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  • #280157

    And it also says that when we see him Jesus as he really is we will be like him.
    So many are waiting for a physcial return and so never change and experince the great indwelling of Gods presence and all that comes with that.
    Becoming one with God just as the man Jesus was one with God and just as his Fayher worked through Jesus he will now work thourgh all who are truly His.
    This is a growing process as we learn the same way Jesus did we will become just like Him because now God will dwell in us as the seed the word now is our life.
    What could be greater then this? So many think rescued by a man flying out of the sky is greater then the God of all creation now being your life.
    So many our not willing to loose their natural life and church ideas to gain eternal life in Christ now.
    Because just like Jesus then they will only be popular with those who are truly His and all those who have gone before.
    Who are now on thier tip toes saying go man go.
    My brothers and sisters let us encourage each other to winn this race and go on and take hold of the prize of the high calling of God that is in Christ Jesus.


    It may be a good idea to not take one scripture and try to make a picture out of it that it is not really painting.
    In the above taking these scriptures to say Jesus created all things in the sweet by and by at first looks like it may be a good idea to support the way we have been told it must have been. When in truth we must take all scripture as a whole to see what is really being said. So many just see Jesus at the cross jesus after the cross and jesus in the past as the word of God all as the same. Like he was a man in heaven or the unseen and God some how shrunk him down and put Him in Mary and now He still is this physcial man up in heaven. To the natural mind all this seems to make sense. The truth is much greater. If we would stick to the idea of God being one and go from there we would in a short time begin to grow by leaps and bounds. Trouble is we also become less popular with the status quo. Oh any way just some things to think about.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 23 2012,07:31)
    Hi CD,
    This is a worldly forum so you will find every attitude apparent in the world.
    Some are only here to throw stones from their religious towers.
    But it is far better than it was two years ago.

    Most now are sincere seekers keen to learn.

    Hey Nick
    Sounds good brother.
    I like it when brothers can and do live in peace.
    I know also that our Father is all about taking care of those who like to throw rocks. Many think this will never happen the truth is it is happening right now. He the Christ is walking amoung the candle sticks and it is He Himself who will deal with those who continue to act as if they are the judges and care takers of the children of God. The ones who are truly in charge will do so sternly and with the up most care. Our God is really a consuming fire and many things are so much diffrent then most know. The fear of the lord is about to become a very real thing to many. It is just time. Many of the peole God is sending out at the moment is for the sole porpose of checking peoples hearts that all would know what is really in them. The true children will not kill their own all will soon know who is and who inst. And it will be evedent to all with eyes to see and ears to hear. The biggest reason I did not want to stay was not about me it was about all of you.
    Judgement is coming to the house of God. Even Jesus was smart enough to keep His mouth shut and let God sort it all out. Where does that leave all of us? There is a diffrence between sounding a warning and making a judgment against a brother or sister. Some things are all right for children to do many are past that stage and many are not even His children to begin with. Any place where any gather in the name of Christ there He will be in the midst of them and the warning is going out. I love all those here those who and who are not His but when I come I never come for no reason family business is all I am interested in and so is our Father.


    In Fact I will say you can know all the great mystries of the kingdom and treat your brother badly and find your self in the bread line. There are many here who just because they disagree about something think they have the right to say very rude and cutting remarks to another as if they are not related. Well in some cases that may be true. But many who think they are standing will find they are headed for a fall.
    All the bible knowledge in the world will not help a cutting tounge and God is saying beware how you treat one another.
    In the times we are in this will be more of a dividing line then any thing else. Moses hit the rock more then once and did not enter in to the promise land. Striking your brother or sister over doctrine will not be tolerated any longer. It is fine to disagree about things it is quite something else to call names and such like heartic and many others things because you think you are right. I would tell every one in the very kindest way beware of how you treat one another. Even how you treat unbelivers. So many think God is far off many are about to learn He is closer then your next breath.


    I have been doing this for a long time.
    There is nothing you could say to harm me.
    I take some things others say into considaration but only do what I hear my Father say do.
    I have been waiting for nearly 30 years for the times we are in now when i could have been doing many other things.
    I am more then up to the task I really can do all things through Christ who is my strength.
    Thank you for the thought. I will be just fine. I can guarntee you though that things around here will change big time. Because it is time. That is why I was a little hesatint about staying I believe many are in for a wake up call. All those who continue to treat their brothers and sisters like trash I would say time is up this will be no more.


