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  • #164627

    teraricca……..I have never read where angles are call a spirit of GOD. A angle is a being much like we will be in the future as Jesus said. Angles are Beings who have Spirit (IN) them. Even as we are Beings who have Spirit in us also, and when we die this Spirit goes back to him who gave it. The teaching that SPIRIT (ARE) beings is false , Beings have SPIRIT(intellect) (IN) them. Many think where it say GOD creates his angles Spirits, and they go out and minister to the future son of GOD, But it should properly be read “GOD who Makes HIS ANGLE”S SPIRITS (intellects), ANOTHER WORDS GOD CREATES HIS ANGLES (SPIRITS) (intellects and put (IT) (IN THEM), not that they themselves (are SPIRITS). But GOD put SPIRIT into his angles, Even as He does Us. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………gene


    hi gene

    read all,the angel start and at the end he his the spirit who finish the talk;
    Rev 2:1 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;
    Rev 2:2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:
    Rev 2:3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.
    Rev 2:4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
    Rev 2:5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
    Rev 2:6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.
    Rev 2:7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.


    terraricca………..> ” he that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit (INTELLECT) says unto the churches, Spirit s INTELLECT transfered BY the WORDS, Words are (SPIRIT) and LIFE, as Jesus said the (WORDS) he spoke were. Also the word Angle can also be messenger the same word is used interchangeably in Scriptures. IMO



    Angel means messenger but the Spirit is more than just intellect.
    Carnal men cherish understanding and knowledge but wisdom is not found among them.
    Wisdom is of God and of God's word but carnal men prefer their own thoughts and think God must be like them.

    We are made in the image of God but the reverse is not true unless we are our own god.


    Nick……….By what you have said , i guess you are saying the Spiritual mind is stupid and doesn't understand and has no knowledge and should not grow in grace and KNOWLEDGE. Because to Cherish understanding and Knowledge means wisdom is not there right? Wisdom is of GOD and WISDOM (IS) the Understanding and Use of (true) KNOWLEDGE. Do you think anyone who disagree with you is CARNAL and YOU are spiritual, because you don't understand something begin said even if it is word for word what Jesus said, Pure hog wash. You speak as if you know what Spirit (IS) but never have given it's definition or meaning. There are seven (distinct) INTELLECTS of GOD and these SEVEN (ARE) Spirits, Connected with POWERS, and Jesus has all seven of these intellects and Powers at his disposal, as revelations shows he does. Your lack of understanding scripture is what is CARNAL NICK, not those who GOD has given KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM to understand what scripture is saying. IMO



    Many men think they have the mind of Christ.
    but if they did they would carefully reflect his words.
    They would not add to or subtract from them to embellish their ideas.


    hi nick
    you should lesson to your own instruction ,this could be very helpfull to you,

    Group: Regular Members
    Posts: 41603
    Joined: June 2004 Posted: Dec. 17 2009,05:13

    Many men think they have the mind of Christ.
    but if they did they would carefully reflect his words.
    They would not add to or subtract from them to embellish their ideas.


    it does not mather what someone put on this forum ,there is always someone to question your views even if you quote the scriptures,no matter what it is the intention to create more confussion than scritpture knowledge,if we use the scriptures some of us are so out of the principals and the spirit of the entire bible teachings it is not conceiveable that this is the thruth ,some quote the scriptures like a few verse very carefully choosen and totaly ignore all the others,it does not matter how many times the word of God is broken in theyr quote.

    just read all topics ,it talks for it selfs.


    Hi T,
    Do your teachings accurately reflect scripture?
    That is what we should aim for and avoid useless speculation.


    hi nick
    i agree with you that why you should said WE”instead of MANY MEN this does not includs you,does it ?????


    hi gene

    you never answer my question what do you mean by INTELECT????????

    and why is it equal to SPIRIT??????????????????????????????????


    terraricca………..Intellect is what produces thought, “So a man thinks So He is”  When we speak we are using our intellects and these thoughts are expressed through words, (where it says try the spirits, we are trying (intellects)expressed through words, to see if they are of GOD , we are trying or comparing someones word (expressed intellects) with GOD'S words expressed intellect, if these Spirits (intellects) expressed are of GOD they will line up with the Words of GOD which are Spirit (intellect). Spirit is not what most think it is, Spirit is not a (Being) it is the (intellect) in the Being , All Beings are animated with SPIRIT (intellect) and GOD is the SOURCE of ALL Intellects, He is the only one who is a Being composed of Pure SPIRIT. He can transmit His intellects to us and reveal  HIS Truths to us, in our minds, And when that happens we then posses his intellects or SPIRITS. The reason no one can explain Spirit is because they think SPIRITS ARE BEINGS, WHEN IN FACT BEINGS HAVE SPIRIT (INTELLECTS) IN THEM. A unclean spirit is (NOT) a Being that goes out of some one, it is Thoughts produced by one intellect which he recieved from the world, but the word of GOD can cleanse us all, and enable us to master and it in this sense it leaves a person , but can return again and become worse by us thinking about it and allowing more to be added to it, But with the Spirit of GOD we can cast it out of our lives and replace it with HOLY SPIRIT given to us by GOD.  For you are cleansed by the washing of the WORD.   Hope this helps you understand what SPIRIT really is. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………..gene


    hi Gene
    Rev 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

    what do you think the (spirit )means in this verse ??????????????


