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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 02 2011,04:05)No Ed.  God's Holy Spirit remains God's Holy Spirit.  It can ACT IN me, but does not become a part of me.And my spirit is what animates my soul and body, but my spirit is not me.Exactly Mike… I agree with you…. Peace Irene

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    Quote i Mike,I do address your points, I just don't help to strengthen believed fallacies.You word yes/no questions in a way to attempt to strengthen your position.I don't fall for that tactic, this thread exposes it; Theodore understands it too.God blessEd, I find that rather ridiculous, because the question Mike asked, can be answered with a…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 17 2011,11:31)Quote (kerwin @ Oct. 16 2011,16:20)Quote (mikeboll @ 64)I want a simple YES or NO answer, Kerwin. I find a repetitive conversation boring as it does not go anywhere and serves no real purpose.  I wrote what I wrote and have discovered nothing new.Pierre, :D:D :D Irene

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    Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 17 2011,05:20)Quote (Pastry @ Oct. 17 2011,05:03)Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 17 2011,05:01)Quote (Pastry @ Oct. 16 2011,13:37)Hi All!  Glad to be Home…. Our Second Son got married today for the third time….Hope and pray that three is a charm….. All that is not for us oldies any longer…. Had to light the Unity Candle…hope…[Read more]

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    Quote Congrats on the wedding. Thank you, it was a real nice service….Irene

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    Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 17 2011,05:01)Quote (Pastry @ Oct. 16 2011,13:37)Hi All!  Glad to be Home…. Our Second Son got married today for the third time….Hope and pray that three is a charm….. All that is not for us oldies any longer…. Had to light the Unity Candle…hope it will take this time…..As far as a day to pray, we should really…[Read more]

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    Quote (theodorej @ Oct. 17 2011,03:08)Quote (Pastry @ Oct. 11 2011,05:09)I used my magnifying glass and read some of your post….About Christmas….Jesus was not born on that day…. But a Sun God did…. Would you celebrate your Sons Birthday on Hitlers Birthday?  I don't think so….When was Jesus born?  We need a Gods Calendar to figure it o…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 16 2011,13:58)Oh happy day!  :)Oh happy day it is, the sun went up in another day….Bless it O LORD our Father…Peace and Love Irene

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    Quote Ed: Here is a shorter summation of my truth.Tim, YOUR TRUTH???? Or the Bibles, Gods Truth???? Peace Irene

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    One Eternal Life But in Three Modes There is one eternal life that is a gift of God's grace in Jesus Christ. But the Scriptures testify that we experience this life everlasting in three different modes.6 That is, we experience eternal life in three different stages or periods of time and reality. The first mode of possessing the gift of eternal…[Read more]

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    This article will have two posts, so to understand it read bothDefinition of Eternal Life Often eternal life is described as the “end of faith, the ultimate object of a Christian's hope,” that is, an “uninterrupted fellowship with God,” and “to be with God is to be in heaven.”3 In addition it is defined as the “life of the Spirit. ..which consists…[Read more]

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    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 16 2011,20:54)And welcome back Theodore.Irene, Exd 31:17   It a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed. Didn't Isreal become both Jew and Gentile? So wouldn't that mean the Sabbath is for Jew and Gentile…[Read more]

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    Hi All! Glad to be Home…. Our Second Son got married today for the third time….Hope and pray that three is a charm….. All that is not for us oldies any longer…. Had to light the Unity Candle…hope it will take this time…..As far as a day to pray, we should really pray every day and to me that makes the day Holy…and fasting is the day…[Read more]

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    Quote (theodorej @ Oct. 15 2011,22:58)Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 15 2011,09:17)Peace & love Irene.Greetings Shimmer: It is always a pleasure to post here as for I have been away most of summer …. Iam glad to see Marc and yourself are still here and Iam glad to be back ….With reference to the topic…. let me say that when it comes to the true…[Read more]

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    Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 15 2011,07:47)Pastry I fail to under stand your position. I understand the fasting. I fail to understand based on the fasting you are at least willing to participate on prayer because you had not shown you are 100% against Christmas in October.  The next quote is saying You have holy days that are not pagan. If one prays and…[Read more]

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    Quote am apt to decline the offer. I have no issues with holydays, that has been sorted out a while back.I don;t have an issue with Holy Days either, but I do with Holidays…they are pagan….Peace Irene

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 14 2011,14:28)Quote (Pastry @ Oct. 13 2011,20:42)I go to no Church, and I don't celebrate anything….whether Mike will go or not, that is His choice….Hi Irene,We're not talking about going to a church.  We are going to have a day of fasting and prayer on Halloween.  Will you join us?Yes, that I will… sorry I m…[Read more]

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    Quote “And the messenger answering said to her, 'The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee, therefore also the holy-begotten thing shall be called Son of God” (YLT)Shimmer! You quoted here, yet you don;t believe that the Holy Spirit is the power of the Highest????That the Holy Spirit is the power of God…[Read more]

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    Quote (Paladin @ Oct. 13 2011,23:19)Quote (Pastry @ Oct. 04 2011,14:05)Mike and Kathi!  Just this morning I came across some Scriptures of who has seen God…Jhn 5:37   And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.  Jhn 6:46   Not that any man hath seen the…[Read more]

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    Quote I know theres things I disagree with with what they do, but its the rest. Is there a perfect church?————–Hi Shimmer!  That is why we don't attend any Church…..Bless you, peace and love Irene

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