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- May 18, 2009 at 5:03 pm#131242
ParticipantWhile perusing some of the threads on the Board, I came across a very elequent display of Worldy knowledge and wisdom, used in trying to ascertain the truth of a particular Bible subject. Now, this was a very long discussion, on the use of proper grammar, that was obviously done by persons who was highly educated.. Now, in all honesty, there are some today, lacking in this particular field of learning, who would not have understood a word of what was being taught by these individuals who was, I believe, trying to impress others by this, O so elequent form of teaching. However, I must say, that I was not at all impressed! {1Corinthians 14:7-11}
The reasons being, the following: “As it is, the inaminate things give off sound, whether a flute or a harp; unless it makes an interval to the tones, how will it be known what is being played on the flute or on the harp? For truly, if the trumpet sounds an indistinct call, who will get ready for battle? In the same way also, unless you through the tongue utter speech easily understood, how will it be known what is is being spoken? You will, in fact, be speaking into the air. It may be that there are so many kinds sounds in the world, and yet no kind is without meaning. If, then, I do not understand the force of the speech sound, I shall be a foreigner to the one speaking, and the one speaking will be a foreigner to me.”
So, for good reason, I would never try to use any worldly wisdom in trying to present the truth to any of those who just might be listening to me. I would know, that there are some who just do not understand the particular line of reasoning here in question, and I would also know, that, that line of reasoning is not needed to convey the truth to anyone. As I will go on to show.
Now, from my study of the Bible, I have never once seen a case, where one of the first Century followers of the Christ, had to be informed as to the rules we have today, on the use of proper grammar for a proper understanding the Bible. As a matter of fact, his followers were men 'unlettered and ordinary,' so says the Bible. So, a high level of learning was not required for them to understand the teachings of the Christ. {Acts 4:13}
What was true of Jesus in the first Century, and his followers, would also be true of those he teaches today. Notice what was said of Jesus: “Therefore the Jews fell to wondering, saying: “How does this man have a knowledge of letters, when he has not studied at the schools.” {John 7:15} So, quite clearly, Jesus never was dependent, on the Worldly knowedge and wisdom, that existed in his own day. Now, just why was that?
Since Jesus never attended any of the Schools in his day, and his Apostles were men 'unlettered and ordinary' just from what source did he, and they, receive their teachings? What enabled them to understand it? The Apostle John will explain just what that source was, for John penned these words of Jesus “For I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master does. But I have called you friends, because ALL THE THINGS I HAVE HEARD FROM MY FATHER I HAVE MADE KNOWN TO YOU.” {John 15:15} “Jesus in turn answered them and said: “What I teach IS NOT MINE, but belongs to the Father who sent me.” {John 7:16}
So, then, it was his Father that was the source of all of the knowledge that Jesus and his first Century followers was in possession of, according to those two scriptures in John. Since all of that knowledge was the plain and simple truth, it was not too difficult for his followers to get the sense of everything, even without any high level of learning. In actuality, it was, in reality, the Holy Spirit that was responsible, for all the Knowledge that they was in possession of, and, that Holy Spirit never gave them any lessons on the use of proper grammer. No! That was not needed at all! Something was needed though! What, exactly, was that?
Firstly, they had to be 'granted to understand the sacred secrets of the Kingdom of the heavens.' {Matthew 13:11} Next, they had to have their minds 'fully opened, to grasp the meaning of the scriptures.' {Luke 24: 45} Lastly, they had, to receive of the anointing of Holy Spirit! As John worded it: “And as for you, the anointing that you received from him remains in you, and you do not need ANYONE to be teaching you; but, as the anointing you received from him IS TEACHING YOU ABOUT ALL THINGS, and is true and is no lie, and just as IT HAS TAUGHT YOU, remain in union with him.” {1John 2:27} So, then, after his ascension to the invisible heavens, entrusted with the Holy Spirit as he was, the Christ would continue his teaching of them. As explained in John, that one would 'teach them all things' 'bring back to their minds,' everything that the Christ had taught them, even revealing the 'things to come.' {John 14:26;16:13}
We just might, now, allow the Apostle Paul to sum all of this up, thus far, by these next words of his: “For I put you on notice, Brothers, {Worldy Wise Scholars} that the good news that was declared by me, is NOT SOMETHING HUMAN; for neither did I receive it FROM MAN, nor was I taught it {BY MAN} except through REVELATION BY JESUS CHRIST.” {Gaslations 1:11,12}
Thus far, what does all of this do, for all of those today, who believe that they must first, be Schooled in the field of higher-learning, to understand properly the Holy Writings? Personally, I would say, that, what they believe is just so much hog-wash, if you'll all pardon the expression.
