• Profile picture of Admin

    Admin replied to the topic in the forum Free Will? 10 years, 4 months ago


    again you steer the topic away from its subject and toward promotion of your religion.
    I have disabled your ability to post.
    Feel free to contact a Moderator or myself with a pledge to keep to the topic and we can reinstate your posting rights.

  • Profile picture of Proclaimer

    @Colter, you said:

    The incarnate Son was of duel origin, at times he spoke as man subject to the will of Father during his incarnate life, at other times by divine rite. Jesus is in effect the Father of his co-creation, the existential I AM is his Father, the source of his divine being and the source of all reality. We know of the Father through…

    [Read more]

  • Profile picture of Proclaimer

    I noticed you googled “errors” in the UB, but not truths. Do you take the same approach to the Bible.

    When approaching a new subject it is sometimes easier to disprove it and that saves time having to read all the stuff they claim is right. Process of elimination.

    I can google the same search terms for the Bible and I am aware of wha…[Read more]

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