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    Tim2 replied to the topic Dualism in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 3 months ago

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ June 05 2007,18:05)Quote (Tim2 @ June 05 2007,18:02)Quote All I am still saying is that the bible does not say God is a personHebrews 1:3 -“And He is the Radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His person …”  The word for person here is hypostasis, which can also mean nature, but has been understood to…[Read more]

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    Hi Martian,Thanks for that explanation.  I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but I think you might be a little too bold in essentially declaring, “I know for certain that these are the motives and intentions of God, and I refuse to respond to any Scripture that might contradict what I perceive to be God's motives and intentions.”  I think a…[Read more]

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    Tim2 replied to the topic Dualism in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 3 months ago

    Quote All I am still saying is that the bible does not say God is a personHebrews 1:3 -“And He is the Radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His person …” The word for person here is hypostasis, which can also mean nature, but has been understood to mean person.Tim

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    94,”He who searches the hearts and minds” is a Biblical title for God.  Do you agree?  So if Paul uses this of Jesus in Romans 8:27, then it means Jesus is God.But you are reading Romans 8:26-27 in a deliberate attempt to detract from the omniscience of Jesus, when Jesus isn't even mentioned in the passage.  Why don't you confess along with the di…[Read more]

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    94,Quote Do you have free will?I don't know.  Paul mentions free will in Philemon 14, but I don't know where else it is mentioned in the Bible, much less emphasized, particularly concerning the slaves of God.  So I don't think it should be the foundation of our doctrine.Quote I don't believe that we are born with a sin nature, but that nature we d…[Read more]

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    Quote But Christ is not our God Well then you are not in the same church as Thomas. John 20:28. Until you repent of this, I'm not going to respond to any more of your posts.

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    Martian,I admit that Hebrews 4:15, “One Who has been tempted in all things as without sin,” is difficult to understand, and my explanation might not be the best one.  But I am going to base my understanding of Jesus on everything the Bible says about Him.  So if the Bible says He laid the foundation of the earth, I know for certain that He is n…[Read more]

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    94,I believe I said that there are no Scriptures that mention the free will of Jesus while He was a man on earth, meaning that of course He went by His own will prior to becoming man, which was the same will as the Father and the Spirit, the one perfect will of God.I know that Jesus was made like His brethren in all things, but surely this does…[Read more]

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    Quote The Son is God in a relative sense only.So John 1:1 should read, “and Theos was the Word in a relative sense only”?

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    Quote My understanding is that the scripture does not mean that Jesus has seen God in the sense that you see something with the eye. God is invisible and is no one can see Him in that sense. But Jesus has seen him that is he has seen his character.Actually it says Jesus has seen the Father. John 6:46. It doesn't limit this to seeing the…[Read more]

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    Quote Jesus knows what the Sprit of God reveals to him.Where does it say this?  Romans 8:27 doesn't say this.  And Jesus doesn't take of the Spirit, the Spirit takes of Him.  John 16:14.  You think Jesus is only a man, right 94?  So how is it that the Spirit takes of a mere man?Quote He is not God in the sense that you are trying to say.There isn&…[Read more]

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    94,So how many are there that search the hearts and minds? Someone besides YHWH does this? Are you serious?Quote By the Spirit God does search our hearts, and has revealed what was there to Jesus so that he could make intercession for the Saints according to the will of God. That's not what Romans 8:27 says. It says “He who searches the hearts…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tim2

    Hi Martian,Quote The most primary ingredient of God’s intentions with creation is that man of HIS OWN FREE WILL would chose to follow God.Where does it say this in the Bible?  Philippians 2:7 says that Jesus took the form of a bond-servant.  I don't believe that a bond-servant has free will, but must obey his owner.Quote In order for this cre…[Read more]

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    1 Timothy 6:16 says that no man has seen or can see God. So how is it that Jesus has seen the Father, if He is only a man? John 6:46.

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    I agree, kidneys means “used of the inmost thoughts, feelings, purposes, of the soul.”  I used the literal translation (according to my NASB), to show that it says the exact same thing, kidneys, as the Old Testament verses I quoted.Thanks for pointing out Romans 8:26-27.  I think your reading is reasonable, but the most direct reading is that “…[Read more]

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    If Nick's post and my post are confusing, then ignore them, and just read the Definition itself.

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    How many are there that search the hearts and minds?  One or two?  You're telling me that someone besides YHWH searches the hearts and minds?  You kidding me?  Someone besides YHWH will recompense everyone according their deeds?  Jesus didn't say, “I've been anointed to search the hearts and minds.”  He says, “I am He who searches the minds and h…[Read more]

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    1 Corinthians 12:7:”For to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the commong good. For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; and to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, and to another effecting of…[Read more]

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    Hi Martian,I said some of this in your function post but I'll try to answer some of your comments more directly here.I agree that believing in a person with two natures that do not mix is irrational, if both of the natures are of created beings. The natures of two created beings cannot coexist in one person without mixing and reacting.  I agree.…[Read more]

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    Tim2 replied to the topic Function in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 3 months ago

    Quote I do not have time or the patience to teach you Hebrew. It is not germain to the real question.Since you are proposing a different translation of the Hebrew than is contained in every English Bible, I think it is germain.Quote I have always said that Jesus was completely human just like us.Then please explain how He created the heavens and…[Read more]

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