I believe, also, as well, that Jehovah himself views it in the same light, according to what he had the Apostle Paul write about this very thing. Let these Worldly wise Scholars, who love to set-forth their extravagent speeches, consider closely the words of the Apostle Paul on this very matter, for he, wrote: “So I, when I came to you, brothers, I did not come with AN EXTRAVAGANCE OF SPEECH or of wisdom declaring the sacred secret of God to you. For I decided not TO KNOW ANYTHING except Jesus Christ, and him impaled, And I came to you IN WEAKNESS and IN FEAR and with much TREMBLING; and MY SPEECH and what I PREACHED were NOT WITH PERSAUSIVE WORDS OF WISDOM but with A DEMONSTRATION OF SPIRIT AND POWER, THAT YOUR FAITH MAY NOT BE IN MENS WISDOM, BUT IN GOD`S POWER. Now, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, but NOT THE WISDOM of THIS SYSTEM OF THINGS nor that of THE RULERS OF THIS SYSTEM OF THINGS, who are TO COME TO NOTHING. But we SPEAK GOD`S Wisdom in a sacred secret, the HIDDEN WISDOM, which God foreordained before the system of things for our glory. THIS WISDOM NOT ONE OF THE RULERS OF THIS SYSTEM OF THINGS CAME TO KNOW, FOR IF THEY HAD OF KNOWN IT they would not have impaled the righteous lord…“ {1Corinthians 2:1-16} Paul, continues: For it is written: “I will make the wisdom of the wise {men} perish, and the intelligence of the intellectual {men} I will shove aside.” Next, Jehovah throws out a challenge to these intellectuals: “Where is the wise man? Where the Scribe? Where the debater of this system of things? Did not God make the wisdom of this World foolish? For since in the wisdom of God, the World through its wisdom did not come to know God. God saw good through the foolishness of what is preached to save those believing.” {1Corinthians 1: 18-31}
So, we have learned what Jehovah's view is of all of these flowery speakers, all of these worldy intellectuals who believe that they know, O, so much, even more than Jehovah knows. What he does know, as well. He knows how these ones play with his Holy Word, to impress all, with their seemingly intellectual capacity and arguments, by setting forth their highly educated reasonings on spiritual matters. They may impress others with their flowery speech; but Jehovah is not impressed by it. Not on your life, he isn't! As I said: Neither was I! Texas
May 18, 2009 at 6:26 pm#131243Not3in1
ParticipantI adore “flowery speakers”; they challenge my theories, they stimulate my mind, they help increase my vocabulary, and they help me to see a much larger picture!
I can encourage you with the news that most everyone here has a true heart for the Lord. Their fruit, over time, has been tested and shown to be genuine. What will we come to know of your fruit, Texas?
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulnessPress on towards the goal, brother!
MandyMay 18, 2009 at 7:07 pm#131244Texas
ParticipantQuote (Not3in1 @ May 19 2009,06:26) I adore “flowery speakers”; they challenge my theories, they stimulate my mind, they help increase my vocabulary, and they help me to see a much larger picture! I can encourage you with the news that most everyone here has a true heart for the Lord. Their fruit, over time, has been tested and shown to be genuine. What will we come to know of your fruit, Texas?
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulnessPress on towards the goal, brother!
You may enjoy flowery speakers, but Jehovah sure doesn't! I showed you that very clearly. Personally I don't believe that you have a mind to be stimulated. Not from what I see at any rate. You have to listen to increase your vocabulary. You, don't know how to listen! Sometime later on Jehovah will stimulate your mind, in a way that will frighten you to death. As for a much larger picture. Jehovah is going to show you one of those too! Few on this Board, if any at all have a true heart for the lord. They have no heart!
