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    Not3in1 replied to the topic Kerwin in the forum Prayer & Advice 14 years, 5 months ago

    Hi bro Kerwin,Just stopped in again quickly and saw your thread.My prayers are certainly with you – you are a dear man of God and I pray that you will be well in body soon.Much love,Mandy

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    Nick,Question for ya: does it really matter if Kathi is right or wrong? What if she's wrong about Jesus, will she not receive her reward?What do you think?Love,Mandy

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    Bro Adam,If you are looking for logic you may as well disregard faith altogether. :;): After all our studying…after all our searching…after all the logic…faith remains. Believing in something we can't see (or fully understand).Love you,Mandy

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    Kathi,Thanks for sharing this song. It brought back the good ol' days of being on worship team and those long camp meetings….. Loved those days.I was encouraged to see you and Nick agreeing to prayer. Very encouraged!!Thanks for the blessing!Love,MandyPS: how did the ribs turn out? Yum!

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    Quote (942767 @ Feb. 01 2010,21:18)Hi Mandy:You ask:Quote Moses had God's spirit.  Moses was a son of God.  YET when he is compared to Jesus (both sons), we are told that Moses is as a servant over God's house but Jesus is a Son.  What do you think the difference is?First of all Moses was not conceived of the Holy Ghost in the womb of a virgin.  H…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 31 2010,15:24)Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 31 2010,14:54)Bro Gene – missed you too!!My point was to counter Jodi in her assertion that Jesus became the Son of God at the Jordan – because he was filled with holy Spirit from on high.Moses had God's spirit.  Moses was a son of God.  YET when he is compared to Jesus (both sons), we are t…[Read more]

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    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 31 2010,16:20)Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 30 2010,22:35)Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 31 2010,12:42)Jesus is called “God” in several scriptures and by the Most High God Himself.Kathi,I beg to differ.  In the scriptures you listed, only one place does it seem that God is calling Jesus – God.  And that is in Hebrews (hotly debated).The F…[Read more]

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    Bro Gene – missed you too!!My point was to counter Jodi in her assertion that Jesus became the Son of God at the Jordan – because he was filled with holy Spirit from on high.Moses had God's spirit. Moses was a son of God. YET when he is compared to Jesus (both sons), we are told that Moses is as a servant over God's house but Jesus is a Son.…[Read more]

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    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 31 2010,12:42)Jesus is called “God” in several scriptures and by the Most High God Himself.Kathi,I beg to differ. In the scriptures you listed, only one place does it seem that God is calling Jesus – God. And that is in Hebrews (hotly debated).The Father (the Most High God) does not call his son “God” in any scripture…[Read more]

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    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 30 2010,16:51)Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 30 2010,00:06)Hi LU, So you have two gods?Nick,One is God as a Son and one is God as a Father.  The Son follows the Father.  If I follow one, I follow the other too.  There is only one that is God as a Father.KathiOh dear….Kathi,Paul tells us that “for us” there is ONE God, the Fa…[Read more]

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    Excellent thread!! I'll have to come back when I have more time and read the whole thing.:)

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    Quote (Jodi Lee @ Jan. 27 2010,05:17)Scripture makes it clear that the DAY of “Today I have begotten you” represents the day Jesus was at the Jordon and received YHWH’s Holy Spirit. The DAY that Jesus became God’s Only Begotten Son was the day he was at the river Jordon and YHWH’s Spirit descended upon him. The Spirit begets man as a Son of God .R…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 26 2010,09:04)Hi Not3, Yes but you and LU are not among the confused. Let the dead bury the dead.Flattery will get you no where, Nick. :laugh: But thanks for the compliment.Love,Mandy

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 26 2010,08:21)Hi Not3, There are indeed many called gods. But for us there is one God.Hi Nick,But the point is, Kathi can flesh out her theories (backed by scriptures!)The point to anything is…..anything can be possible. I guess we'll know someday. Maybe not?Love,Mandy

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    Quote (Stu @ Jan. 25 2010,18:38)Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 25 2010,18:04)Bod,Have you read The God Delusion?  Good read – a must for Christians who want the “flip side” to Josh McDowells, “Evidence Demands a Verdict”.MandyHi Not3!  Howz it going?I would add God is Not Great, with Christopher Hitchens's argument for the existence of Jesus based on the e…[Read more]

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    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 26 2010,05:23)Whether you call the son of God “God” or not, I don't think anyone should say that He is not called God at all, and since He is called God by His Father, how is it that anyone dare say that He is not God in some sense of the word. Monogenes theos (John 1:18 NASB) is the only begotten God, or some might say,…[Read more]

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    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 26 2010,03:33)Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 25 2010,01:53)Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 17 2010,14:47)terraricca,You misunderstood my comment.  No where did I say that the Son was God the Father, in fact, I said that the Son was not the Most High God (the Father).I don't think that one has to be a trinitarian to believe that the Son is…[Read more]

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    Bod,Have you read The God Delusion? Good read – a must for Christians who want the “flip side” to Josh McDowells, “Evidence Demands a Verdict”.Mandy

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    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 17 2010,23:37)Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 17 2010,00:29)LUi do not understand God beget God.???? were you want to go with this??????terraricca,Is it hard for you to understand these:Man begets manAnimal begets animalIf that is not hard for you to understand, then why is it hard for you to understand:God begets godMaybe you haven't…[Read more]

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    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 17 2010,14:47)terraricca,You misunderstood my comment.  No where did I say that the Son was God the Father, in fact, I said that the Son was not the Most High God (the Father).I don't think that one has to be a trinitarian to believe that the Son is God.  God is what would be begotten of a Father that was and is God.  He wo…[Read more]

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