FNMBG replied to the topic Salvation free Gift? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 1 month ago
Well I happen to be a Christian… C.O.G.I.C. Church of God in Christ and I was raised on the beliefe of trinitarianism. I fear the fact that denoucing Christ as Lord might be the wrong decision. I am prayin very hard about what I am reading. Try some explanations in lamens terms. I would like to show my pop(dad) these too so Lamens. It would be…[Read more]
FNMBG replied to the topic Salvation free Gift? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 1 month ago
So like I was sayin… I just want the truth. I know the Devil will use the truth and twist it up and it'll sound correct but he's the father of all lies. So In Revelation19: says that Jesus is on the white horse and on his robe is a name written that no one knows except him, but it also say's that he has a robe and on his thigh the name is…[Read more]
FNMBG replied to the topic Salvation free Gift? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 1 month ago
YO Kiddo's my name is Mr.H!
Happy to be here.I see there is a lot of overcomplicity going on and I myself was raised on the trinitary belief. Ater I read James1:13 I had to agree that Christ and God are a lil different. It's hard so pray for me. I am askin God for wisdom in what Im doing today.Im 17 and I grew up in church and around religion…[Read more]