As for my fruitage! Read over all of my posts, and you will quickly learn about that fruitage. It is far greater than yours. or anyones on this Board for that matter, will ever be. Have a good day! Texas!May 18, 2009 at 7:14 pm#131245Cindy
ParticipantTexas You are right that Jehovah God would not be impressed with somebody who would think that they know it all. Like Mandy said, most Members here are not like that. They came out of Churches to believe what the Bible is teaching them. To be humble is to be learned it does not come over night. Being Human we know that we fall short of the glory of God. To believe otherwise is not of God. John tells us that if we believe we have no sin, the truth is not in us. Since Jesus dead and sacrifice, Sin is not imputed to us. So we all learn and strife to be more Christ like. If we do sin, and at least I confess I do, We have a Mediator to go to the Throne of God and ask for forgiveness of that sin.
We do not need perfect grammar, to impress others, that is not why we are here.
Peace and Love IreneMay 18, 2009 at 7:21 pm#131246Cindy
ParticipantQuote (Texas @ May 19 2009,07:07) Quote (Not3in1 @ May 19 2009,06:26) I adore “flowery speakers”; they challenge my theories, they stimulate my mind, they help increase my vocabulary, and they help me to see a much larger picture! I can encourage you with the news that most everyone here has a true heart for the Lord. Their fruit, over time, has been tested and shown to be genuine. What will we come to know of your fruit, Texas?
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulnessPress on towards the goal, brother!
You may enjoy flowery speakers, but Jehovah sure doesn't! I showed you that very clearly. Personally I don't believe that you have a mind to be stimulated. Not from what I see at any rate. You have to listen to increase your vocabulary. You, don't know how to listen! Sometime later on Jehovah will stimulate your mind, in a way that will frighten you to death. As for a much larger picture. Jehovah is going to show you one of those too! Few on this Board, if any at all have a true heart for the lord. They have no heart!
As for my fruitage! Read over all of my posts, and you will quickly learn about that fruitage. It is far greater than yours. or anyones on this Board for that matter, will ever be. Have a good day! Texas!
Texas You do not even know Mandy. You know what, being self righteous is not what Mandy is. And you are showing your fruit by judging Her. She has been around longer then you have. I do not see a warning label on Her name. I do on yours, however. If you want to get along with others you going to have to be a lot kinder.
We are not here to throw our weight around.
Peace and Love IreneMay 18, 2009 at 7:51 pm#131247Texas
ParticipantQuote (Not3in1 @ May 19 2009,06:26) I adore “flowery speakers”; they challenge my theories, they stimulate my mind, they help increase my vocabulary, and they help me to see a much larger picture! I can encourage you with the news that most everyone here has a true heart for the Lord. Their fruit, over time, has been tested and shown to be genuine. What will we come to know of your fruit, Texas?
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulnessPress on towards the goal, brother!
Not3inone!I forgot to show you the results of that frightening picture I mentioned to you. That picture is seen at Matthew 24:31 where it says this: :And then the sign {picture} of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then, ALL THE TRIBES OF THE EARTH WILL BEAT THEMSELVES IN LAMENTATION,, and they WILL SEE {PICTURE} the Son Of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” Now, not a very nice picture you're going to be viewing, is it? There's more though! Look at what the Apostle John tells you about this picture: “Look he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him; {this picture} and ALL THE TRIBES OF THE EARTH WILL BEAT THEMSELVES IN GRIEF BECAUSE OF HIM.” Yes! Amen! Revelation 1:7} So, there's the picture that you will be viewing Not3inone. Not very pleasent, is it? Texas!
May 18, 2009 at 7:55 pm#131248Texas
ParticipantQuote (Cindy @ May 19 2009,07:14) Texas You are right that Jehovah God would not be impressed with somebody who would think that they know it all. Like Mandy said, most Members here are not like that. They came out of Churches to believe what the Bible is teaching them. To be humble is to be learned it does not come over night. Being Human we know that we fall short of the glory of God. To believe otherwise is not of God. John tells us that if we believe we have no sin, the truth is not in us. Since Jesus dead and sacrifice, Sin is not imputed to us. So we all learn and strife to be more Christ like. If we do sin, and at least I confess I do, We have a Mediator to go to the Throne of God and ask for forgiveness of that sin.
