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    Quote (Devolution @ Dec. 31 2011,09:55)Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 28 2011,05:19)Quote (Devolution @ Dec. 27 2011,05:17)Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 27 2011,02:07)devolutionI have said this once to some one else, now I'm saying it to you;YOU ARE AN —–!  you fill in the blanks, you should be very familiar with them.Apparently you can't even read.The way you…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic The millennium. in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Wakeup @ Jan. 01 2012,02:28)Quote (toby @ Dec. 31 2011,20:21)Wakeup, then who is the ten kings and little horn? Or where will it come from?I'm just asking – cause I haven't studied any of that (much).Hi Toby .The 10 horns will; is already here,the leaders that has designed the EU. but they are not in the open at this moment.but they will…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 12 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 01 2012,02:24)Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 01 2012,07:19)Terricca…………is that the many faces of Pierre on this site you portray.peace and love………………………………………………genegeneI am a happy man, :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D:D :D :D :D :D :D great answer…be happy always Pierre it pays of….a happy Husband make…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 12 years, 8 months ago

    Wow how many pages have been written on “The Word of God”? I find it so ironic that those who do understand are always the same, and those who close their eyes to it are also the same ones……Folks when you are blind you are blind…..open your eyes to the plain written truth….The Word of God just like God, King Lord and LORD are all titles…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic The four Horsemen in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 8 months ago

    tobyA bow is a weapon; this rider conquered by force; Jesus forces no one, he teaches righteousness, and leaves it up to the individual to listen and obey, or not.Have you ever read how the pope dealt with those that opposed him?Rev 13:11 ¶ And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic Rapture in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 8 months ago

    To allYou guys ever wonder why nobody ever stays with the topic?Georg

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    Pastry replied to the topic The millennium. in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 8 months ago

    wakeup”””the 10 horned beast is the new system,with the 10 kings,and the little horn is the false prophet.( No antichrist.)”””What is your definition of “false prophet”?Georg

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    Pastry replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 12 years, 9 months ago

    Quote Hi Gene BYou hit the nail on the head,praise the most high God for that.may God bless you.wakeup.So you too believe that The Word of God is not a being… wow, what about this ScriptureRev 19:13 And he clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. Rev 19:14 And the armies in heaven followed him upon…[Read more]

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    Quote (Marlin1 @ Dec. 27 2011,11:30)Georg,That is something that we do agree on,  Jesus was born in the spring.MarlinNo, he died in the spring, Easter; but he was born in the fall, end of September, or beginning of October.Georg

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    Quote (Devolution @ Dec. 27 2011,05:17)Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 27 2011,02:07)devolutionI have said this once to some one else, now I'm saying it to you;YOU ARE AN —–!  you fill in the blanks, you should be very familiar with them.Apparently you can't even read.The way you twist what I say, I shall see what a moderator will say to that?You don't…[Read more]

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    devolutionI have said this once to some one else, now I'm saying it to you;YOU ARE AN —–!  you fill in the blanks, you should be very familiar with them.Apparently you can't even read.The way you twist what I say, I shall see what a moderator will say to that?You don't know screw from nail.Georg

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    Pastry replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 12 years, 9 months ago

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 25 2011,00:56)Irene………..Indeed it was Jesus who following the HOLY SPIRIT or LOGOS that was (IN) HIM in complete OBEDIENCE to that WILL of GOD , became obedient unto death and fulfilled the WILL of God who was (IN) HIM> So we honor Jesus to the GLORY of GOD the FATHER, because it was GOD (IN) Christ reconciling…[Read more]

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    WakeupBy this;”””I have tried my best to answer your questions,but why am i not getting my questions answerd?Why the silence:are we not here to learn,so we can graduate and get more wisdom and knowledge? Or are we here just to defend each our beloved doctrines?”””you mean every body else but yourself, right?I agree totally with Mikeboll64 Georg

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    Pastry replied to the topic Rapture in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 9 months ago

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 26 2011,04:55)Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 25 2011,00:20)Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 24 2011,20:39)Hi Georg,The reason Jesus' blood is able to remove sin. I'm surprised you didn't know? :(God blessEd J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgWhat are you talking about; are you still playing games?GeorgHi Georg, what games?Jesus' blood did…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic Rapture in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 9 months ago

    Quote (Marlin1 @ Dec. 26 2011,02:34)Brother Georg,The scriptures that you use are very true, as I told you before, your timing is all wrong.I have showed you scripture that proves you doctrine is wrong, but you choose man's word over God's.This Seventh-day Adventist doctrine has been proved to be false, alone with your prophetess.You choose to…[Read more]

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    MarlinThese are your words;Mat 24:21,”no, nor ever shall be. ”  should have be enough to prove that this was not 1919.  But you have your doctrine and are going to stick to it no matter what.So maybe we should try to move on from here.This shows how little you pay attention, or care, to what I say.GeorgPs. “””God Bless you on this day that is c…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic Image of the Beast in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 9 months ago

    DevolutionI would like to redirect this post back to that subject…As i said, this interpretation is my own.So it is NOT able to be backed by direct scripture..Just my perception….> I do not need history to back up the two beasts because it is FUTURE.> You have assigned these future prophecies to the past, but that is not how it is.You admit…[Read more]

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    DevolutionA horn is symbolic for power, kings/rulers have power.A crown, a symbol of ruler ship, emphasizes the power to rule.If you go back to v. 3, you will notice, there are no crowns on these horns/kings.Verse 8 says, this is the beast that came out of the bottomless pit.Rev 17:8   The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend…[Read more]

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    MarlinJer 30:7   Alas! for that day (time) is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's (Israels) trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.Dan 12:1 ¶ And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people (Jews/Israelis): and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was s…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic Rapture in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 9 months ago

    Marlin1And here is the answer to that.The beast that came out of the bottomless pit was the “LEAGUE OF NATION”, 1918.When it went into perdition, destruction 1946, the persecution of the saints had been over for a 100 years. The saints are the only once whose names are in the book of life, they stood the test of faith.They were predestined to be…[Read more]

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