Admin wrote a new post 11 years ago
Will 2014-2015 be a significant period of time in God’s calendar? The last time there were four blood moons was apparently the six day war and the previous time, Israel had just become a nation.
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Admin wrote a new post 11 years ago
Will 2014-2015 be a significant period of time in God’s calendar? The last time there were four blood moons was apparently the six day war and the previous time, Israel had just become a nation.
Here are a
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Hi t8 – any reason why you’ve locked me out of trinity debate..?
You are not locked out. What has happened is a cache problem. If you are logged in, your browser will force a new copy of each page from the server which is slower, but will be the latest page. If you are not logged in, then you are served a cached page which doesn’t always show the latest comments for example, but is much faster and this is done to please Google, who rank faster sites better.
I am going to buy some PUT options on DOW and NYSE for mid September 2015. Specifically 9-13-2015
Do the research if you’re so inclined. Jonathan Cahn is a good starting place.
While the rise of ISIS and the Hamas War have been huge as far as Israel and the Middle East, IMO these alone would be events big enough to signify these signs in the moon. However there are also signs in the sun too. Could 2015 reveal something even bigger?
While the rise of ISIS and the Hamas War have been huge as far as Israel and the Middle East, IMO these alone would be events big enough to signify these signs in the moon. However there are also signs in the sun too. Could 2015 reveal something even bigger?
And now (today I think) the USA, England, and Australia has declared war on the Islamic State. Walid Shoebat teaches that there will be seven Islamic nations that will rule with the Beast, but will be defeated by the most terrible of nations. I don’t agree with all his teachings, there are certainly things he teaches where I think he is completely wrong. That said, he has made some interesting points that are worthy of consideration.
Not many question the traditional view that the Antichrist will rule the world and the Church will be taken up just before or during that period. He questions it and that is a good thing because not many test this. It is also perplexing as to why some will completely miss being taken up to be with our lord. How is this possible. If these things were happening as they believe then they would be ready. Instead Christ comes as a thief in the night. Perhaps because their end-time eschatology gives them a false sense of security as to when Christ returns and comes as a thief in the night for them.
I wander witch of the feast in the Jewish law would be coincide since there are at the least 12 feast ,as far that it concern my understanding we do not look at the local news but the world news for the return would be seen around the world and the wrath of God will come as a thief ,
there have been many wars during the past 500 years with the changes in the countries that were implicated in them ,and as for signs in those days there were signs as well , all of this are natural ,but what is not is the interpretation of them ,
one thing is for sure it keep the mind of people into the motion ,just like the UFO sightings
There have always been earthquakes too, but then that is a sign of the last days. The point is that yes these moons, suns, quakes, meteors are all natural, yet these are given to us as signs. So why is it then that many miss the signs? Perhaps because they say exactly what you say Terr, that they have always happened so relax nothing is going on here. Yet those that read the signs will know the time. Not the day or the hour, but the seasons. Jesus once rebuked people for not being able to read the signs.
based on the understanding that i have i can tell you right now that their will be nothing with those blood moons or sun activity ,but many people will interpret what ever event comes along to cover some aspect of whatever they want ,to see it should be ;
there is no prophecy given beside that the time of the end will come as a thief and when it comes we all will see it around the earth ,
so the real battle is not with the nations but with ourselves and Christ gospel of truth to bring his people from all over the nation to serve him,and make his kingdom over come the earth until it is done at the end of this age (only those that looks to be saved by God grace will be saved the others will be handle by God as he wishes, so let see what happen next year
You offer an opinion only. You are allowed to do that. 🙂