by man, from God, by faith. Your union with God is by faith to unite…[Read more]

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    Ed: Come on man! Are you just trying to jack me up a bit? You gave “definitions of righteousness”! I have been talking about how to get or receive righteousness. I've been talking all along about God's righteousness. Righteousness in Christ (not mans morality). I'm not talking about “community” acceptance or character in actions, all judgments of…[Read more]

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    Ed: Only a fool rejects good counsel and turns away from the truth, knowingly! You refuse to interpret this scripture in alignment with many others that say righteousness is by faith(only) in God. That scripture more accurately says, …..whosoever abideth not in righteousness is, not of God….! Then you say that the scripture, at…[Read more]

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    Ed: Just a few posts back you said,….. Hi Tim,….Righteousness means “doing” what is right!That statement is saying that you can “do” or not “do” righteousness! That is not true! The righteousness of God that I speak of is by believing God made us righteous. Nothing but faith! God did it, God gave it and I believe it. TK

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    Ed: Believing that anything a person can do, to either make you righteous or more righteous or if one has the belief that any works or “good deeds” or physical “efforts” or “attempts”(on their part) to “add too” or further please God, that a man might possibly think could add to, help, increase, build up, pay for, or be in better union with God,…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Ed: If you were reaching out with “the truth” from God there would be no reason for my long responses that attempt to fully explain your error. When I say I learn from you don't forget learning can be of the truth or error. I have only seen your error, I have not found any new truth that I can recall! TK

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    Ed: Why would you purposely lie about a word that you can look up as well as I can or anybody else?You said,….Quote ….righteousness means “doing” what is right…. That is not true!!”Righteousness” is a condition created by God through Jesus. You can't do a “righteous” thing! Righteousness is a created condition of man with God, made…[Read more]

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    Ed: That is your truth! Those who believe in their works for righteousness will stand in judgment of their works. Those whose name is written in the Book of Life, have already received their judgment in full. They have eaten from the tree of life, Jesus. They partake of no evil and have no sin! They have accepted and believed in the total…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 11 2011,06:12)Hi Tim,I see your willing to explore your beliefs in light of what Scripture teaches.I hope you will also explore your beliefs of:  “righteousness” really means 'belief in' and “works” really means 'faith' .          According to Tim: “doeth” really means 'thinketh'.Here are is another instances where the same…[Read more]

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    Ed: In a way I don't really believe you want to know the truth unless it aligns with what you have already decided is the absolute truth to you. But for the sake of somebody else reading this I will expound abit. If you again look up the word that was translated “doeth” you will find it to have an…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic The Kingdom of Heaven in the forum Truth or Tradition 13 years ago

    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 10 2011,03:56)allwhen Christ was on earth ,the kingdom was among us ,but Christ has teach his disciples how to become part of that kingdom and so to let the kingdom enter the mind and heart and soul ,then the kingdom will be in us ,this kingdom is made according to the will of God ,and all who dwell within that kingdom are…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago


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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 10 2011,03:17)Quote (ftk @ Oct. 10 2011,02:58)Ed: Then what did you mean when you said, He that “doeth” unrighteousness…!I thought you said that “doeth” meant to do or doing or an act of some sort that would bring or cause righteousness!Please expound!  TKHi Tim,Righteousness means “doing” what is right.God blessEd J (Joshua…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Ed: When I was a child (in Christ) I spoke like a child, I understood like a child and learned at a child's level of learning. But when I became a man (in Christ) I put away childish things and moved on to deeper and greater things.It is clear(John6:28) that Jesus said that the work of God is to believe. When the disciples ask him, what shall we…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 10 2011,00:59)Hi Tim,So “doeth” really means 'thinketh', “righteousness” really means 'belief in' and “works” really means 'faith'; did I get this right?God blessEd J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgEd: I just told you what Jesus said the “works” of today are.Jesus said, in red letters, at John 6:28,29…..Then…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 10 2011,00:51)Quote (ftk @ Oct. 09 2011,21:09)Ed: If you continue to believe that your works and deeds aid in your salvation you completely nullify the faith in Jesus Christ as saviour of the world. IMO, TKHi Tim,What gives?   …you seem to be stuck on believing I said something I never said?God blessEd J (Joshua…[Read more]

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    Ed: The physical works and toils for acceptance from God as it was in the old testament are past. A new day has come. Spirit words from God through Jesus will do the work for man. Man cannot work his way to New Testament salvation in Christ. The only way to be saved from sin, cleansed, made whole and complete, purified and made perfect in the…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft? in the forum Debates 13 years ago

    Ed: You misunderstand the meaning of the New Testament word, “work” or “works” as pertaining to God! You define work in the physical sense like toil, try, do, acts, deeds etc.! If one is born of the spirit and serving God in spirit he would then find “work” unto God as “faith”, “believing”! Faith is the work unto God. Faith is the New Testament…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 08 2011,07:51)Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 06 2011,02:47)2) The law no longer applies to Christians. We will discuss why Tim K. has not articulated what this means.Hi Tim,We as Christians not only don't steal things that belong to others, but we give some of our things away to others who need them more than we do.God blessEd J (Joshua…[Read more]

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