    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 16 2009,21:45)
    hi Gene
    Rev 19:10  And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

    what do you think the (spirit )means in this verse ??????????????

    Spirit of prophecy: Is the result of the same spirit of prophecy in you as in myself.

    Angels, and apostles, all alike have the testimony of (bear testimony concerning) Yeshua HaMoshiach by the operation of one and the same Spirit, who enables me to show you these revelations and enables you to record them: wherefore we are fellow servants, not I your lord to be worshipped by you.

    Compare Rev 22:9 , “I am fellow servant of thee and of thy brethren the prophets”; whence the “FOR the testimony,” here, may be explained as giving the reason for his adding “and (fellow servant) of thy brethren that have the testimony of Yeshua HaMoshiach.”

    I mean, of the prophets; “for it is of Yeshua HaMoshiach that thy brethren, the prophets, testify by the Spirit in them.”

    A clear condemnation of Romish invocation of saints as if they were our superiors to be adored.



    And I fell at His feet to worship him.

    And he said unto me,

    See thou do it not:

    I am thy fellowservant,

    and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Yeshua HaMoshiach:

    worship 'Elohim!: Rev 19:10

    Now, John like so many people, we want to worship the instrument that 'Elohim uses to bring His knowledge or love or grace to us.

    One of the great dangers of being in any kind of ministry where 'Elohim is using you, one of the great dangers of exercising any spiritual gift, is that people so often look at the instrument that 'Elohim uses.

    They begin to admire the instrument.

    They begin to worship, in a sense, the instrument that 'Elohim has used.

    And here is John falling on his knees before the angel that is giving him all of this revelation and he is so overawed and thrilled with what is in store for him he falls at his feet to worship him.

    And he says to him not to do that because he is a fellowservant, but to worship 'Elohim.

    You see it is a apart of man to need and want to worship something, and man seems to find it easier to worship an object that he can see rather than an object that he cannot see.

    And so this is the hang up of man as Paul said in Romans one, “They worshipped and served the creature more than the creator.”

    Man gets hung up and he stops short.

    He sees the glorious creation of 'Elohim and he worships the creation, rather than the creator.

    And so John is making the same mistake and the angel corrects him and says don't do that.

    I am a servant of 'Elohim just like you are.

    You worship 'Elohim.

    And if you are wise and involved in any kind of ministry at all when attention and adulation and these kinds of things come your way, you will be wise as the angel and say, “Don't worship me. Worship 'Elohim.”

    'Elohim doesn't want you taking credit for the work that He does, receiving glory for His work.

    For the testimony of Yeshua HaMoshiach is the spirit of prophecy. Rev 19:10

    That is prophecy centers around the person of Yeshua HaMoshiach.

    That is what prophecy is about.

    That is what history is about.

    History is actually “His story.”

    He is the center of it.

    It all focuses before Yeshua HaMoshiach and after the year of our Lord, but He is center, the focal point of history.

    It is “His story”.

    So, Yeshua HaMoshiach is the spirit of prophecy.

    It is all centered around Him.

    The Lord is not so interested in telling you who you are going to marry or what is going to happen to you next week, the spirit of Yeshua HaMoshiach is the spirit of prophecy.

    The prophecy centers around the person of Yeshua HaMoshiach.

    The testimony of Yeshua HaMoshiach is the spirit of prophecy, the witness of Yeshua HaMoshiach.



    Con………….amen to that post brother. The testimony of Jesus is truly the Spirit of Prophesy and we should ONLY WORSHIP GOD the FATHER ONLY.


    hi ron
    yes,yes you right,and gene has accepted your explanation as well,so now would it be true to say that all scriptures should and have to reflect on the spirit (history)prophesy of Christ,so to comply in a harmonious way so not to contradict it self,this would be true and include the apostles written books,
    if we now apply, Gene explanation of the INTELLECT, IS IT STILL STANDS.


    treearicca………Intellect is the capacity of the Mind, it is our thoughts, all are from SPIRIT , Spirit is never a bieng, it is what is (IN) a Being. rather it be angle or human, Spirit is the intellect that is in him, and is expressed by WORDS, rather it GOD'S words , Angles words , or Man's words , it is all spirit (intellect).


    I thought you said it IS INTELLECT but now it is only an expression of it?
    You change tack every week.

    When did you stop believing in scripture?


    hi gene
    see the mind includes the heart,this may be the difference .

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