Wolves among the flock

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    Quote (theodorej @ June 18 2008,08:28)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 18 2008,06:52)
    Matthew 7:15
    Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.  

    Sheeps clothing to enable mingling with the vulnerable and to steal their life.

    Greetings Nick….Would you consider those who bare their faith in a form that they believe to be true,however,draws a conflicting opinion..wolves in sheeps clothing or someone who is seeking confirmation of scripture….It is my feeling that the wolves are those with conviction and an unyielding persona that holds onto a literal interpretation of scripture with very little concern for the spirit of a lesson and the context thereof..


    How else are we to accept scriptures except by face value.

    The Word of God is a Rock, that Jesus says if we build our house on, it will not fall though the storms rage against it.

    This would seem to me to be an “unyielding persona” when we know the truth and the truth has set us free.

    Does Yeshua want a bunch of baby Christians that are always learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth, or does he desire for us to grow up in him so that we are grounded in the truth.

    If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister; 1 Cor 1:23

    A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:8

    Shall we be moved by every little wind of doctrine that comes our way for fear of being proud? If we know something to be true and pure in the scriptures, why should we cast it aside to test strange waters?

    That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; Eph 4:14

    Blessings! WJ


    To all…..I have noticed that people and organizations who are cautioning people to beware of others are them selves the deceivers. I was in a church once the used that to install fear in there members so they wouldn't question what they were doing and teaching, I believe Jim Jones used that on His people also and they wound up drinking laced cool aid.

    God gave us minds and we are to use them and don't get sucked up into all these false doctrines floating around out there. Be most of all careful of those saying beware, because most likely there the ones to be careful of.



    Thanks Gene,
    I will check my offerings are more accurately proveable from the Word of God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 17 2008,22:14)
    We all need to watch our steps.

    This is good advice.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 18 2008,13:47)
    To all…..I have noticed that people and organizations who are cautioning people to beware of others are them selves the deceivers. I was in a church once the used that to install fear in there members so they wouldn't question what they were doing and teaching, I believe Jim Jones used that on His people also and they wound up drinking laced cool aid.

    God gave us minds and we are to use them and don't get sucked up into all these false doctrines floating around out there. Be most of all careful of those saying beware, because most likely there the ones to be careful of.


    What if people do not go to a Church. Can we still get sucked up into an organization? I think most Churches use the fear of going to hell to keep them in Church.
    1 Thes. 5:21 ” Prove all things……” is important to consider at all times.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Irene @ June 18 2008,16:04)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 18 2008,13:47)
    To all…..I have noticed that people and organizations who are cautioning people to beware of others are them selves the deceivers. I was in a church once the used that to install fear in there members so they wouldn't question what they were doing and teaching, I believe Jim Jones used that on His people also and they wound up drinking laced cool aid.

    God gave us minds and we are to use them and don't get sucked up into all these false doctrines floating around out there. Be most of all careful of those saying beware, because most likely there the ones to be careful of.


    What if people do not go to a Church. Can we still get sucked up into an organization? I think most Churches use the fear of going to hell to keep them in Church.
    1 Thes. 5:21 ” Prove all things……” is important to consider at all times.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Greetings Irene…..I have given up on organized religion a long time ago…Iam forever in search of the called out ones,who embrace the law and recognize the scripture as a means for training and correction….I must say that”from this forum I have learned much”….welcome..TJ


    Hey Irene,

    Love your Avatar! A blast from the past for me!



    Greetings WJ…..For the most part scripture is understandable at face value ,however,I have found ambiguity as a result of translation,but for the most part the very design of scripture I would think,lends itself to understanding by means of a childlike posture….This childlike demenor aids in understanding,where on the other hand the design is intent on confusing the wise….What do you think?


    Hi georg,
    You said in another thread
    “PS, how would you know what is truth? all you know is scripture, and for a good reason you never explain what they mean to you; good fitting sheepskin, Nick.”

    This is a strong accusation and I need to know if it has merit.
    Why did you say this georg?


    Nick, I think I answered that.



    Blessed are the peace makers.

    We shouldn't try to put unnecessary wedges between us.
    If we are believers, then we should be one or working toward this.


    I hate wedgies.


    The best place of safety for the lambs whose faith is under attack is the rock of Scripture.


    Yes, but whose particular rock?  As evident on this web site there are lots of different views of scripture and that's is not even bringing up scripture of other faiths.  Perhaps if people used a little reason and thought along with prayer we wouldn't have so many people blindly following con men, egotists and fanatics.  When men think for themselves they become less vulnerable to those who want to twist faith into gullibility.  A clear warning is when leaders tell you not to question or that all truth resides in a book which they naturally can help interpret for you.


    Yes, stay under protectin.  the rock who is Christ……


    Hi cato,
    To a philosopher truth is a smorgasbord of equally valid delicacies and every taste is a delight.
    But philosophy is a just a mind game and by nature is essentially baseless.
    It is it's own vain reward offering no hope.

    It cannot stand the simple testing that is the pain of life.

    But the bread of heaven is spirit and life and his teachings will stand.
    Such a foundation will support and hold us safe.
    Jesus has the words of eternal life.
    Listen to him.


    Philosophers are those seeking truth, prophets are those who think they found it.

    “Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.”
    Andre Gide

    “If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.”
    Rene Descartes


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 24 2009,14:52)
    The best place of safety for the lambs whose faith is under attack is the rock of Scripture.

    That's sort of like saying that a drowning man's best hope is a repaired raft – you hope it holds through the rough weather?

    The bible has been injured and repaired at least a few times that I am aware…. It's probably not done being ripped either. The future will tell.

    I know I'm not popular when I say this, but my faith does not rest in the dried ink. My faith rests in the knowledge that there is something bigger than me ordering the universe. This “person” is beyond me searching out….. :;):



    Hi Not3,
    Do you think the best thing to do when assailed by doubts is to offer them to others too?


    false teachers abound offering death

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