    I have to agree a very good answer Nick.
    I have been thinking on sticking around seems there are a few who are truly His and it may be a place to hang out for a season we will see. My only real concern was time and not to be wasting it. I guess if there is even one who is really his and we could be of help it is worth the effort. We will see.
    Any way good answer Nick.


    Quote (shimmer @ Feb. 22 2012,22:17)

    Quote (cavedave @ Feb. 22 2012,12:03)
    You know what I really dont see the point. Forums seem to be mostly a waste of time. I think I could find better ways to spend it. You all have a nice day.

    Cavedave.  There is some posters here who you need to IGNORE.  The way they treat you, it has happened so many times I guess people here are used to it.  Don't take it personal.  I was really interested in your posts.  As Nick said, there ARE silent listeners, I'm one.  So if you want to do a few more posts, I will silent read, as i'm sure others will.  I can understand how you are feeling.

    I learned many years ago not to take it personel. I know to forgive them because they dont know what they are doing.
    I just dont know if I want to spend the time it takes to do this and would not want to be wasting said time if I could be doing something else. For those of you who already are growing I know who you are and our Father is faithfull. For those who think they are and are not but continue to attack and curse the true children all I see is something like what happened to the children of Israel in 70AD and they thought they had it right to. I will think about this and see where it may lead. I also know that no matter how much scripture you show those who are anti Christ they will never see nor hear the truth. Because Christ does not live in them they are always waiting and have no idea who or what God really is. If they knew they would be very scared very scared indeed.


    You know what Ed i believe i understood it perfectly. And I also have better things to do then to argue with people who are ever hearing and never learning. I believe it was a mistake to come on this forum there is always someone waiting to poke you in the eye and of course all in the name of God.


    You know what I really dont see the point. Forums seem to be mostly a waste of time. I think I could find better ways to spend it. You all have a nice day.


    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2012,08:09)

    Quote (cavedave @ Feb. 22 2012,04:50)

    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 22 2012,04:16)

    Quote (cavedave @ Feb. 22 2012,10:52)

    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 22 2012,02:29)

    Quote (cavedave @ Feb. 22 2012,09:12)
    Many are looking for the kingdom in the wrong places.
    Jesus said the kingdom was with in us.
    Everthing on the out side all we can see with our eyes are pictures of spritural truth and the the truth is Christ and Christ is now in us. Or as Paul said unless you fail the test.
    If Christ is in you then so is all of the kingdom of God and all that it is about. The natural world we live in is made up of seas trees grass mountains rivers all things you will find in scripture that speak about spritural truth. Painted by the hand of the one true God to help those called into the kingdom of God. There is way more going on on the inside then is on the out side. If there inst then maybe things are not what you think they are. All things are fullfilled in Christ all things are now for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
    All others continue to wait and will not turn so He would heal them and make them whole. In Christ the old has passed away and all things have been made new. What or who will you believe. All who tell you to wait or the one who said it is finished. Decisions Decisions.


    this seems to be much about a presentation of a big talk full of no were to bring you.

    If that is all you see a big talk then that is all you see.
    I was speaking to those who have ears to hear all others will just think it is a big noise. And that is just fine. If God himself does not open ones eyes to truth all the big talk in the world will do no good in fact little talk will do no good either. I am sorry you wasted your time reading my big talk and seen no benafit in what you read.


    I was speaking to those who have ears to hear

    are you God ????????????????????????????????? :)

    I hope you already know the answer to your question.
    As Jesus was so are we in this world. Or we should be.
    He was a man indwelt by the living God and so should we be.
    Does that make us God no. Did that make him God no. God is drawing all men through these vessels of clay the same as He has always been doing. And if they did not listen to Jesus why would they listen to us because it is Christ in us to that they think is silly and they are not even aware of it. Just as they were not aware 2000 years ago some things never change. People put Jesus up on a pedastil and dont even relize that he came to be an example to all who would follow Him. God was in a man in Jesus Christ and now God is in a whole body of men and women and some of them are really waking up from their sleep and relizing who they really are in Him. All others continue to slumber in the dust of mans ways.

    Cave dave.

