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  • #165192

    terraricca……….Mind and Heart are interchangeable “So a man thinks so he is”.  Spirit is simply (INTELLECT GIVEN US BY GOD) and when we die (IT) INTELLECT or SPIRIT returns to GOD who Gave (IT) in the first PLACE. All intellects or thought of the mind, have always existed with GOD, and He Given them to his creation anyway He So Chooses.

    “There is (NOTHING) NEW under the sun”, we are told that includes our thoughts, which (ARE) reflections of OUR INTELLECTS (SPIRIT). These thought can go in and out of people as we are vessels and that GOD can pour His intellect (spirit) into. GOD said in the latter days He would (POUR) forth from (HIS) Spirit upon (ALL) Flesh, and your sons and daughters will prophecy and you old men will dream dreams and your young men will see visions. God's Spirit is INTELLECT and raises our understanding to a higher level. Jesus said “I am from above and you are from below”, He was showing HIS thought were from a higher level then theirs were.

    God said to Israel, my ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts , for as hight as the heavens are above the earth so are my thoughts above yours, But He gives us His Thoughts by pouring HIS SPIRIT (INTELLECT) into US. Even the Spirit (intellect) of Truth, You can not separate Spirit from INTELLECT,  AS NICK tries to alway do. Had he understood what Jesus was meaning by saying “the words i am telling you (ARE) Spirit, he would have no problem understand what Spirit Is. WORDS (ARE) THE EXPRESSION OF ONES INTELLECT> JUST THAT SIMPLE.

    When God gives us his Spirit He is giving us some of HIS preexisting intellect. Words transmit this intellect from one Person, or being to another. These words are called seeds also because they seed the mind with thought and raise our intellects. Spirit is not a Being (except for God) it is what is (IN) Beings , GOD was (IN) Christ by his SPIRIT (INTELLECT). God considers all creation as His residence , “that God may BE ALL and in ALL”. He co-habits with us in our minds and lives with us in our bodies, which he considers temples to dwell in.  He spoke through Jesus' mouth and said “destory this temple and in three days I (GOD) shall raise it up”. GOD is (NOT) a Triune anything , He is ONE and ONLY ONE GOD, who lives vicariously in His creation, through our MINDS which is our INTELLECTS or SPIRITS>  IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    No the rebellious independant natural mind likes to think for itself and is easily deceived.
    But the ears hear and the heart can receive the Word of God.


    hi gene
    so the mind and the heart is the ones who use the free will and make the decision base on the understanding of what is at stake ???


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 19 2009,05:49)
    No the rebellious independant natural mind likes to think for itself and is easily deceived.
    But the ears hear and the heart can receive the Word of God.

    Nick……..But you are a supporter of INDEPENDENT (so called) FREE WILL thinking, right , You become right by your OWN FEAR working in YOU as YOU Chose the right way. So You really are the one with SELF Motivated Natural mind.. Why try to accuse others of what you are? IMO


    You tell us you do not rely on scripture but your own personal revelations so why do you teach?


    terraricca……….There is not such thing as (FREE) WILLS, there is (INFLUENCED WILLS), you will always chose what influences you the MOST. Here is an example , if i offered you a choice of one of three Pies , one cherry, one apple, one coconut , YOU will alway chose the one that influences you the MOST, Now some think that is (FREE WILL thinking) but in fact it is not, it is (INFLUENCED THINKING) because some time in the past you learned to like one more then the other. Now if it were true (FREE) WILL thinking without any influencing of past or present you would not be able to make up you mind because you would have had (NO) past association with them.
    There is (NO) such thing as (FREE WILLS) We are (CAUSED) to do what we do Because of what is in our minds. You must remember to be truly (FREE) there can be (NO) INFLUENCE at all working. IMO


    HI T,


    Nick……..Where have i ever told anyone not to rely on scripture, Look just because YOU don't understand what you are reading, don't try to push it off on others, by lying about what they have said. You not supposed to bear (FALSE) wittiness remember.You seem to not care what any scripture says , you just do as you well please , no matter how much explanation is given. Your using this site as a personal platform to push (YOUR) Personal dogmas and religious beliefs. IMO


    Nick……….STILL ACCUSING OTHER, because they do not agree with you dogmas and false assumptions, is that all you are here for? Broad statements and accusations seem to be you expertise., very little sense give though to back them up. IMO


    It was you who said we should not rely on scripture.
    Did you forget?


    Quote (Gene @ Dec. 19 2009,09:19)
    terraricca……….There is not such thing as (FREE) WILLS, there is (INFLUENCED WILLS), you will always chose what influences you the MOST. Here is an example , if i offered you a choice of one of three Pies , one cherry, one apple, one coconut , YOU will alway chose the one that influences you the MOST, Now some think that is (FREE WILL thinking) but in fact it is not, it is (INFLUENCED THINKING) because some time in the past you learned to like one more then the other. Now if it were true (FREE) WILL thinking without any influencing of past or present you would not be able to make up you mind because you would have had (NO) past association with them.
    There is (NO) such thing as (FREE WILLS) We are (CAUSED) to do what we do Because of what is in our minds.  You must remember to be truly (FREE) there can be (NO) INFLUENCE at all working.  IMO

    free will is doing what you want ot do, no matter what it is.

    if your not forced to do it then its free will

    if your not under diress its free will

    your IMO is just that, YO.

    and is not fact or right


    why people always have to be the one with a interpretation to something is beyond me.

    why alway question and try going through loop holes and waht if's and maybe's?

    accept whats fact and move on


    terraricca………..I am not a universalist as Nick has falsely accused me of.



