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    Terrarica and Mike,Is love created?I think it is. We create a thought and we create an emotion.We can also create hate.Though neither is seen unless it is manifested in an action.If God is unseen,Love and thoughts are an invisible form of spirit.God is invisible spirit the scriptures say and you cannot see God.We are consciense of God in our lives…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Rena

    Mike, sorry, I was just shaking some dust. I'm ok now. I just want to finally put it behind me. Friends?Terrarica,You said'Quote this is Satan before is corruption;Eze 28:13 You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Rena

    Quote I don't include IRENE here for she was so much below the intelligence level as to be of masterful pointlessnessThat wasn't nice you shouldn't say thing's like that. Just like you shouldn't of said the same thing to Terrarica. Just because Mike said something similar to you Istari doesn't mean you should do the same thing to others. If you do…[Read more]

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    Rena replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 13 years, 3 months ago

    Tim, I have learnt a lot off reading some of your posts. There is happyness and joy in them – and I believe that anyone who has a good spirit has some real truth in what they say. But as were only human we also have error. Same to you Ed.How I see `the outer darkness,  I believe that MAYBE there are two types of `outer darkness. Or two different…[Read more]

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    Ed said”Hi Pierre,Then I don't believe spirits have bodies, but provision may be necessary to enter our dimension.”Terrarica said”then the spirits do not exist according to you ;if they do not have a substance or form of a body any type,we know that there are many things we do not know,but what i say is if GOD create it he must have given or made…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ June 20 2011,17:39)Mods should primarily be concerned with messages that are posted in public, i.e., on the forum. How people treat others via email, Facebook, or real life is between themselves and God. That is where I stand at least.PMs is a hard one though. It stands for Private Message and we obviously do not have access to Private…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Rena

    Istari, you should apologise to Terrarica for your post. It wasn't nice.

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    Quote I did not get involved with ANY of the disputes between Kar and Kathi because it was none of my business, and I didn't notice that either one of you crossed any major lines requiring a warning. We all bicker now and then, right?So, in your opinion, sending someone an abusive private message and then publically humiliating them and also…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Rena

    And you said she was the most inspired person on the site. Really? Did God inspire that? I don't think so.

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    Mike, you said…At first I was flabbergasted by the way Istari posted to others. I complained to no avail. And I didn't see you or Kar or Gene or Ed making one single comment about his verbal abuse to me or Pierre or Irene or Dennison or Kathi or anyone else.Well, I didn't see YOU make one single comment when your friend Kathi was abusive towards…[Read more]

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    Rena replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 13 years, 3 months ago

    Tim, so what is `outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth in your opinion?Ed – what do you think?

  • Profile picture of Rena

    And as for the topic,John 3:6.`That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

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    Your not very good at scripural comebacks by the way, sometimes.You could have just said – Ephesians 4:11-“He gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, shepherds and teachers”1st Tim 2:12″I don't permit a woman to teach”

  • Profile picture of Rena

    Istari, I'm not confused I'm just distracted. Distracted from watching. `Watch therefore, for you don't know the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming'.Distracted just like you have been – by these endless discussions on 'begotten, 'procreation and now spirit bodies. And then there was 'when does a man become a Father? Come on, WAKE…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Rena

    Terrarica, don't be distracted with all this.Debating 'spirit bodies or 'procreation or 'begotten or 'trinity all just leads to confusion and distraction.What is to be gained from it? Nothing. Take trinity for example.If I showed my son who is six two Apples – asked him how many Apples there are – and he correctly said two – and then I got angry…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Rena

    I urge you all to come and post instead in the prophecy section?

  • Profile picture of Rena

    Rena replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 13 years, 3 months ago

    Hi all. Thanks for your post Theodore, I'm sorry. I got delayed elsewhere.Good posts all. Good thing's writen here. Your all so right. The important thing is not to be asleep, and not to be distracted with the cares of the world. And also not to be too comfortable. I was thinking lately. All this scriptural debate that goes on – elsewhere here, my…[Read more]

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    Terrarica, everything on earth and what is visible in the sky has a form. However there's also the unseen. The spiritual realm. And I believe in this because to a tiny insect they dont know there's a heaven above and planets do they? Doesn't mean it doesn't exist, because it does. So – we see what we can see. And believe in what we can't…[Read more]

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    Watch therefore, for you don't know the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming. – Matt 25:13

  • Profile picture of Rena

    How many of you post in the prophecy threads?Mikeboll does occasionally, Terrarica does.Istari? Kathi? WJ?Having the spirit of prophecy doesn't mean you are a prophet only that you are interested and wanting to find out what it all means. And are given understanding. We are in the last days, can't you see that? It is of importance. We cant be…

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