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  • #273660

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 21 2012,12:43)
    it seems to me that they were preaching Christ and not Jewish tradition…

    again scriptures are saying that Paul was the apostle send to the gentiles ,but being a Jew and a scholar was a great help to all he talked to,Gods spirit was well used with Paul,

    now could you be so kind to show me were I have said this above words??

    if you disagree with me at the least do it honestly, Pierre


    I know I am new here and perhaps in the future you will discover that what I do, I do honestly. I may have erred; that is certainly possible. But I can guarantee that there is no malice intended.

    I said what I said because it was you who said, “because the writer is the one that has gone to the gentiles

    And it seems you reiterated that same thought in your last post when you said, “again scriptures are saying that Paul was the apostle send to the gentiles

    I'm sorry if it seems as if I have misrepresented you but what am I to understand by your own quotes?

    Also, I am not sure why you say, “it seems to me that they were preaching Christ and not Jewish tradition. It is obvious that Paul or any of the other apostles NEVER taught Jewish tradition. They always preached Christ and from the OT…your point seemed a little redundant, but I guess it doesn't hurt to re-emphasize things.


    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 21 2012,06:26)

    I have to disagree with you because the writer is the one that has gone to the gentiles ,and so as nothing to do with the law of Moses even recommended not to circumcised ,and Paul is also the one that forecast to the end or return of Christ…



    And I guess I have to disagree with you about Paul only going to the Gentiles.  His manner was to go to the Jewish synagogues to start churches:

    …a few instances of what I mean:

    Acts 17:1-2  Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews:  
    2 And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures,  

    …and then he leaves Thessalonica…

    Act 17:10  And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.
    Act 17:11  These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

    …the Scriptures were the Old Testament Scriptures.  The NT hadn't been written yet.  Maybe some of the Gospels were available, but for the most part it was the OT Scriptures…


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 21 2012,06:02)

    Quote (Fulloffaith @ Jan. 21 2012,12:07)
    Interesting discussion…what I have noticed is that poster's understandings for “this age,” and satan seem to be all over the place.

    Now this might cause some division but can we approach this from the perspective and understanding of the original poster, KJ?

    KJ, please give us your understanding for the following:

    “this age”

    The term “this age” refers to the final days of the old covenant period. The first generation of Christians were still under the Mosaic system. They were being changed from the image of Moses to the image of Christ (3:4-18). Please read these verses carefully.

    Satan NEVER had the power to blind men. The new testament UNANIMOUSLY declares that GOD did the blinding. Paul declares that GOD blinded men from Moses to his own day by the “same veil.”

    The context:

    “Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech

    unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the end of what was passing away.

    But their minds were blinded.

    For until this day the SAME VEIL remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the veil is being taken away in Christ….

    God has blinded the minds of the unbelievers of this age,

    lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of the God, should shine on them.”

    Note that that which was passing away in Moses' time was still passing away in Paul time. But it was being taken away in Christ. Once it fully passed away the veil was lifted and God no longer blinds the minds of men.

    Men were blinded by the act of Moses' putting the veil upon his face (Ex. 34). Satan had NOTHING to do with it. The blinding occurred by the act of Moses. God Himself blinded them by instrumentation of the “same veil” in Paul's day until the veil was taken away in Christ.

    I repeat: God does NOT blind the minds of men today!KJ


    I agree with you about the final days of the old covenant period. Thank you for your clarification.

    I still need you to explain what and how satan is and what he or it does…you just keep saying satan but do not attach an understanding to it. Hope you understand.



    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 21 2012,05:06)
    show me ??(that) It was the time when it was written.

    Pierre, please start another thread for this discussion. By the way, you never showed me how either. I didn't want to ask because I am interested in who the “god” was. I do not wish to derail the thread any more than it has been…hope you understand.

    PM me as to where that new thread end up…thanks.


    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 21 2012,03:11)

    Quote (Fulloffaith @ Jan. 21 2012,12:07)
    Interesting discussion…what I have noticed is that poster's understandings for “this age,” and satan seem to be all over the place.

    Now this might cause some division but can we approach this from the perspective and understanding of the original poster, KJ?

    KJ, please give us your understanding for the following:

    “this age”

    So, instead of outright disagreeing with him (Jack is a man's name), let us answer according to his own understanding.  T8 brought out the understanding of “this world” to be religious in nature; others say that it refers to this Earth.  Those are wildly varying definitions.  Let us hear from KJ as to how he understand them and proceed from that point.  Remember, the devil believes in Jesus too – just not the same way Christians believe in him…


    first ;Satan is the god of this world ;this means that he as received powers for a time to do as he pleases but with restrictions ,

    while all his (Satan) world developed, the God in heaven has also made his kingdom plans and so both are still working, even now,

    one offers live in Christ ,the other offers dead in his world ,

    so “this age” is still this time


    I'm sorry Pierre, I wanted the ORIGINAL poster to define his terms so that we could understand where he is coming from in order to best “analyze” the points he was making.

    We could argue his definitions for those things afterwards if need be, but they should be placed on separate threads.

    Not that this means anything at this present time, but I think I am disagree with you so far – although it wasn't really a very specific description given in regard to satan.

    “this age” is not this time. It was the time when it was written.


    Interesting discussion…what I have noticed is that poster's understandings for “this age,” and satan seem to be all over the place.

    Now this might cause some division but can we approach this from the perspective and understanding of the original poster, KJ?

    KJ, please give us your understanding for the following:

    “this age”

    So, instead of outright disagreeing with him (Jack is a man's name), let us answer according to his own understanding.  T8 brought out the understanding of “this world” to be religious in nature; others say that it refers to this Earth.  Those are wildly varying definitions.  Let us hear from KJ as to how he understand them and proceed from that point.  Remember, the devil believes in Jesus too – just not the same way Christians believe in him…

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