    I agree with you,except Jesus was born by the will of God,and we are born by the will of men.
    Jesus is the word made flesh,and he is the creator of all.
    God spoke his WORD and it is done.


    The bible says we have been 1 peter 1:23 born again by Gods word. I think I would rather believe what is written then your thought on this subject. And was is written agrees with what I know to be true. That is if you truly are born again it is not by the will of man but by the will of God. First time natural second time spritural.


    I believe if you would listen to brother Nick in the above post and look at the scriptures he put up you would find that it is God Himself trying to get you to see something in all we are saying to you. I could not say it better then the scriptures he has listed. It does not matter all that God has done in my life can only be a witness it is Christ and Christ alone who can bring life and understanding.


    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 22 2012,04:37)

    Quote (cavedave @ Feb. 21 2012,14:35)

    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 20 2012,08:37)

    Quote (Marlin1 @ Feb. 20 2012,15:28)

    Many times we make things far more diffacult then they need to be. God is Spirit and there is now where you can go and be away from Him. So many think as Gods Spirit as something
    He does as an after thought. Many things are written to those with limited understanding so He gives us pictures and shadows of things and then men do as they always do they make the pictures into doctrine and kill all those who cross the lines of thier limited understanding. The one God is not a spirit cut up in pieces. God is Spirit Him and His word are one.
    And we are one with Him in Christ. The funny part is all the scripture in the world will not get any to see these things.
    Only knowing Him or being in Him will do this. As Paul said no one told me these things. He knew about God because he knew Him. He Christ Gods very word the living word not the dead letter was now his life. This is how it should be with all those who are truly His all else is folly. The one true God is Spirit. He gives us all of who He is in Christ and now Christ is in us if we have truly been born from above. The sons of God would never kill or cut off a brother or sister for what they believe it would be the same as cutting off your own arm. Sometime children will do this to their parents. This is spritural not natural children or parents. In this day many of the children will rise up to kill the parents or elders thinking they will lose thier place in the world or church system. Though in the times ahead none will be able to stay the hand of our Father for He is a mighty God and all the world will know this for sure shorlty.

    AMEN  :D :D :D



    And we are one with Him in Christ.

    is this your personal feeling?
    is it that Christ himself told you ??
    is it some thing you have been told from some one ??
    is it some thing you have read in scriptures ??
    is it some from your religion teachings??
    or is it >>>>>>>>>>>>??

    Being one with God in Christ should be real for all true believers. The scripture will only confirm what should be already true and real to the true child of God. This should not be something someone needs to tell you. Did you need to be told who your earthly parents were? Why would we need to be told who are heavenly Father was and that we are His.
    So many think they choose Him when in truth He was the one who choose us in Christ long before we were even born in the flesh. The flesh is just the start of this journey. A ticket to play this game we call life in Christ. First the natural then the spritural. We all must come this way even Jesus had to. We all just like Jesus should have our Father say this is my son in whom I am well pleased as we all dwell in the one Son in whom He our Father in well pleased.


    Did you need to be told who your earthly parents were? Why would we need to be told who are heavenly Father was and that we are His.

    so what you saying it does not matter if I do not know my parents because I am a orphan ,or I have been adopted,??

    God is true remains the same to all but that fact does not make him known to us ,it is only the scriptures that make him know to us.just has the son was send from God to make his father known to men ,

    We all just like Jesus should have our Father say this is my son in whom I am well pleased as we all dwell in the one Son in whom He our Father in well pleased.


    Your earthly parents have nothing to do with being made new in Christ. They only made it possible for you to be in the clay vessel you posses. Those in the kingdom have put off the old man and put on the new. Either people are looking forward to a ressurection or in the past. Jesus said I am the ressurection.
    If He is now your life then you have already been raised from amoung the dead in Adam to those who are alive in Christ. Now God is our Father and we have a whole new family made up of all those who have been made alive in Christ. So many only have hope in their flesh and can not see the truth of the scriptures.


