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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Human @ Jan. 10 2005,08:57)Nick,Here is what Rotherams translation says about Revelation 1:1:The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to point out unto his servants the things which must needs come to pass with speed,–and he shewed them by signs, sending through his messenger, unto his servant John;Even if your translation…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 10 2005,01:53)I understand Dora. The point I raised may be worth considering too. The new body is different. It is asexual.I wonder if husband and wife will be truly as one body as there is a sense of total unity between them in the Word that may find fuller expression then?These spiritual bodies will last 1000 years and…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 10 2005,04:04)Hi Dora, If you love God you will love the Son. If you love the Son you will love his teachings and build you doctrines on them You will not deny or allegorise his teachings. He spoke in allegories to the world but not his followers. He taught about the real person of Satan.i will ask you: does my salvation…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 10 2005,04:04)Hi Dora, If you love God you will love the Son. If you love the Son you will love his teachings and build you doctrines on them You will not deny or allegorise his teachings. He spoke in allegories to the world but not his followers. He taught about the real person of Satan.my dear brother, peace in Jesus'…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    i just reaized what you meant when you said you dont rely on reasoning…i will say this: none of us who love the truth believe we are influenced by our own reasonings, but when we accept any doctrine without devoting time to trying the spirits to see if they are God, we are susceptible to our own reasonings…it is just much easier than searching…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 10 2005,03:40)Hi Dora, I do not rely on reason but on the revelation of the Word of God. I know you love the Word.It is to this Love that I appeal to you.ty, nickit is in love of the word & sincere love for you that i also respond :)

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 10 2005,03:04)Hi Dora, I think you misunderstand me.The Son of God was begotten in the beginning and had the greatest glory below the Father. He obeyed the wishes of his Father and humbled himself partaking of our natural flesh and God. Mary conceived him by the power of the Spirit. He was born of woman and made for a…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    as for the anonymony of satan working to his advantage: how is that? if he is satan he wants to be glorified & thought of as a terror, & if he fits the reputation given to him, the fact that anyone would deny his reality would challenge him to prove himselfi think if he were actually the great terror & evil that is portrayed it wouldnt gratify…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 10 2005,02:48)Hi Dora, As t8 says I am sure Satan is quite happy to remain anonymous. He can be much more effective that way.To deny him is to contradict scripture Dora. Satan was given permission to hurt Job. Jesus was tempted by him. The book of Mark is full of the work of Jesus freeing those under his influence. Jesus…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DORA

    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 10 2005,01:53)I understand Dora. The point I raised may be worth considering too. The new body is different. It is asexual.I wonder if husband and wife will be truly as one body as there is a sense of total unity between them in the Word that may find fuller expression then?These spiritual bodies will last 1000 years and…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    at this point i am inclinded to believe that satan, devil, evil spirits pertain to the adversarial nature of flesh that works in darkness & separation from God…surely you could say that men's accusations against one another, his hatred, murder, violence against others in the name of God is like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour…the…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 10 2005,00:50)Hi Dora, We know Satan was among the sons of God in heavenDoes that mean he was one of them? I think so. The sons of God are also seen in gen 6 and Jb 38. I think they are the princes and the archangels and elders of revn.We see him also accusing Joshua in Zech 3 and he is know as the accuser of the brethren…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    I believe you misunderstood what i meant by this statement: we change from being a child to becoming an adult body as well? the body isnt eliminated…it is changedyour answer was: We know the body is changed and the heavenly is put on over the natural-does that mean it replaces it? I am not sure. Don't know about children but since they can…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 10 2005,00:23)Hi, The site author is t8. He has no denominational affiliation and I do not either. We belong to the body of Christ. God knows those who are his.:) yes, i know that God knows who are His…the word says for us to know them that labor among us & i just wondered because i like the site very much

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    I am very interested in who the author of this site is…I see names associated with the site in the visions link, but there is no name given for the author of the site that I can find…may I ask who it is or who the denominational affiliation is?

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 09 2005,23:47)Hi Dora,Do you not believe in Satan, the roaring lion looking for someone to devour? What does it mean to you to accept salvation? Intellectual assent or baptism followed by receiving the Spirit as shown in the Word?:) thx for asking, nickwhat i believe about the identy of satan would be highly contriversial,…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 09 2005,23:04)Hi Dora, My opinion would be Elijah would have to be given a heavenly body to put on over the earthly to enter heaven. Scripture does not say more.Jesus proved to Thomas and the disciples that he was still in his original injured body. He showed them the wounds and ate with them. A spirit does not have a…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 09 2005,23:04)Hi Dora, My opinion would be Elijah would have to be given a heavenly body to put on over the earthly to enter heaven. Scripture does not say more.Jesus proved to Thomas and the disciples that he was still in his original injured body. He showed them the wounds and ate with them. A spirit does not have a…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 09 2005,21:32)Ps When god breathed life into us that did not make us holy.The Father gives us that breath-it does not stay part of Him.The man from Heaven has now a spiritual body and so do we when we are resurrected-we shall bear his image and so can inherit the Kingdom of Godthx for the welcome, NickI want to comment on…[Read more]

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    DORA replied to the topic Babylon and the Beast in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 09 2005,21:32)Ps When god breathed life into us that did not make us holy.The Father gives us that breath-it does not stay part of Him.The man from Heaven has now a spiritual body and so do we when we are resurrected-we shall bear his image and so can inherit the Kingdom of Godvery true & as you can see by what i wrote, i…[Read more]

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