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    ??? Nick you should know betterQuote You must show scripture correctly if you want open ears.opening ears is the job of the holy spirit.

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    Misleading believers KenLeaving out the in Hell part changes the whole meaning doesn't it?Those souls aren't destroyed, because they were a part of God.They are just trapped there, for much the same reason as those who rebelledbefore were just cast down and chained to this planet. :blues: However, if a part of GOD could be destroyed He would be the one…[Read more]

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    I am sure He would like all of His creations to be saved.However, Jesus said that won't happen.Matt 7 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have…[Read more]

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    TJStarfire replied to the topic love among all in the forum Faith 18 years, 5 months ago

    Sorry about that, David is right I used the wrong word I wasn't infering priestly writtings.I meant Heretic, It is a name attributed to those who present ideas which are contrary to popular opinion, belief, and/or the status quo of any practice or branch of knowledge.Heretic It is a name attributed to those who present ideas which are contrary to…[Read more]

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    Biblically speaking it is a single lifetime regardless of the amount of time.sorry I just used that word because my wife made me look it up for her studies a few days ago.

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    TJStarfire replied to the topic love among all in the forum Faith 18 years, 5 months ago

    Quote The key to the blessing of the Word of God is by receiving the Spirit of God who wrote it through men. Have you not yet been blessed in this way if you do not find food for your soul unto eternal life?I am hieratic, I believe that the key to understanding is being baptized into the Holy Spirit.Literally move your mind from the body of flesh…[Read more]

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    I don't see any supportive evidence for that in the teachings of the God of creation.Under Biblical theory each spirit gets one aeon to choose between right and wrong.Quote The doctrine of the incarnation is originally from catholicism.I believe you will find that this doctrine actually originates in eastern religions and was taught long before…[Read more]

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    TJStarfire replied to the topic love among all in the forum Faith 18 years, 5 months ago

    Well ShinobiWhat religion practices love among all peoples?Did you get your answer?I didn't see a single one mentioned yetCould it be time to start one?

  • Profile picture of TJStarfire

    Quote You cannot have a beginning before time. If you exist outside of time, you are, by default, a time-less being. The Logos created all things – space, matter and time. The universe is a continuum of these three things, and all three are irrevocably interlinked, i.e. no one of which can have a meaningful existence without the other two…[Read more]

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    Quote Is Jesus our older brother?Yes, when we are in our part of Gods Spirit,then we are related to every other part of His Spirit.Genesis 6 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.At death the flesh gives up the ghost.If our mind is in the Spirit…[Read more]

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    Quote Is Jesus co-equal with the Father?Of course He can be, Heaven is about unity among all.All are equal,Until there is a dispute.Then, there is only one judge.

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    Quote All you have quoted is only known to be true because you and I know and trust that the Spirit of God has penned those words through men.I do know that some of the essence of the truth remains in the Bible, but the majority of what is left there is only there to mislead and inspire disputes over how we treat our cursed bodies of dust or how…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of TJStarfire

    Quote I'm repeating myself because you have yet to comment on these servants of God who purposefully disobeyed their governements in order to do God's will. (And were blessed for it.) Is there any follower of GOD who thinks that creatures of flesh are, or even could be, above those of pure energy?

  • Profile picture of TJStarfire

    Quote If it were not for the work of God to preserve truth for us you might be right. Some things have been altered and some mistranslated and some books left out but God has still left us with a reservoir of enough essential and beautiful pure truth, to be able, with the help of the Spirit, find the way back to our true Father. Quote Does God…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of TJStarfire

    It is not just false prophets David2 Thessalonians 2 “God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”This Book we call our Bible with its scriptural doctrines has for two thousand years been edited first by the Sanhedrin which is…[Read more]

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    You still don't get it do you David?John 12 He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.Ephesians 3That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;Nothing entering into your body of flesh can touch the…[Read more]

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    TJStarfire replied to the topic love among all in the forum Faith 18 years, 5 months ago

    Hi DavidQuote If the government were to tell you: You can't talk to others about the Bible, what would you do?I would tell whoever that they were enemies of the constitution and refuse to commit treason against the United States. OR against GOD

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    Anyone who can read knows that you can't shed mans blood without turning your back on GOD the father or His son. It will be held against you on the day of judgmentHowever, if you repent, the only thing you can't be forgiven for is denying that ghosts can be holy.And what is that about cigarettes?What is wrong with smoking?Matthew 15 Do you still…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of TJStarfire

    Quote Do you have any scriptural support for these ideas about energy surrounding us? Well none that hasn't been edited out of the modern day bible by the enemies of Christ.However, there is a method of photography which captures those energy fields around every living thing.You can read the book of Enoch which was a part of the doctrine until…[Read more]

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    If you are worried about these things try reading the fourth book of Maccabeesyou can find it here;www.sacred-texts.com/bib/fbe/index.htm#section_006

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