    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 22 2012,04:16)

    Quote (cavedave @ Feb. 22 2012,10:52)

    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 22 2012,02:29)

    Quote (cavedave @ Feb. 22 2012,09:12)
    Many are looking for the kingdom in the wrong places.
    Jesus said the kingdom was with in us.
    Everthing on the out side all we can see with our eyes are pictures of spritural truth and the the truth is Christ and Christ is now in us. Or as Paul said unless you fail the test.
    If Christ is in you then so is all of the kingdom of God and all that it is about. The natural world we live in is made up of seas trees grass mountains rivers all things you will find in scripture that speak about spritural truth. Painted by the hand of the one true God to help those called into the kingdom of God. There is way more going on on the inside then is on the out side. If there inst then maybe things are not what you think they are. All things are fullfilled in Christ all things are now for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
    All others continue to wait and will not turn so He would heal them and make them whole. In Christ the old has passed away and all things have been made new. What or who will you believe. All who tell you to wait or the one who said it is finished. Decisions Decisions.


    this seems to be much about a presentation of a big talk full of no were to bring you.

    If that is all you see a big talk then that is all you see.
    I was speaking to those who have ears to hear all others will just think it is a big noise. And that is just fine. If God himself does not open ones eyes to truth all the big talk in the world will do no good in fact little talk will do no good either. I am sorry you wasted your time reading my big talk and seen no benafit in what you read.


    I was speaking to those who have ears to hear

    are you God ????????????????????????????????? :)

    I hope you already know the answer to your question.
    As Jesus was so are we in this world. Or we should be.
    He was a man indwelt by the living God and so should we be.
    Does that make us God no. Did that make him God no. God is drawing all men through these vessels of clay the same as He has always been doing. And if they did not listen to Jesus why would they listen to us because it is Christ in us to that they think is silly and they are not even aware of it. Just as they were not aware 2000 years ago some things never change. People put Jesus up on a pedastil and dont even relize that he came to be an example to all who would follow Him. God was in a man in Jesus Christ and now God is in a whole body of men and women and some of them are really waking up from their sleep and relizing who they really are in Him. All others continue to slumber in the dust of mans ways.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 22 2012,02:32)
    Hi T,
    They were carnal men till he died and they were given the Spirit.
    The Spirit teaches but not according to the natural mind.
    Be transformed by the renewal of your mind

    Hello Nick
    I precieve there is wisdom in them there words.
    You dont say a lot brother but the little I have read seems good to me.
    Thank You.


    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 22 2012,02:29)

    Quote (cavedave @ Feb. 22 2012,09:12)
    Many are looking for the kingdom in the wrong places.
    Jesus said the kingdom was with in us.
    Everthing on the out side all we can see with our eyes are pictures of spritural truth and the the truth is Christ and Christ is now in us. Or as Paul said unless you fail the test.
    If Christ is in you then so is all of the kingdom of God and all that it is about. The natural world we live in is made up of seas trees grass mountains rivers all things you will find in scripture that speak about spritural truth. Painted by the hand of the one true God to help those called into the kingdom of God. There is way more going on on the inside then is on the out side. If there inst then maybe things are not what you think they are. All things are fullfilled in Christ all things are now for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
    All others continue to wait and will not turn so He would heal them and make them whole. In Christ the old has passed away and all things have been made new. What or who will you believe. All who tell you to wait or the one who said it is finished. Decisions Decisions.


    this seems to be much about a presentation of a big talk full of no were to bring you.

    If that is all you see a big talk then that is all you see.
    I was speaking to those who have ears to hear all others will just think it is a big noise. And that is just fine. If God himself does not open ones eyes to truth all the big talk in the world will do no good in fact little talk will do no good either. I am sorry you wasted your time reading my big talk and seen no benafit in what you read.


    Many are looking for the kingdom in the wrong places.
    Jesus said the kingdom was with in us.
    Everthing on the out side all we can see with our eyes are pictures of spritural truth and the the truth is Christ and Christ is now in us. Or as Paul said unless you fail the test.
    If Christ is in you then so is all of the kingdom of God and all that it is about. The natural world we live in is made up of seas trees grass mountains rivers all things you will find in scripture that speak about spritural truth. Painted by the hand of the one true God to help those called into the kingdom of God. There is way more going on on the inside then is on the out side. If there inst then maybe things are not what you think they are. All things are fullfilled in Christ all things are now for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
    All others continue to wait and will not turn so He would heal them and make them whole. In Christ the old has passed away and all things have been made new. What or who will you believe. All who tell you to wait or the one who said it is finished. Decisions Decisions.


