YHWH always has a remnant

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    What I believe is the remnant that is saved is the spirit – we must be born again (conceived of the Holy Spirit) to inherit the kingdom of God, what is flesh is flesh and does not inherit the kingdom of God.

    It is a remnant of everyone that is saved –  spirit saved, flesh destroyed

    In this age we can overcome and be born into the Kingdom of God and not be hurt of the second death.  {The first death is not the physical death but the crucifixion of our flesh, not our physical flesh but the works and lusts of the flesh Gal 5:16-26 also   refer Romans 6:4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. }

    Just like we have no control over our physical birth, we don't have control over our spiritual birth (we do however have control over our growth and also others can infuence us in how we grow)


    Meerkat……….good post

    peace to you…………………gene


    Sorry Meerkat, and Gene, that has nothing to do with a remnant.

    Rev. 12:17  “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep (have) the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

    Remnant, referring in this instant to what was left of the Jews, scattered all over the world.



    Irene……If you will notice the women had a CROWN of 12 stars, that represent the 12 tribes of Israel (Not) just the Jews. REV 12:1

    The remnant of Her seed are Israelites God Said He would return (Israel), not just the Jews. It also shows in Rev 7:5-8……12 thousand from (EACH) Tribe will be specifically chosen by GOD to be with Jesus in the resurrection. There will also be an unnumbered Multitude there also.

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………gene



    All Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews.
    The remnant talked about in Rev. 12:17 are Israelites scattered all over the world after the AD 70 massacre. They are the remnant, the seed of the woman, Israel, that brought forth the man child, Jesus. Satan made war with her seed after he was cast out of heaven, 1843.
    The Israelites, generally called Jews, felt Satan's wrath under Hitler; the worst time they had ever experienced, as you read in; Mat. 24:21 / Jer. 30:7 / and Dan. 12:1.
    Notice that the 12 thousand from each tribe have the Fathers name written on their forehead, Rev. 14:1, That has a very significant meaning. They are by the way, the same 144000 as in Rev. 7.



    Georg….Correct But they are not all Jews only 12 thousand are the rest are of the other tribes of Israel. The Israelites are not all Jews the Jews are only 1/12 the total tribes of Israel, Jesus sent His 12 apostles to the (LOST) Sheep of the HOUSE of ISRAEL. He did not send then to the Jews but to the (LOST SHEEP) of the HOUSE of ISRAEL>If you look up in 2 KIngs you will find the Kingdom of Israel at war with the Kingdom of Judah. The kingdom of Judah, consisted of the tribe of Levi,Benjamin and the Jews, while the Kingdom of Israel consisted of the other ten tribes, Gad, Dan, Asher, Naphtali, Zebulun, Issachar, Simeon, Ruben, Ephraim, and Manaasseh.

    The false assumption that the Jews represent all Israel is a false assumption, The other tribes are scattered out in all the earth, they are as the sands of the sea in number as GOD told Abraham they would be. They have lost their identity but will some descover it , thats why Jesus sent the disciples to the (LOST SHEEP) of the HOUSE Of ISRAEL. They were commiserate to seek then out and Jesus even said that the Gospel of the Kingdom would not even reach all the cities of Israel before the son of Man come. There are literally Billions of Israelites in the world today. They Just don't Know it YET.

    love and peace to you and yours……………..gene



    The expression, the house of Israel, is the entire nation, all 12 tribes.
    Then you have the house/kingdom of Israel; the northern 10 tribes, and you have the house/kingdom of Judah; the southern 2 tribes.
    The northern kingdom was scattered in 722 BC, the southern kingdom was scattered in 70 AD.
    As far as being lost, the entire nation was lost, and still is.
    His command to the apostles only to preach to the lost sheep of Israel has to do with the prophesy of the 70 weeks in Daniel 9:24. The Israelites were given first chance to receive the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ, by hearing the gospel; before it was preached to the gentiles, Cornelius being the first to except it after the 70 weeks were up.



    Georg………I agree with what you said , except with the Jew's as being lost I disagree with that, the Jew keep there identity throughout History, the rest of the 12 tribes did not, and were lost in History, To assume the Jew represent all Israel is wrong they certinly do not, they only represent a fraction of the house of Israel 1/12 only. In fact The tribe of Judah is not the name sake tribe it is Ephraim and Manasseh, Did not Jacob (Israel) say, let my name be upon them, he did not say on the rest of the tribes. Ephraim and Manasseh were to receive the greatest blessings in the earth, they were prophesied to hold the gates of their enemies and great wealth, (England is Ephraim and is a Common Wealth of Nations as Jacob said they would be) Manasseh is the United States, i believe and represent all 13 tribes . If you follow the blessing of Jacob on the tribes it helps identify them. Remember GOD said Ephraim is my first born, not Judah. In fact you can trace the crown of David from the Jews to present day England , this happened by Jeremiah, This crown i believe will be soon on the head of Jesus. Georg this is another great subject it deserves it's own thread. imo

