childofthelight replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 21 years, 9 months ago
You are so kind, thank you. I have downloaded it and will read it soon. I went to the website that is listed at the beginning — it was for the Christian Family Fellowship. I just wanted to check out where this writer was coming from. It was a good place and from what I saw it was doctrinally right on. So, I will read and get back with my t…[Read more]
childofthelight replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 21 years, 9 months ago
I couldn’t get it to download, would you e mail it to me?Thanks!
childofthelight replied to the topic love among all in the forum Faith 21 years, 9 months ago
I would like to add that the wars fought in the name of religion were at a time when government and church were the about the same thing. The church was an empire, and the governments were under the church–and they were out for conquest. They fought wars in the name of God, but served the empire, not the Lord.Hope I said that right
childofthelight replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 21 years, 9 months ago
Hey guys, glad you bring this up. I am going through doctrinal discussions with my friend who is a “jehovah's” witness and they don't believe in an eternal Hell either.I have found the following scriptures which, several coming from Christ, are enough to convince me of eternal, conscious, fiery torment. Here they are:Whose fan is in his hand, a…[Read more]
childofthelight replied to the topic Definition of Christ in the forum Scriptural Teachings 21 years, 9 months ago
Thank you, this helps mucho!!
childofthelight replied to the topic Definition of Christ in the forum Scriptural Teachings 21 years, 9 months ago
Hi all! I am new here and am sooo impressed by the thoughtfulness and knowledge that I have read here. I have a question and was hoping someone could help me. What does the title of Christ mean? Thanks!