We do not need perfect grammar, to impress others, that is not why we are here.
Peace and Love Irene
Hello Irene!
Can't disagree with anything that you have said here. You're on the money with your statements here, Irene! Texas!May 18, 2009 at 8:12 pm#131249Texas
ParticipantQuote (Cindy @ May 19 2009,07:21) Quote (Texas @ May 19 2009,07:07) Quote (Not3in1 @ May 19 2009,06:26) I adore “flowery speakers”; they challenge my theories, they stimulate my mind, they help increase my vocabulary, and they help me to see a much larger picture! I can encourage you with the news that most everyone here has a true heart for the Lord. Their fruit, over time, has been tested and shown to be genuine. What will we come to know of your fruit, Texas?
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulnessPress on towards the goal, brother!
You may enjoy flowery speakers, but Jehovah sure doesn't! I showed you that very clearly. Personally I don't believe that you have a mind to be stimulated. Not from what I see at any rate. You have to listen to increase your vocabulary. You, don't know how to listen! Sometime later on Jehovah will stimulate your mind, in a way that will frighten you to death. As for a much larger picture. Jehovah is going to show you one of those too! Few on this Board, if any at all have a true heart for the lord. They have no heart!
As for my fruitage! Read over all of my posts, and you will quickly learn about that fruitage. It is far greater than yours. or anyones on this Board for that matter, will ever be. Have a good day! Texas!
Texas You do not even know Mandy. You know what, being self righteous is not what Mandy is. And you are showing your fruit by judging Her. She has been around longer then you have. I do not see a warning label on Her name. I do on yours, however. If you want to get along with others you going to have to be a lot kinder.
We are not here to throw our weight around.
Peace and Love Irene
You're correct! I don't know Mandy! I thought that I was talking to, Not3inone! Is Not3in one, Mandy? I didn't happen to be judging her at all! It was the way she was coming across to me, that I didn't appreciate. She happened to rustle a few of my feathers, that was all! So, that is why I came at her in the fashion that I did! Like you said: We 'all fall short of the glory of God.' So, maybe I fell a bit short! Don't we all? Texas!May 18, 2009 at 10:52 pm#131250Cindy
ParticipantQuote (Texas @ May 19 2009,07:07) As for my fruitage! Read over all of my posts, and you will quickly learn about that fruitage. It is far greater than yours. or anyones on this Board for that matter, will ever be. Have a good day! Texas!
TexasBesides your pride and arrogance, that exceeds every one on this board, as you so eloquently put it, just what are your fruits?
The only thing that is greater from you are your posts, and many are not accurate. How many times did I challenge you, and you did not reply.
Hear is a challenge for you, pick any topic on “Biblical Prophecy”, and challenge me.Georg
May 18, 2009 at 11:21 pm#131251Cindy
ParticipantQuote (Texas @ May 19 2009,08:12) Quote (Cindy @ May 19 2009,07:21) Quote (Texas @ May 19 2009,07:07) Quote (Not3in1 @ May 19 2009,06:26) I adore “flowery speakers”; they challenge my theories, they stimulate my mind, they help increase my vocabulary, and they help me to see a much larger picture! I can encourage you with the news that most everyone here has a true heart for the Lord. Their fruit, over time, has been tested and shown to be genuine. What will we come to know of your fruit, Texas?
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulnessPress on towards the goal, brother!
You may enjoy flowery speakers, but Jehovah sure doesn't! I showed you that very clearly. Personally I don't believe that you have a mind to be stimulated. Not from what I see at any rate. You have to listen to increase your vocabulary. You, don't know how to listen! Sometime later on Jehovah will stimulate your mind, in a way that will frighten you to death. As for a much larger picture. Jehovah is going to show you one of those too! Few on this Board, if any at all have a true heart for the lord. They have no heart!
As for my fruitage! Read over all of my posts, and you will quickly learn about that fruitage. It is far greater than yours. or anyones on this Board for that matter, will ever be. Have a good day! Texas!
Texas You do not even know Mandy. You know what, being self righteous is not what Mandy is. And you are showing your fruit by judging Her. She has been around longer then you have. I do not see a warning label on Her name. I do on yours, however. If you want to get along with others you going to have to be a lot kinder.
