Anthony replied to the topic Preexistence in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Berean
The disciples saw Christ’s Glory, in a vision on the Mount of Transfiuration, Matt. 17. Christ had existed as the Word aeons (age’s) before John the Baptist who testified to the fact. Jesus Christ did preexist, He was with the Father before. He was before all thing and all things was created for Him. Jesus Christ was there with His…[Read more]
Anthony replied to the topic Preexistence in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Berean
Something to read.
The Gospels of Matthew and Luke record differing genealogies of Jesus. Matthew lists the royal lineage of Jesus through King David and the kings of Judah ending in Joseph, Jesus earthly father. Luke documents the lineage of Jesus from Adam to Mary, Joseph’s wife. The genealogies list the same people from Abra…[Read more]
Anthony replied to the topic The Ordinary Jesus Brigade in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Jodi
No i did buy a computer its im storage Im in the process of buy a house I’m renting a room off my sister till August 14 can’t wait.
Was going to buy a iphone 11 pro max but I can’t get a deal fo 10 days I don’t really know if that will help or not. I jope so
Ill have my computer set up August 13.
Its driving me crazy!
It seems I all…[Read more]
Anthony replied to the topic Preexistence in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi All
Read what Jodi said:
Scripture speaks of God’s sons, yes plural. In the OT all of Israel is called God’s son, and we read that God calls Solomon His son, and likewise Adam is said to be God’s son.
Jesus Christ is called not just God’s Son, but a Son of God whom is God’s “only begotten”. So there are Sons of God, but yet Jesus is said…[Read more]
Anthony replied to the topic Preexistence in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Just because scriptures addresses the Father and the Son doesn’t make it two different spirits.what do you think two name’s two spirits, please.
There is only one spirit of God that the Father and Son have.
God bless
Anthony replied to the topic Preexistence in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Edj
Its the same spirit that His Father gave Him. They have the same spirit, they are Father and Son . the spirit of God is the force and power of God. It’s like you think the spirit of God is the third person of the false trinity.
You always want to try to put people on defense and lead them in to a trap, what your doing is playing game…[Read more]
Anthony replied to the topic Preexistence in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Berean you need no man to teach all you need is a Bible and a whole lot of help from God. Pray and study God word daily. God bless
Anthony replied to the topic Preexistence in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Berean
Your right the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Word or God. Scriptures says this plan and simple. I agree with you.
The Holy Spirit. Is not a person or part of the so call trinity.
God bless
Anthony replied to the topic The Ordinary Jesus Brigade in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Is anyone else using their phone to do this??
Help! It’s driving me crazy.
Anthony replied to the topic The Ordinary Jesus Brigade in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi All
It seem that this is the only site that I go to that freezes, and I have like a half of screen that I cant do anything with. I have to get right out of it and I end up losing everything I wrote. Has anyone else ran into this problem.
Anthony replied to the topic The Ordinary Jesus Brigade in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi All
I been having problem with my phone. My computer is in storage right buying a new house right now.
Edj Im not trying to dodge your scriptures, about the mother of all and the son of David and the seef of David
I had it all most done and it froze up and it wouldn’t let me send it. Sorry. I tryed three times and couldn’t send them maybe it…[Read more]
Anthony replied to the topic The Ordinary Jesus Brigade in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Edj
I’ll answer your question before the end of the day. I’ll except the same from you ” Was Jesus Christ born with Adams SIN? And if so how could He die for the sins of the world?
God bless
Anthony replied to the topic The Ordinary Jesus Brigade in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Edj. ******
He wouldn’t have been able to die for our SIN
Anthony replied to the topic The Ordinary Jesus Brigade in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Edj
Jesus Christ came out of the Father before anything Edj and he looks just like His Father and they look like a human, we were created in God’s images. Did they have a body like us No they have a Spiritual body. You can’t see them but you can see what they do, there like the wind. Tell me Edj can someone that was created by Them be a…[Read more]
Anthony replied to the topic The Ordinary Jesus Brigade in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Proclaimer
Read my post , do you think I’m deny them Scriptures.
Anthony replied to the topic The Ordinary Jesus Brigade in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Edj
Why do you think I’m throwing out those scriptures? Im not Edj.
You are actually throwing out a whole lot of Scriptures that has to do with The Imputation of Sins to Christ
When Christ died on the cross, and The Imputation of Adam’s Sin to His Posterity
This brings us to an important aspect of the doctrine of Imputation. Not only does G…[Read more]Anthony replied to the topic The Ordinary Jesus Brigade in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Gene
Couldn’t you be deceived about somethings Gene.
So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Keep a open mind forget things you where taught and study Gods word and ask Him for a whole lot of help.
God bless
Anthony replied to the topic The Ordinary Jesus Brigade in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
To All
Jesus Christ came directly by special engenderment from the Father in heaven. Christ was another Adam — the second or last Adam that the apostle Paul talked about in First Corinthians chapter 15. And though Christ was “made flesh” (a human as we are), He was not descended from our earthly father, Adam.
God bless
Anthony replied to the topic The Ordinary Jesus Brigade in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Gene
I’ll tell you the same thing i told Edj. Why Jesus Christ doesn’t have any DNA from any human. Gene because it goes against the simple and plain truth of Scriptures, about the Imputation: The Prime Doctrine of the Bible.
Does that help Gene?
Jesus Christ took the form of a man. His Father prepared a body.
God bless
Anthony replied to the topic The Ordinary Jesus Brigade in the forum Truth or Tradition 4 years, 8 months ago
Edj a simple and plan truth.
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