    Peace2all………..Most all like to think they have (FREE WILL) but there is (NO) mention of (FREE) WILL in scriptures why is that? And a influenced WILL is (NOT) a (FREE) WILL. Why because it is being influenced by past experiences or desires or By GOD Spirit either way it is NOT FREE of INFLUENCE so therefore is not FREE at all. MOST (EGO'S)  hate this because most like to believe they are a GOD unto there selves. The idea of (FREE) WILL choices causes them to think they have power over their destinations and feeds their Ego's. But Jesus said whosoever will save His life will Lose it, we must grow in Godly influence to put our wills to death as Jesus did His, and let God's will exist. Jesus said thy kingdom come thy WILL be DONE. NO other WILLS, Just GODS WILL>  Paul said there is no good in his flesh (because to WILL) is Present in HIM.  IMO


    So you do not say all will be saved now?


    Nick………Whoever GOD WANTS TO SAVE (WILL BE SAVED), because greater is he that is in you then he that is in the world. GOD is greater then we are and He is ables to create righteousness IN us. ” for you are (CREATED) unto good works”, and again “for He (God) works in us (BOTH) to will and (DO) of His good pleasure. There is only (ONE) CREATOR, He can take out of anyone the Hard Heart and give them a soft heart (heart of flesh) . He is not limited to what we want him to do, if He choses to save ALL by forgiving them and recreating an new Heart in them. Who are we to resist HIS WILL, he doesn't ask us for permission to do what He want to, “for God does (ALL) thing after the council of His (OWN WILL)”. Nick if it is GOD'S WILL the NONE PARISH then there is a good Chance NONE WILL PARISH. We must never forget GOD THE FATHER IS THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS. IMO


    Did you find these things in scripture?
    Then why do you tell others not to rely on it?


    hi all

    Is there free will? well some will say no there is no free will because our choices are influenced and so restricted in options, so the question would be rather if the choices are influenced his there a free will in the influenced choices?, yes I would say, man is influence by himself and the other influence comes from God trough is conscience of awareness of good and evil, or do Gods will or not.
    Now the free will to those choices are well establish in Christians all around the world and since the beginning; Jas 1:21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.
    Jas 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
    Jas 1:23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:
    Jas 1:24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.
    Jas 1:25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.
    Jas 1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
    This way of thinking was also that of Christ; Joh 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
    Joh 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
    What is Jesus words means to worship in spirit and truth?
    This is worshiping from the inside out from the heart, why in truth? this would be because GOD is truth and whatever you may think in your heart false or true, right or wrong your understanding is that God knows what you thinking ,and now what you will do is in your free will of action, ether way your only influence is in your own hands. This was the case of Judas Iscariot, he was deceived by his own thinking.
    Jesus tempted by the Pharisees illustrate as well; Joh 8:5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
    Joh 8:6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
    Joh 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
    We can see how Jesus touches their inner conscience by his respond, they had to decide if I throw a stone it means I have no sin, so again they were placed in their position of free will before the question on hand not forced on them but by themselves ,and their thinking.
    Those are just a few examples ,the bible is full of them in the same way. even old testament ,always a free will to do or not to do Gods will.
    It is not a matter of using your will against gods will this would imply fighting against God, and choosing to do so.
    Everyone of us as a will ,and what God wants is that we free willingly choose to serve him the same way Christ our lord did for not our glory but for GOD S GLORY,amen


    terraricca…….A influenced Choice is NEVER a (FREE) choice to be (totally) FREE your Will can not have (ANY) influence (CAUSING) you to Chose something , It it does it is an (INFLUENCED) Choice (NOT a FREE WILL Choice> What do you think it means where it say Jesus came to set the captives free, People are held captive by there thinking they are far from FREE. Why does not the Bible never mention so-called (FREE WILLS) it's because there are none. Some think because we are allowed to do or will that means we have a FREE WILL, Fact is GOD does allow us to Choose things our selves , but that choice is a caused choice it is influenced Choices we make. Don't kid you self GOD Knows we will (NOT) of our Selves Choose to serve HIm on our OWN, if that were Possible why give us HIS HOLY SPIRIT then to guide our choices, we would not need it if we were capable of choosing for our selves. NO only human PRIDE wants to believe that WE OURSELVES CHOOSE OUR SALVATION, From Our own so-called (FREE WILLS). IMO


    terraricca……..Scripture say “GOD looked for (ONE) righteous man, BUT could find (NONE) no not even ONE”, So all failed to Choose by their so Called FREE WILLS to obey GOD, “Therefore it says He took it upon His own arm to (BRING) Salvation.”

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