We are not here to throw our weight around.
Peace and Love Irene
You're correct! I don't know Mandy! I thought that I was talking to, Not3inone! Is Not3in one, Mandy? I didn't happen to be judging her at all! It was the way she was coming across to me, that I didn't appreciate. She happened to rustle a few of my feathers, that was all! So, that is why I came at her in the fashion that I did! Like you said: We 'all fall short of the glory of God.' So, maybe I fell a bit short! Don't we all? Texas!
Texas! Do you even read all the way down the post, see Her signature? I will not say anything further, my Husband said enough. One thing you owe Mandy an apology.
I doubt though knowing you, She probably is not going to get it.
To the Topic. I do not believe that God cares what a Human thinks. He wants us to repent and by His Holy Spirit grow into all truths.
IreneMay 18, 2009 at 11:28 pm#131252Texas
ParticipantQuote (Cindy @ May 19 2009,10:52) Quote (Texas @ May 19 2009,07:07) As for my fruitage! Read over all of my posts, and you will quickly learn about that fruitage. It is far greater than yours. or anyones on this Board for that matter, will ever be. Have a good day! Texas!
TexasBesides your pride and arrogance, that exceeds every one on this board, as you so eloquently put it, just what are your fruits?
The only thing that is greater from you are your posts, and many are not accurate. How many times did I challenge you, and you did not reply.
Hear is a challenge for you, pick any topic on “Biblical Prophecy”, and challenge me.Georg
Okay Georg! You want a topic to discuss? Explain to all of us on this Board, just exactly when the Appointed times of the Nations began. With what event did they begin? How long will they run? When will they end? Don't try and use anything the Watchtower says about that, because their reasoning on that one, is way out in left field, as it is with many other Bible subjects that they deal with. You see Georg, those times have not as yet ended. If that's any help to you! As well, show me where in the Bible, those times are mentioned.By the way! You pick the one of my posts that is inaccurate! Show me, with a reasonable scriptural discussion, just where I'm wrong, and why I'm wrong! If you can actually prove me scripturaly wrong, I'll bow to your superior Knowledge! I await with baited breath, your answers. Texas
May 19, 2009 at 3:48 am#131253Admin
KeymasterMoved to a more appropriate forum.
May 19, 2009 at 4:51 am#131263Cindy
ParticipantQuote (heaven @ May 19 2009,15:48) Moved to a more appropriate forum.
heavenI posted a reply to texas, just when you moved it; where did it go?
Where is the more appropriate forum?Georg
May 19, 2009 at 2:51 pm#131280Not3in1
ParticipantQuote (Texas @ May 19 2009,07:07) Quote (Not3in1 @ May 19 2009,06:26) I adore “flowery speakers”; they challenge my theories, they stimulate my mind, they help increase my vocabulary, and they help me to see a much larger picture! I can encourage you with the news that most everyone here has a true heart for the Lord. Their fruit, over time, has been tested and shown to be genuine. What will we come to know of your fruit, Texas?
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulnessPress on towards the goal, brother!
You may enjoy flowery speakers, but Jehovah sure doesn't! I showed you that very clearly. Personally I don't believe that you have a mind to be stimulated. Not from what I see at any rate. You have to listen to increase your vocabulary. You, don't know how to listen! Sometime later on Jehovah will stimulate your mind, in a way that will frighten you to death. As for a much larger picture. Jehovah is going to show you one of those too! Few on this Board, if any at all have a true heart for the lord. They have no heart!
As for my fruitage! Read over all of my posts, and you will quickly learn about that fruitage. It is far greater than yours. or anyones on this Board for that matter, will ever be. Have a good day! Texas!
Keep your heart on the goal, Texas.
Find out what pleases the Lord.
Love your neighbor as yourself.Live a life of JOY before Him!
Then your light will shine like the sun.
MandyMay 19, 2009 at 3:19 pm#131283Texas
ParticipantQuote (Not3in1 @ May 20 2009,02:51) Quote (Texas @ May 19 2009,07:07) Quote (Not3in1 @ May 19 2009,06:26) I adore “flowery speakers”; they challenge my theories, they stimulate my mind, they help increase my vocabulary, and they help me to see a much larger picture! I can encourage you with the news that most everyone here has a true heart for the Lord. Their fruit, over time, has been tested and shown to be genuine. What will we come to know of your fruit, Texas?
