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    Hi Nick – When did Jesus say – I will send the Holy Spirit to scribes who will write you what you need to know…In fact – the Holy Spirit is a living teacher available even today!I do not mean to say the Bible isn't the GREATEST book we have available about God – but I am saying that I feel the Holy Spirit has led me to the knowledge that the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    hi Nick – I understand what you're saying – its just that I wish it could be said – more lovingly – I guess. After the last two thousand yrs. we have endured I would think we could agree to disagree – but find unity in the things we do agree upon – here's to hope! :)

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    well- first – before I comment on 2 Tim and 2 Peter – it should be noted that those two particular books were likely not written till after Peter and Paul were dead – sometime in the second century. Most Christians do not know that the scholars have doubted those two books (as well as 1 Timothy and Titus) for some time due to various reasons too…[Read more]

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    Actually – I think Landover Baptist is a long-standing satire site against Christianity. Forevidence of this – check out their merchandise page – Landover Baptist Merchandise

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    This might seem off topic – but the Bible is written by men – inspired at best. I believe that Jesus didn't write a book – as the prophets did – because His Gospel is truly meant to be delivered in person – not writings. The Apostles were ordered to 'teach the Gospel to all nations' (Mt 28:19-20). The Bible is the best earthly resource we have on…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    Hi E – I missed your extensive post earlier on this page – so here's a run down of answers – :)have you read everything that Nick has written Chris? no – not yet, but in time I hope to! don't let the fact that you agree with Nick on certain theological issues cause you to point out what you take to be my wrongs in this situation, without also…[Read more]

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    “If no man has seen or heard from the Father – then who was it that professed Jesus to be the Son of God? “I mean at the time of Christ's Baptism – sorry

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    Hi Cubes – Your points are valid – but I have to confess – I still disagree…I believe Jesus was given all authority over heaven and earth when Jesus created all things. If Jesus had all authority – how could the Father act as God (YHWH)?This leads me to another thought – If no man has seen or heard from the Father – then who was it that…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    Nick – It helps to hear compassion in your post – but the end result is that when I looked at the Bible – looked within – and went to Him in prayer – I found that there is layer after layer of problems created by men – like an onion and its skins. Peeling the skin away brings us closer to the core – but it is a tearful experience.

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    Hi epistemaniac!Well – as I said – I am not judging them by stating a fact – at least I don't think I am :) – they claimed that Jesus would return but revised the date of the return several times – and even claimed that Jesus returned 'invisibly.' I don't begrudge their church – as we are all free to find God however we can, and I know several JW's…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    I would like to ask how the Holy Spirit can be God in light of John 16…John 16:13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. What ever the Holy Spirit may be – it ONLY speaks what it hears – it is not…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    Ask the Father – yes! But when He unfolds the answers – what do you do when you discover things that should not be – even within the Bible itself? Some would call this being deceived, but I call it listening to the Spirit of Truth – and ignoring the traditions of the men who claim to be Christian leaders. The road is narrow – we should never…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    Dear WhiteMateria,Being someone who does believe in a like manner to Nick – from what I know of him – I have to say – the JW's started out as a cult that falsely prophesied the return of Christ – right?Why would anyone want a brother in Christ to join this congregation I don't know, but it's sad you would guide us into the hands of false prophets.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    Nick, E, and FYI – Man – you guys are hitting the wall that is built on theologies. There is so much grandstanding occurring that we are forgetting the most important things – we are to follow Him in all possible ways. I agree with Nick about most of everything I've read so far, and I can't understand why what he has written would anger anyone.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    Diana – I posted without seeing your question – but I fully believe YHWH was Jesus and the Father was unknown to us – after all – Jesus did say no man had ever seen or heard the Father – if this is so – who else could be YHWH other than the one the Father gave all authority over the heaven and earth – – – only Jesus could be YHWH in this context.

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    There is much truth and much confusion – but it seems obvious to me that no one here quite agrees about any of it. I know I sure don't – Just wanted you to know – Im praying for all of us. :D

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    So angels – or spirits sent to do His will would not be considered Holy? I understand God is Spirit – but was Gabriel not Holy? Michael? Uriel?

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    Hi Nick – I have been reading and enjoying your posts. The question is – if the Jews didn't hear the voice of God – who was speaking to them? And who did Jesus profess to be God – if not His Father? I can't see YHWH being the Father if no one (Abraham, Moses, Noah, etc) ever heard Him. Jesus already had all authority over heaven and earth – right?…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    Call me crazy – but any 'spirit' sent from God would have to be the Holy Spirit – wouldn't it? I mean – angels are spirits as well – are they not Holy when performing His will? I understand that God is spirit – the Greatest of all spirits – but the way Yeshua describes the Holy Spirit kind of implies that it isn't God Himself…John 16:13But when…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Christofer

    I have been looking at this issue for sometime – and I would like to point out it is entirely possible YHWH is Yeshua, and the Father was never part of the vision revealed to the Jews. Yeshua said no man had ever seen or heard the Father except the Son (John 5:37)- thus YHWH cannot be the Father – as YHWH was often heard from in the OT.If YHWH is…[Read more]

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