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    I do and did. See I am of my father=GOD. Now remember the church world teaches that you find God, but that is not right. God finds his lost sheep. Are you one of his lost sheep? He says my sheep know my voice do you knwo the voice of God? This is wehre the church world will miss it, they are following the carnal mind that the church is teaching,…[Read more]

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    I got some good news for you. Just becasue someone bleieves somthing dont make it right or wrong, but the ruth is the truth. The world teaches that you find GOD=object of worship. Well this is wrong, you dont or cant find God. If God dont find you , you wont be found. See God is the spirit of life, and he goes forth looking for his lost sheep,…[Read more]

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    Quote (shimmer @ Feb. 03 2012,22:55)Wakeup, if there's a literal mark, I won't be taking it.  What about everyone else here?Unless you have cast out the carnal mind you have already taken the MARK. The mark is not something that is going to happen in the future, it has been here for 6K years. When God told Adam dont pertake of the tree of…[Read more]

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    Delriomike replied to the topic in the forum Islam 12 years, 7 months ago

    I would like to thank you for reading 1-50. I would like ot advise you to be careful how you enterain strangers as some have entertained angels unawares. So Now you must let God reveal himself to you you either are or you are not, that is for God to judge not me. So thanks again.

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    OK I am not real learned on how to do this so tell me how and I will be glad to chat with yo about it, or email me and I will Thanks Mike

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    Delriomike replied to the topic in the forum Islam 12 years, 7 months ago

    If you truly want to understand (whixch I trust you do) then you ought to go to FACEBOOK type in DAD IN HIS OWN WORDS bu Melody Pike Allen and read post 1-50 all are very short post and it will show you best what I am saying.Only God can reveal it to you you or me is not smart enough to understand it.

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    Kinda wakeup: I found that carnal minded thinking when I read about it first time in Gen. 1 when Adam pertook of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and they have passed it down even until today but it is a lot stronger now as they have 6K years of knowwledge. The carnal mind cannot comproehend the things of God they wrestle it to thier own destruction.

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    See Mike the carnal has been trying to carnally understand the spirit mind for about 6k years and they still are wrestleing to thier own destruction. The carnal mind cannot figure out the spirit mind so it dont matter how hard and how smart they become they cant do it. I wont listen to the carnal mind I listen to the spirt of God he directs us in…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 03 2012,12:32)Hi Del,This thread is about whether or not spirit beings, such as angels and the resurrected Jesus, have bodies in heaven or not.What do you think?Mike as the church religious world teaaches when we die we go to heaven and get our angleic bodies, well if we understand who we are and get in our position with…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 03 2012,11:41)Very good, Pierre.  :)I know that t8, Gene, Wm, Irene, KJ, and many others believe the same thing.  I just wanted to see how many.Thanks for voting.Do you know where heaven is? Are you in heaven? Which heaven are you in? Paul said he was caught up to the third heaven which are you in? 🙂 Nicademous was s…[Read more]

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    FOOD FOR THOUGHT Where was Jesus Christ when he looked at Nicademous and told he I am in heaven? Where was he? Was he really in heaven? I know he was I am in heaven also, you say that was Jesus but not you. Do you not recognize the same Jesus Christ today in 2012? When you do it unto the least you do it unto me, I just happen to be the least in…[Read more]

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    Quote (seekingtruth @ Feb. 03 2012,11:49)Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 03 2012,08:16)Quote (toby @ Feb. 02 2012,17:31)SeekingTruth, are you saying that Jesus is in his flesh and bone body in Heaven?Wm?Toby/Mike,I did not say it, Jesus said it. Show me justification for an undeclared “change” at the ascension, and I'll reconsider my position, otherwise…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 03 2012,11:47)Wm,You say that I'm twisting 1 Cor 15:45, which tells us that Jesus became a spirit.  You once asked for a supporting scripture.  How about this one:17 Now the Lord is that spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.Will that one work for you?That will work for me. Let me share this with y…[Read more]

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    Delriomike replied to the topic in the forum Islam 12 years, 7 months ago

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Feb. 03 2012,11:56)Quote (Delriomike @ Feb. 02 2012,23:53)Quote (bodhitharta @ Feb. 02 2012,16:47)Quote (Delriomike @ Feb. 02 2012,14:53)I marvel at how all the religious people fire on the Muslims as to how wrong they are. Yes they are in error, but my friend all other ritual religions are eating out of the same bucket as the…[Read more]

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    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 03 2012,07:23)Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 02 2012,22:10)Hi Wakeup,That is following Scripture; what do you suggest is wrong and why?God blessEd J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgEDJ.You are messed up; mixing up the flesh and and the spirit.flesh is flesh,and the spirit is spirit; the spirit dwells in the man, he is not…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 03 2012,04:05)Quote (toby @ Feb. 03 2012,05:13)Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 02 2012,09:59)tobywhy do you made this free comment to me? ;Scriptures clearly says (Hey Terraricca!)  'The Spiritual did not come first.  The natural, then the Spiritual'this is in scriptures no???PierreHi Terraricca.The post was to Mikeboll.  You as…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 02 2012,18:12)Quote (Delriomike @ Feb. 02 2012,14:59)Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 02 2012,14:27)Delriomike.WELL THEN REVEAL IT TO US.A MAN DOES NOT HIDE THE LIGHT UNDER HIS BED.wakeup.I would speak unto you as spirituals but seeing that most are babes that are still on the bottle it is hard to give them meat. What I would like you to do…[Read more]

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    Delriomike replied to the topic in the forum Islam 12 years, 7 months ago

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Feb. 02 2012,16:47)Quote (Delriomike @ Feb. 02 2012,14:53)I marvel at how all the religious people fire on the Muslims as to how wrong they are. Yes they are in error, but my friend all other ritual religions are eating out of the same bucket as the muslims are. They are drunk off the wine of her fornications (great whore).…[Read more]

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    Quote (Lightenup @ Feb. 02 2012,14:50)Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 30 2012,18:01)Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 29 2012,17:40)Can you admit that your son was alive the day before he was born?Sure.Can YOU admit that there was a time when your sons and daughters DIDN'T exist?Mike,There is where you lied. You said 'sure' and later said that you really don't…[Read more]

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    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 02 2012,14:27)Delriomike.WELL THEN REVEAL IT TO US.A MAN DOES NOT HIDE THE LIGHT UNDER HIS BED.wakeup.I would speak unto you as spirituals but seeing that most are babes that are still on the bottle it is hard to give them meat. What I would like you to do is go to facebook and DAD IN HIS OWN WORDS by Melody Pike Allen she has…[Read more]

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