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulnessPress on towards the goal, brother!
You may enjoy flowery speakers, but Jehovah sure doesn't! I showed you that very clearly. Personally I don't believe that you have a mind to be stimulated. Not from what I see at any rate. You have to listen to increase your vocabulary. You, don't know how to listen! Sometime later on Jehovah will stimulate your mind, in a way that will frighten you to death. As for a much larger picture. Jehovah is going to show you one of those too! Few on this Board, if any at all have a true heart for the lord. They have no heart!
As for my fruitage! Read over all of my posts, and you will quickly learn about that fruitage. It is far greater than yours. or anyones on this Board for that matter, will ever be. Have a good day! Texas!
Keep your heart on the goal, Texas.
Find out what pleases the Lord.
Love your neighbor as yourself.Live a life of JOY before Him!
Then your light will shine like the sun.
Well, Mandy!
I've had my eyes on the prize for over thirty-five years now, and that's where I intend to keep them focused. I already know, what pleases Jehovah, and my love of my neighbour, should be able to be seen in the Posts that I write. Maybe you don't see it, but I know that Jehovah does. Don't forget something! Some of my posts may seem to be cruel and unkind, but, remember, Jehovah's word serves as a double- purpose. It can wound us deeply, while at the same time it also serves as a healer. We all have to learn how to accept discipline, for without it, we are not really God's children.Instead of thinking badly of me, why don't you give me the benefit of a doubt? Maybe, not only you, but many on this Board should realise, that what I'm doing is trying to help people, not harm them. The Christ and his early followers was not appreciated for the messages that they delivered either. Fact of the matter, is, they was all very probably murdered for the unpopular message that they all delivered. I expect, that, at some point in time, I will be too! I can live with that, because I have made up my mind, to be faithful to death, if that's what it takes. If people cannot see, that I'm trying to help them, not hurt them, I cannot help that. Having said that, I'll continue on doing what I'm doing until I'm no longer able to do it anymore. What more can I say to you? Texas
May 19, 2009 at 3:53 pm#131289Cindy
ParticipantTexas You addressed this to Mandy, but let me come in here and say this. You might want to help us, but you have been accusing others also, and that my Friend is not of God. Only God Himself can judge us, no Human being can. We all fall short of the glory of God. So if you want to help us be a little kinder to us all. I like to debate, but not in an accusative way. That my Friend would be pleasing to God.
Peace and Love IreneMay 19, 2009 at 5:22 pm#131294Not3in1
ParticipantJames 3:17
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.Lately, I have noticed that HeavenNet has stepped-up it's giving of good fruit! I have been blessed by many of the threads here lately. I believe that, in addition to myself, many are being blessed and given new insight.
So then, I also believe other's are sent to frustrate the progress of the spirit of unity.
There will always be crows among eagles…..May I encourage all who love GOD, and his Son, Jesus Christ – to enjoy the Spirit that brings us communion with them, and with each other. Let the crows fly low – while the eagles soar!
MandyMay 21, 2009 at 4:35 pm#131407Cindy
ParticipantQuote (Not3in1 @ May 20 2009,05:22) James 3:17
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.Lately, I have noticed that HeavenNet has stepped-up it's giving of good fruit! I have been blessed by many of the threads here lately. I believe that, in addition to myself, many are being blessed and given new insight.
So then, I also believe other's are sent to frustrate the progress of the spirit of unity.
There will always be crows among eagles…..May I encourage all who love GOD, and his Son, Jesus Christ – to enjoy the Spirit that brings us communion with them, and with each other. Let the crows fly low – while the eagles soar!
Mandy Your last post is very much appreciated. My wish has been for some time that we all would be united in all truths. When Jesus returns that will happen, maybe not before. Till then I ask our Father in Heaven to give me more patience.
To do away with the worldly wisdom and only look at the truth when it is watered down, is not always easy. It always reminds me of the Sermon on the Mount, were Jesus tells us that the road is steep and few will find it. I hope we will.
Peace and Love IreneFebruary 10, 2012 at 12:33 am#276858NickHassan
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