Cyrus replied to the topic No one could answer him in the forum Faith 11 years, 2 months ago
This whole question is a waste of time even answering it has gone on for the last 6ooo years & there is still no resolution to this answer. It is who He is, not what He is Ps 50 :21 You have made me as you are!!! and He is not as we are. If you really want to know about The Lord God stop asking fruitless dumb questions, Truly repent from your sins…[Read more]
Cyrus replied to the topic Tribulation Timing in the forum Prophetic News & Eschatology 11 years, 2 months ago
HiYa, If the Great Tribulation, The Breaking of the Seven Seals & the Rapture associated with this doctrine, is a futureistic event and hasn't happened yet!!! It is impossible for the blood of Christ to avail for us and there is no everlasting New Testament Covenant.Cyrus javascript:%20InstaSmilie()