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    Quote (Noal @ Oct. 06 2011,20:35)Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 02 2011,04:07)Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 30 2011,20:20)MikeI agree with you on this ,the Holy spirit his Gods will ;and his will could use power if needed to be fulfilled ,by miracles ,works,etcHi Pierre,I agree with the JWs that God's Holy Spirit is His “active force”.  I think God's will…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 06 2011,13:48)Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 06 2011,18:24)Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 05 2011,18:02)well why do you not go to their meetings and preach your truth as you see it in scriptures ,and then see how long you would live to be welcome in their meetings,and if they would still call you Christian .I can't think of too many…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 06 2011,11:24)Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 05 2011,18:02)well why do you not go to their meetings and preach your truth as you see it in scriptures ,and then see how long you would live to be welcome in their meetings,and if they would still call you Christian .I can't think of too many things I disagree with them about…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 06 2011,09:03)Quote (Pastry @ Oct. 04 2011,21:48)Quote Irene, does Jesus ever say “NO ONE has ever heard God” anywhere in scripture?  YES or NO?  Does ANYBODY ever say those words anywhere in scripture?  YES or NO?Mike!  Yes, inJhn 6:46   Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Fath…[Read more]

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    Shimmer!  I just have to tell you this since I know you too have had such experiences…For about a week we have been bombarded by negative Family problems… I especially have been talking to one of our Sons who has been having a lot of problems…. So all was very negative…. I also have been praying more and more, and telling God about this…[Read more]

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    Quote O THEY DON'T BECAUSE YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT CHRIST SPIRIT IS, AND IT CAN NOT BE GODS SPIRIT ,Pierre! Jesus has a Spirit, just like we have a Spirit….. but Jesus also has Gods Holy Spirit in Him….Just like we do…. The big difference is that Jesus has Gods Holy Spirit without measure, will we don't…..Jesus also has immortality now and…[Read more]

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    Quote Irene, does Jesus ever say “NO ONE has ever heard God” anywhere in scripture? YES or NO? Does ANYBODY ever say those words anywhere in scripture? YES or NO?Mike! Yes, inJhn 6:46 Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father. Peace and Love Irene

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    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 04 2011,22:20)Quote (t8 @ Oct. 04 2011,20:10)Quote (carmel @ Oct. 04 2011,17:33)Therefore Jesus is God Himself in Flesh.Have you not read that the Word became flesh?Have you not read that God is not a man?Have you not read that God was in Jesus Christ, and that God can be in us too. Since when does someone become God when…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 04 2011,14:26)Irene,Ex 19:9The LORD said to Moses, “I am going to come to you in a dense cloud, so that the people will hear me speaking with you and will always put their trust in you.” 20:18 When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. The…[Read more]

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    Quote John 5:37 was the scripture I was referencing earlier. But Jesus isn't saying that NO MAN has ever heard God's voice, only that those he was currently speaking to had not.John 5:37 does say nobody has heard God….then that Scripture does not line up with other Scriptures in the Old Test. I really believe that in the Old Testament it was…[Read more]

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    Mike and Kathi!  Just this morning I came across some Scriptures of who has seen God…Jhn 5:37   And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.  Jhn 6:46   Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father.  Exd 33:20   An…[Read more]

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    To All!  However in John 1:1 The Word of God is not just the word of God, it is the only begotten of the Father…And who is the only begotten of the Father? It is not Gods Holy Spirit, but Jesus Christ our Lord and King…..no other being fits that descrip0tion… when are YOU all going to learn  that….Jhn 1:1 ¶ In the beginning was the Wo…[Read more]

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    Hi Mike!  Since I have been so busy, I have not been on Heaven Net at all… So I will help out…Gene!  You simple don't understand that The Word became flesh, and that The Word was the only begotten of the Father….. That you miss to understand..Jhn 1:14 ¶ And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 02 2011,03:53)Hi Irene,I follow the prayer thread regularly.  I just don't comment every time I pray for one mentioned there.  You and yours are in my prayers always, Irene.  :)Thank you Mike….Peace and Love Irene

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    Will pray for Paladin….Amen

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    Mike! Please go to the prayer tread and consider my request, I would appreciate it very much…..Irene

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    Please, Please keep our only Granddaughter in your prayers…. It is a very hurtful and painful situation She is in…it is not physical but mentally draining…. It has to do with a criminal boyfriend who stole Her check and wrote an amount that was not in Her checkbook…. It is 2 felony charges being brought against Him…needless to say She…[Read more]

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    Kathi, I pray to God through Jesus not to Jesus, that is the difference we have…… There is only ONE TRUE GOD…. Not two… Jesus Himself said that His Father is greater then He is…Jhn 14:28   Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 29 2011,16:51)Hi Irene,                             HolySpirit(=151)Prov 16:15 In the light of the king's countenance is life; and his favor is as a cloud of “The Latter Rain”(=151). But they rebelled, and vexed his “HolySpirit”: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them. (Isaiah 63:10)G…[Read more]

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    The people of God believed only in ONE GOD and not three in one God…. in Paul's time there was no trinity… It was in the third century that Constantine made it a Law…..1 Corinth.8: 6 is very plain about it, one God the Father…… AND one Lord Jesus Christ…..they are not equal…..Irene

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