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    Quote But many other verses also say that the LORD appeared, yet we know that the LORD appeared through an Angel.The word 'Lord' in English Old Testaments really bothers me, as it adds to the confusion that people have concerning the nature of the Father and the Son. For example – if Genesis 26 was properly translated – it would read as follows -…[Read more]

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    That was a good post John – however – I disagree about how you broke up body – spirit and soul. The spirit…Genesis 6:3 And the LORD said, “My Spirit will not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh Ecclesiastes 12:7 and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.The SoulMatthew 10:28 Do not be…[Read more]

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    True – but my point in sharing was to show that 'Lucifer' wasn't his name – but a mistranslation :)

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    Lucifer isn't really Satan's name. It was a a word Jerome (improperly) used in the Latin translation that became part of the KJV – and subsequently, part of Satan's many names. Isaiah 1412 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! (KJV)12 How you have fallen…[Read more]

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    Quote You teach about God from your own insights instead of from the Word. You have told us you trust your own inspiration ahead of the Word. By denying scripture you have thrown away the measure and the check points for your inspiration.I believe you have misunderstood something here, my friend. First – I don't teach about God – I share what I…[Read more]

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    I am following Jesus when I say no man has seen the Father. I am using that teaching to see that Yahweh could NOT be the Father. I also know who was given authority over the heaven and the earth, thus making Him 'God'. I find it amazing you ignore the vision of Isaiah – simply because Isaiah wasn't taken 'to Heaven' to meet the Father. I am sure…[Read more]

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    Quote U continue to be amazed at the fertile imaginations of some who will find “supportive scriptural evidence” for any theories they entertain about God.They find some possible inconsistency or disparity and use such induced doubts to try to bolster their doctrines such as God is “three in one” or “Jesus is Yahweh”.You have said Yahweh is the…[Read more]

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    Quote And Yeshua is demonstrated in these scriptures not to be YHWH so I think you need to accept that at face value. If no man had seen the Father – yet Isaiah saw Yahweh – who is Yahweh -at face value? Yahweh can't be the Father without Jesus being made a liar – can He? This is something I have been studying – and the more I dig – the more it…[Read more]

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    Where is YHWH applied to the Father?

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    Hi Nick Isaiah 6:1- Lord ='Adonay'… according to Strong's – meaning 1) my lord, lorda) of menb) of God2) Lord – title, spoken in place of Yahweh in Jewish display of reverenceIsaiah 6:3 – using the World English Bible – which uses the sacred name of Yahweh, identifies the 'Lord'6:3 One called to another, and said, “Holy, holy, holy, is Yahweh of…[Read more]

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    Nick,Thanks for your concern – but you obviously missed the point of what I said – I am guided by the Holy Spirit. You are convinced of what you are convinced – I will just be happy that I know you love Jesus too.

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    The argument is baseless – because there is a serious lack of understanding when looking at the Father and the Son… Yahweh, YHWH or Jehovah was NOT the Father – The New Testament has this to say about the Father…John 1:18No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known.John 6:46No one has…[Read more]

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    Actually – in the letters I doubt the authorship to, I can find many things that don't seem to line up with the truth Jesus professed… in fact – I can find contradictions between those letters and the older authentic letters… and that was what led me to research more about the books in question.I follow Jesus first – then the Apostles – so if…[Read more]

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    Dear epistemaniac Well – here's the thing… why don't these commentators simply accept His words on the subject? Let me take one example cited above – I will look at them all more closely – but notice how things don't add up the way they say they do….“Some have understood Jesus’ prohibition of oaths to be universal, but Jesus Himself s…[Read more]

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    Amen Nick – I especially agree with Enoch – but there is so much there historically about the various problems with the Bible that all Christians should review for themselves. But why would they review the information if they see others ask sincere questions about difficulties in scripture who are humiliated and insulted regardless of the topic?…[Read more]

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    PS. John 539 You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life.As it was – it still is – :(

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    Nick – you seem to be fixated on this idea that if I do not believe all scripture I can't believe any of it… how ironic that you are now speaking like the Trinitarians – “if you don't agree with them – you don't believe in God” – right? And yes – it is certainly the same thing – because what you are doing is judging me on your view of the…[Read more]

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    oh Nick – It is as easy as understanding where and how things happened – and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Let me try to answer your points…These forums involve people who at least love and respect the Word of God and do not doubt it's veracity but come together to more deeply understand it by comparing verse with verse.How do you…[Read more]

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    Nick – true – I botched up my paraphrase of His words about hearing the Father – sorry – but it still remains that no one had seen the Father – yet many saw – and heard Yahweh…Gen. 17:1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, Yahweh appeared to Abram, and said to him, “I am God Almighty. Walk before me, and be blameless. 2 I will make my…[Read more]

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    Certainly there is no indication in that verse that the Spirit thinks or acts independantly of God is there? NIck – that is exactly my point! The Spirit can ONLY speak what He hears! Doesn't this make Him sub-servant to God – or the Lord – depending on who is telling Him what to say?

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