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    Ben E: The sun/moon allegory was not scriptural…it was just an observation…one that obviously has been noticed many times. Perhaps your assessment is more fitting.Nick The “outer man decaying” represents our physical existence. If you read the whole chapter, the context should make it abundantly clear what Paul is saying. There is nothing…[Read more]

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    The sons of thunder were James and John. Peter was not so named. The triadic 'supporter' is mistaken and his reasoning is most flawed. Might as well start looking for hidden code. This type of superstitious babble usually comes from a RC.MM: What exactly is your posting of all those verses supposed to prove? Was that the 56 others? Other what?…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years, 7 months ago

    For childofthelight: (I hope its not too late) COTL, we must read carefully when reading scripture because it is easy to jump to false conclusions. Let's look at the verses you posted but CAREFULLY so:Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years, 7 months ago

    I'm going to jump right in with my understanding of the logistics that will effect all of the events as described in scripture.Lake of fire: The earth's molten interior surfaces through many cracks in the crust (plates) and vents (volcanoes). The Great Rift Valley includes the separation of two plates extending beneath the Dead Sea. Due to the…[Read more]

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    This will be tough covering all that has been written but I will attempt to do my best. I tend to agree with most everything that Ben Elohim has said. Indeed, soul (Hebrew: nephesh; Strong's 05315) means living being or creature. The soul can be killed or destroyed and it can perish or die. The 'soul' of scripture (in most cases) is NOT the soul…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Rapture in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 7 months ago

    I believe you are on the right track, t8. The tribulation, which God's children will have to endure is Satan's persecution of the saints. God's bowl judgments follow the last trump and it is wicked men that will suffer these judgments from God. There is possibly some overlap between Satan's persecution of Christians and God's judgments of sinners.…[Read more]

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    Thank you both and God bless.t8 said: Quote We can only speculate for who knows the mind of God?Romans 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!Nick Hassan said: Quote Knowledge is not wisdom.Thanks for pointing that out.

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    t8 said: Quote Jesus is not good only God is. That means that Jesus is not the source of good, but the recipent of it. All that he has that is good is given to him by God his Father. He was simply acknowledging that it is God who has done all that they saw Jesus do. He also said that I only do what the Father does, so he is trying to give all the…[Read more]

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    Nick Hassan wrote: Quote The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. In some versions of the bible the Spirit is personified as “He” or “Him” and “His” -in fact abouit 16 times in Jn 14-16. But in fact I understand that is not correct as the word used would be better as “it”Personifying the word gives the impression that the Spirit is a person separate…[Read more]

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    Nick Hassan said: Quote Godlessness is punished and all who do not obey the Son…eternally. Surely this doesn't mean that you believe in the eternal torment of sinners? This doctrine is ever bit as heinous and equally pernicious as the Trinity doctrine. We have Dante Alighieri to thank for such preposterous pagan beliefs as purgatory and this…[Read more]

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    Thank you all for your kind responses (and the mild chiding). If you re-read my post, you will see that I agree that no one will ever approach God's wisdom and/or power. He will remain the Supreme Being forever and ever.I also agree that God lives outside the realm of time and space and can, therefore, declare the end before the beginning.There is…[Read more]

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    A good question and one IMPOSSIBLE to answer with any certainty. Here are some thoughts (this question has been pondered quite often):Either knowledge is static or dynamic. This means that either the knowlewdge base is finite or ever-expanding (growing).If knowledge is finite, let us assume that God is the sum of all this knowledge. Now, if there…[Read more]

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