    Love to you and yours…………………….gene



    Hello Gene

    To think that Jesus came just to look for the 10 tribes of Israel doesn't make sense.
    You said it correctly, the old Jacob/Israel adopted the sons of Joseph and made them his own; they too became Israelites: let my name be upon them, he said. Why would you need him to say that to the rest of his children, they were his, they were all Israelites, all 12 of them.
    I never said that the Jews represent all of Israel; I said that in general Israelites are called Jews, regardless what tribe their from.
    I agree with you on Ephraim and Manasseh being England and the U.S., I don't agree they represent all the tribes of Israel.
    When Jesus said I am send to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, he spoke to a Canaanite woman, meaning, it was not yet time for the gentiles.
    Also notice that he said, “the lost sheep of the house of Israel”, indicating that the entire house/nation was not lost.
    I don't believe that England has anything to do with the crown of David.
    The house of Israel, 10 tribes, rejected their king; were never recognized by God as a legitimate kingdom.
    Ezekiel spoke of the house of Judah loosing their crown, Ezek. 21:26, which was done when the Babylonians conquered Judah in 606 BC.
    The crown is just a symbol of self rulership, independence; even in England it is just a symbol because you know that the Queen really doesn't rule the Country.
    Ya I agree with you making this a tread on it's own.



    Georg…… I know Jesus did not come to look for the (LOST ten Tribes) He came unto His own (Jews) as he was a Jew, but He sent the 12 apostles to go to the (LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL) That was there commission. Also Joseph was not a adopted son He was a real son of Jacob. His brother was Benjamin . Joseph received a double portion because Jacob gave Him the position of First born and Ephraim and Manasseh were His grandchildren. God said Ephraim is my first born.

    AS the speeration of the Kingdom of Judah and the kingdom of Israel being seperate Nations, God said it through Eze 37:16….> Moreover, thou son of Man take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and His companions (Benjamin, and Levi), Take another sitck and write upon it For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim. and for (ALL) the HOUSE of ISRAEL. Notice the house of Israel is (Not) refered to with the Jews.

    Now continue in v21…> and say unto them, thus saith the LORD GOD; behold, I will take the childern of Israel from among the Heathen whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side,and shall bring them into their own Land: v22..> And i will make them (ONE NATION) in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one King shall be king to them all and they shall be, no more (TWO) NATIONS, neither shall they be divided into two KINGDOMS and More at All.

    Georg that has not happened Yet it will in the future When Jesus come and receives the Crown passed do to present day England. In fact under the coronation Chair is a stone (the Stone of Scone) and is considered to be Jacob's plier stone.

    The crown was transfered to Ireland by Jeremiah and His scribe Burch when He took the princes TEA there after the Jews went into captivity. The bible says that there would never lack a man to sit on the throne of David until the messiah come . There is a scripture that also says the the throne would be overturned ,three times and would finely be taken by the messiah . Eze 21:26….>thus said the Lord God: turn aside the mitre, and bear (away) the Crown, This-not this– the low make high, and high make low, Ver 27,..> an overturn, overturn,overturn. I make it, Also this hath not been till the coming of Him, whose is the judgement, and I have given it. There has been a lot of debate over this over the years but i tend to think it might be true. Any way i interesting stuff.

    peace and love to hyou and yours………………gene


    Hi Gene

    Well, let me start from the top.
    The commission given to the apostles, was given after his death and resurrection, and he did not sent them looking for the 10 tribes. He told them, go ye into all the world and make disciples of all nations, Mat. 28:19.
    I did not say Joseph was adopted, I said Ephraim and Manasseh were adopted by old Israel.
    The nation Israel was divided into the northern and the southern kingdom, however, the northern kingdom “Israel”, never had an anointed king. God only recognized as the legitimate kingdom, the kingdom of Judah. And yes, the two nation will become one again.
    The children of Israel, Gene you are not paying attention what it says. Who are the children of Israel? All the children, all 12 of them and all the descendants, millions by now.
    As I have said in my last post, a crown is nothing more then a symbol of power and authority. Jesus is already crowned King of Kings, and already he has received all power and authority,Mat. 28:18.
    I have read the booklets from Mr. Armstrong too, and I have no intention to make him look bad; but let me just say this, he was wrong in many things.
    Ezekiel prophesied that Judah's crown, their independents, would be taking away by the Babylonians, Ezek. 21:26. Then he goes on saying, “I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more.” Ezek. 21:27. The three “overturns” refer to the three empires that followed in succession after the Babylonians. They were, Media-Persia, Greece, and Rome. They all ruled over the nation of Judah, nation only because it was no longer a kingdom. Question is: what is “it”, it says “and it shall be no more”.
    “IT” refers to the nation of Judah. The Jewish rebellion in AD 70 brought an end to the nation, and “IT”, the nation, was no more.
    Yes, Babylon was exalted, and Judah was abased.

    I do enjoy this, Georg


    Like I said, I'm a tread stopper



    When Jesus sent the disciples into the world to make disciples that is exactly where the 10 lost tribes had already been dispersed – I am wondering if the gathering of the elect after the tribulation of 70AD is the same as the making of disciples over the last 2000 years?


    Hi Meerkat

    Jesus said, make disciples of all nations; he did not tell anyone to go look for the 10 tribes.
    There was not, and there is not, a gathering of the elect. The gospel was to be preached into all the world for all to hear, and it was, and still is, up to the individual to respond to it.
    Nothing in the Bible says, only the 10 tribes are called; many are called, from all nations, but few are chosen, why? Because most people stick to tradition, and don't answer the call.
    Ask some one if they know what Jesus means when he says, in Revelation, come out of her my people.





    Thanks, Nick – your great with finding relevant threads, much appreciated!!


    topical, to Nick
    you got in between Meerkat



    You should have never encouraged him.




    Sorry ….. in what way?

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