Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 1 month ago
You really need to look up divinity, because no one is denying Christ divinity. Divinity means godlike qualities, which jesus certainly has being the son of god. But being divine in no way means he is god. By say he is god is saying that he is a liar. Jesus told us that he is the son of god and to worship the father in spirit and truth.…[Read more]
Becky commented on the post, What is your confession regarding Jesus 11 years, 1 month ago
You really need to look up divinity, because no one is denying Christ divinity. Divinity means godlike qualities, which jesus certainly has being the son of god. But being divine in no way means he is god.
Becky replied to the topic Trinity Doctrine resources in the forum Truth or Tradition 11 years, 2 months ago
That is where you have to choose what cult teachings you want to believe. I for one choose to not believe in the cult teaching of the trinity. I choose to believe who Jesus told us he is, the son of god, the messiah, and our savior.
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
Fact? Really look up the word cult because every religion can be considered a cult. I often wonder why people who claim to live there life for God feel they have the right to spew such words to and about people and other religions.Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
I have to disagree that people should not teach. 2 Timothy 3:16 states: All scripture is breathed out by God and probitiable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training righteousness. I do not claim to be a teacher nor do I know if I will ever be. I come to forums to try to get an understanding of why people believe…[Read more]
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
Sorry my bad. I did try looking up christology but couldn’t get any info on what was believe since there seem to be different types or maybe it is just broken into two parts. As for the Holy Spirit not sure if I want to or even how to define it. All I know is what I have read in the bible so far and that is it is gods spirit or…[Read more]
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
I mean greater than Jesus.
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
My father, who has given them to me, is greater than all
Ok now take the appositive out and it say My father is greater than all. Wouldn’t that include Jesus.
I and the father are one.
I and my husband are one. But I am not my husband and my husband is not me.
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
God gave me a brain for a reason. And with that brain I fully intend to test all spirits to make sure they come from God. If that is logic then I thank God that he gave it to me. Since we have our brains shouldn’t we then look as close as we can at the few things in the bible that might come not as straight forward. Since one of the gods in John…[Read more]
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
You said the “you have become blinded by the simple realities”If they were that simple conversations like this would not happen. There are scriptures like 1 Corinthians 8:6, Ephesians 4:6, and 1 Timothy 2:5 that say there is one God. Those first two scriptures even go as far as says that that one God is the Father. That sounds pretty…[Read more]
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
Did you know that the 7th day Adventists and jehovah witnesses both originated from the Advent Movement of the 1800s that was based on a man named Williams Miller and his prophecies. Theses people broke apart when his prophecy didn’t come true. Some followed Ellen G. white becoming Adventists and the others followed Charles Taze…[Read more]
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
All I was trying to tell you was that you like you were judging them to me. If you sound like that to me you could very well sound like that to others. I don’t agree with their beliefs either but I feel that there are more loving ways to express that. I never said you excluded them. I was try to say that in your comment you singled them out. I am…[Read more]
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
I agree. You said it much better than I could have.
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
I guess that we will have to agree to disagree on this one. Saying that they deny the spirit of god is also saying that they do not have the spirit of god. That something I completely disagree with. My parents are active witnesses and always speaking of how the Holy Spirit moves them. As far as the watchtower telling them to take prescribed drug,…[Read more]
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
I feels bad for you friend and that is an unfortunate thing to happen to her. But all christian denominations have congregations that differ from area to area. That is what happens when man decides to use his own opinion instead of what the bible teaches. I told you earlier that I am not a witness, which I am not, but I was raised…[Read more]
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
Matthew 24:24 says that “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, all shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the every elect. (KJV) Doesn’t that say that others will be able to perform miracles that are not from God. And 1 John 4:1 says “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try…[Read more]
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
As far as john 1:1 I would suggest looking it up in a linear bible. Both place that the word god comes up are spelled different but translated as god. If they were both the almighty wouldn’t they have the same spelling? Just something to think about.
Becky replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
Through out your entire speech you are very inspiring. It matters not trinitarian or Arian. But then in the end you judge JW by saying they don’t have the spirit or the power of god. Really are you a JW? How would you know? Why are all denominations okay but them? That way of thinking and judging another for their religion foes not…[Read more]
Becky replied to the topic Where to fellowship if you don't believe in the Trinity in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 11 years, 4 months ago
I get what you are saying but when you are not excepted how do you get baptized. In every denomination I have been to in order to get baptized you must say that you believe in the trinity.