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    Asana wrote:Quote You cannot provide evidence that Jesus died on the Cross you can only speculate so your entire post was an attempt to appear to be using logic or  reason but tell me then where is your PROOF?Where is your EVIDENCE that Jesus was killed or Crucified?Hello Asana…Way back in the latter part of 2010, i went into incredible detail…[Read more]

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    Quote Francis,I didn't mention you leaving our debate at all, nor did I even allude to that.  I was pointing out that just because your opponent doesn't address each of the mind-numbing amount of things you write in a single post is not to say he therefore agrees with the points he didn't have the time or patience to address.  That's all I was s…[Read more]

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    Quote FrancisI am going to assume that your desire to not respond to anything else I've written, is tantamount to you agreeing with the rest of my prior post.mikeboll64I'm going to assume that is an incorrect assumption on your part, Francis.  I know it always was when you assumed the same thing in our debate.  :)Other than that, you are doing a f…[Read more]

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    Hello Asana…You wrote:Quote Then you are like the Jews that just the mere mention that God would be pleased with a Human sacrifice keeps them from accepting Jesus as MessiahI realize that Mike will have a different response to this statement of yours… but when I read what you wrote here, something occured to me which I thought was important…[Read more]

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    francis replied to the topic Atheism in the forum Debates 12 years, 5 months ago

    Hello Stu…I don't know exactly what “women's intuition” is, but here is an interesting definition for the word “intuition” by Wikipedia:Quote Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without inference or the use of reason. “The word 'intuition' comes from the Latin word 'intueri', which is often roughly translated as meaning 'to look…[Read more]

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    Asana wrote the following…Quote Francis   I only need to respond to the most provocative statementChristians say Jesus died on the cross the Quran does not disagree with the belief of the Christian it disagrees withthe information itself. There is no debate that Jesus was believed to be killed or Crucified the Quran is saying that I understand…[Read more]

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    francis replied to the topic Atheism in the forum Debates 12 years, 5 months ago

    Quote Hi StuFine.  But what do you call an imaginary friend to a 10 year old that appears to you, then disappears?  What do you call an imaginary friend to a 13 year old that shakes your bed so hard at night, you swore someone was there pushing it.What do you call an imaginary friend that makes an object disappear from your eyesight, then r…[Read more]

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    I had originally written to t8 saying that God is not the author of confusion.Asana wrote back with this:Quote That's funny you said that God was not the Author of confusion, right?Genesis 11:7″Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.”Genesis 11:9″Therefore is the name of it…[Read more]

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    Quote I wasn't saying that any book shouldn't be in  the NTI said it's strange how they don't accept the Catholic churchthe original compilers of the Bible the protestants later removed 7 books deeming them unfit so much for the strictnessHi Asana…Actually the Protestants only removed those books from the Old Testament.  Not one was removed f…[Read more]

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    Asana wrote…Quote FrancisThe trinity was an invention that took the church by storm and so was making Jesus “GOD” There is even old literature that has been found that shows that at the time no one thought Jesus was God and that was my point the main body of Christians believe what the Catholic Church taught and then they reject the Catholic…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ April 18 2012,21:47)I believe that there are other inspired books and writings outside the Bible. I do not consider the Quaran to be one of them. It opposes scriptural truth and that is the problem I have with it.I also have the same problem with the Mormon Bible, for it too introduces heresy.Hello t8…One could argue that all truth…[Read more]

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    Quote (bodhitharta @ April 05 2012,12:39)Everyone here that I know of says they cannot accept the Quran, that they follow the Bible but the strangest thing of all was given to them by People they vehemently oppose which is the Catholic Church  many if not most here have nothing nice to say about this Church and yet they trust implicitly how that…[Read more]

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    what happened to Bodhitharta ?

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    Hey guys…I have been without a computer for the past couple of days because we've been snowed in and the computer at home is not working.  I'm writing this from where I work which is not something that is favorably looked upon here, but this is the first chance I've had to let you know what is happening.I'm trying to get a friend over to my…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of francis

    Ed J…Quote It looks like Francis decided to quit the debate with Mike.  He said proving The Truth was the goal of the debate, but it now appears that he meant only Francis' truth!Ed… Ed… Ed… Ed… C'mon Ed, I'm not quitting and I did not give you any cause to make such a statement.I'm very busy… and with Mike's blessing… we both went…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of francis

    Hello Mike…Quote Whoa!  Are you angry, Francis?Angry? Whaaaatttt?  Where do you get that from?  Even when you and Ed J made remarks that appeared to challenge my honesty, I was never  angry with either one of you.  Dissappointed?  Absolutely!!  Angry?  Never.Quote Not that I'm happy to hear it, but let's just say I expected it sooner or later.<…[Read more]

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    I put a response into the wrong thread, so I took it out and put it in the other thread. Sorry.

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    Hello Mike…Quote You want to know if I will acknowledge that “elohim” can MEAN “God”.  I have stated for the record that I do NOT  believe “God” to be a NAME of our Creator, but a TITLE.  And I do not believe the English word “God”, as we understand  it, to be a bonafide DEFINITION of the word “elohim”.But I have also clearly said that I can…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of francis

    Hello Mike…Quote Hi Francis,After wading through about a million words explaining to me how DIRECT you are, your answer to my ONE SINGLE (NOT TWO) QUESTION is, in essence:Yes Mike, there ARE those in scripture referred to as “elohim” who are neither God Almighty nor a “false god”.It took a million words to demonstrate to you how direct I was…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of francis

    Hello Mike…First of all, before I  go through your most recent post, I do want to say that I accept your apology… even though I have to confess that it comes across as a bit insincere to me the moment you characterized the “honesty” issue as silliness… and when you again raised the “honesty” issue by writing: “So, PLEASE…………..just…[Read more]

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