    Quote (shimmer @ Feb. 21 2012,22:02)

    Quote (cavedave @ Feb. 21 2012,23:17)

    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 21 2012,17:42)
    Hi CaveDave,

    What did you see,
    and what did you here?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Paul said in 2 Cor 12: 1 that what he seen and heard was inexpressible that is why I know what he was talking about.
    That is also why he did not write a book about it. It was and is something you can not express to another. And I like Paul am not even going to try. All the books that have been written in the last few years about visits to heaven are fairy tales for iching ears and those who are slow of heart. True spritural things can not be explained they need to be sprituraly discerned. Those with ears to hear will know the truth all the rest will think that only a mouse farted. The true wisdom of God means nothing to most all. That is how far most are from what God is really about. He truly does take the foolish of this world to confound those who think they are wise. Our weekness is we do not apear to be any thing to the biggest portion of people. Kinda like this guy who claimed to be the son of God 2000 years ago. I know no body here would have said put him up on that cross he is a fraud. Guess what when we do it to the least of these we are doing it to him. For we are one with Him. Some of us after many years are coming out and finding so many still in darkness thinking they are in the light. It is not what you know it is whos you our. Those who are truly his will not kill their brothers or sisters in word or deed. They may disagree they may bring correction they will not ever throw one another away with their words.

    Hi Cavedave, Amen.

    I know exactly what you're saying.

    Hello shimmer
    And a hearty amen to you also and thank you.


    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 21 2012,19:11)

    Quote (cavedave @ Feb. 21 2012,12:05)
    The thing Paul was trying to explain was a being caught up in the Spirit. He could not tell if he had left his physcial body or not. It was because the experince was so real to him. if ever you experince this same thing you will know just what he ment. And you will also know that heavenly things can not be explained to others they have to be experinced. He said he heard things that could not be spoken of. It was not that he was forbidden to speak of them it was they were things you would not understand because he didnt. Things that truly come from God need to be reveled by Him. To many look at scripture and think they know what it means and they are just making their best guest. Sometimes we just need to say you know what I dont know that. Instead most poke around and ending up poking their own eye out. I like Paul knew a man some 25 years ago weather in the body or out I dont know who was caught up to the thrid heaven and that is how I know this. it is not just something I read it is something I know first hand.

    Cave Dog,

    Are you writing what someone else has told you?  I ask because your understanding has Paul speaking in the third person.  It also seems to contradict the following verse.

    2 Corinthians 12
    New International Version (NIV)

    5 I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses.

    My handle is not cave dog it is cavedave if you truly wanted to know something I would think that addressing someone in the proper way would get the job done. I also think that what you want to do is argue and that is why you have stated this the way you did. Since you already seem to think you have the answer I would say why ask? Is not your answer a good one. Looks good to me.


    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 21 2012,17:42)
    Hi CaveDave,

    What did you see,
    and what did you here?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Paul said in 2 Cor 12: 1 that what he seen and heard was inexpressible that is why I know what he was talking about.
    That is also why he did not write a book about it. It was and is something you can not express to another. And I like Paul am not even going to try. All the books that have been written in the last few years about visits to heaven are fairy tales for iching ears and those who are slow of heart. True spritural things can not be explained they need to be sprituraly discerned. Those with ears to hear will know the truth all the rest will think that only a mouse farted. The true wisdom of God means nothing to most all. That is how far most are from what God is really about. He truly does take the foolish of this world to confound those who think they are wise. Our weekness is we do not apear to be any thing to the biggest portion of people. Kinda like this guy who claimed to be the son of God 2000 years ago. I know no body here would have said put him up on that cross he is a fraud. Guess what when we do it to the least of these we are doing it to him. For we are one with Him. Some of us after many years are coming out and finding so many still in darkness thinking they are in the light. It is not what you know it is whos you our. Those who are truly his will not kill their brothers or sisters in word or deed. They may disagree they may bring correction they will not ever throw one another away with their words.


    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 21 2012,17:20)
    Hi CaveDave,

    Are you suggesting that the Apostle Paul
    was speaking of himself in the third person?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    He may have been or he may have been speaking of someone he knew. My point was I know these things from the same stand point. I could tell you I had the same experince but that tends to put people off as if we are making some big deal about our selves and we become hard to relate to. Which is why I believe he wrote it the way he did. I dont know about his experince because I read it in the bible I had the same experince and read it in the bible and know what he was talking about for the same reasons.

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