Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 3 months ago
<span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>A correction (or addition) to my statement about digging deeper using Strong’s Greek and Hebrew Lexicon</span>
(I’m not getting pulled back into this conversation, but I did want to correct a statement I made and make a couple more comments since I just saw an incorrect statement or two as the final posts…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 3 months ago
<span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>A correction (or addition) to my statement about digging deeper using Strong’s Greek and Hebrew Lexicon</span>
(I’m not getting pulled back into this conversation, but I did want to correct a statement I made, and make a couple more comments since I just saw an incorrect statement or two as the final…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 3 months ago
A quick correction (or addition) to my statement about digging deeper using Strong’s Greek and Hebrew Lexicon
(I’m not getting pulled back into this conversation, but I did want to correct a statement I made, and make a couple more comments since I just saw an incorrect statement or two as the final posts of this thread)
I was just looking up…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
You do realize you’re trying to teach me basic Christian doctrine as if I don’t already know it, right? lol It doesn’t help your case, though. None of it disproves hell being temporary.
You see, Hebrews 10:26 doesn’t help your case because it doesn’t speak of the timespan of hell being eternal. Also, it says “judgment,” which is…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
I understand where you’re coming from and I respect that. I’ll explain how I view God’s nature, because your last message expresses your view of God’s nature.
The Bible says, “God is Love.” It never says, “God is Justice.” It does say God is “just,” but that’s describing a component of His nature, not His nature itself. So He is…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for answering my questions. Very few hold your belief on this matter, but I’m aware of your view. I learned it years ago. But one cannot discuss a redemptive hell with someone that has your belief. There’s no point since your view is so far out there. I’m fine discussing this subject with people who hold one of the more…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
When you answer my questions, I’ll respond.
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
Then anytime I mention hell, especially in my questions to you, I want you to assume I’m talking about the hell that comes after the second resurrection and judgment, okay?
So now, go back to my questions I asked you about Jesus’ parable about the king who threw the man in the dungeon for not forgiving others their debt. Answer those…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
Thank you for answering my questions. Now I understand your belief better.
So, if a person goes to the wait position and then is resurrected and judged, where will he go from there? If he’s saved, he goes into the millennial kingdom? If he’s not saved, he goes to hell? I’m asking so I can better understand your belief on hell.
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
I said that I would not respond to you unless you answered my questions, which you did not. When you’re ready to answer the questions from my last post, then I’ll respond to your post. It’s called respect for one another rather than dodging questions because you have no good answers to support your doctrines. I didn’t ask you if you…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
Excellent question. Jesus answers that question with the parable of the man whose debt is forgiven by the king. When the man doesn’t forgive his debtors like the king forgave his debt, the king puts him in the dungeon until the last cent of his debt is paid. In other words, there is an end to his imprisonment. If Jesus were describing…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
1 Timothy 4:10 “Jesus Christ, savior of ALL men, ESPECIALLY those who believe.”
Why would Timothy say that Jesus is the savior of all men, but especially of those who believe? That means he actually saved everyone, but those who believe are even more blessed than those who don’t believe. So those who don’t believe are still saved. If those who…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
It took me all of a few minutes to look up the two different words translated as punishment in the NT in an online lexicon. And like I said…the one used with hell is corrective punishment, and the one Paul uses to describe what he did to the Christians was the vengeful punishment. Very simple. Very quick to research.
Jesus is the one who uses…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
It took me all of a few minutes to look up the two different words translated as punishment in the NT in an online lexicon. And like I said…the one used with hell is corrective punishment, and the one Paul uses to describe what he did to the Christians was the vengeful punishment. Very simple. Very quick to research.
Jesus is the one who uses…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
So you don’t want to dig deeper to learn the truth about the Greek words that will tell you what hell really is?
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
I have a suggestion to speed up your study and make it more objective. Forget everything you know for right now and just study as if you think he’ll could very well be eternal. The reason for this is to keep your mind from constantly trying to disprove it. Until you learn this view and it’s foundational components and it’s arguments, you…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
You’re missing vital steps to this process. That’s what causes false doctrines. Research needs to be extremely thorough and objective.
You never looked at a Greek Lexicon to get the real definition of the words. As I explained before, the Strong’s is merely giving what the different translations have defined the word as, including our…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
I appreciate your desire to dig and find the truth. Revelation basically is saying that the Lake of Fire is the second death. Unfortunately, that doesn’t give us any indication of whether hell is eternal nor not. All of this studying comes down to a few simple things:
- Is the punishment spoken of in the NT correctional or not?
What do…Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
Don’t forget how “owlam” and “aion/aionios” are used. “Aion,” in Greek, means “age.” But when you put “aion” next to a word we know is eternal (like God), then “aion” means “eternity.” So even though “aion,” which means “age,” means a period of time, it means eternity when paired with something like “God,” because we know God is eternal.…[Read more]
Brian replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 4 months ago
Yeah, I’ve researched all of those words and more. 🙂 This is a good start, but you can’t go off of the Strong’s alone because Strong’s gives you all the different ways our translations have translated those words. It does not give the actual meaning of the word, often times, though. That’s why I mentioned going to a Hebrew lexicon online…[Read more]
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