Will worship in Heaven be boring?

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    Let us construct a fable. Let us picture a woman thrown into a dungeon. There she bears and rears a son. He grows up seeing nothing but the dungeon walls, the straw on the floor, and a little patch of the sky seen through the grating, which is too high up to show anything except sky. This unfortunate woman was an artist, and when they imprisoned her she managed to bring with her a drawing pad and a box of pencils. As she never loses the hope of deliverance, she is constantly teaching her son about that outer world which he has never seen. She does it largely by drawing him pictures. With her pencil she attempts to show him what fields, rivers, mountains, cities, and waves on a beach are like. He is a dutiful boy and he does his best to believe her when she tells him that that outer world is far more interesting and glorious than anything in the dungeon. At times he succeeds. On the whole he gets on tolerably well until, one day, he says something that gives his mother pause. For a minute or two they are at cross-purposes. Finally it dawns on her that he has, all these years, lived under a misconception. “But,” she gasps, “you didn’t think that the real world was full of lines drawn in lead pencil?” “What?” says the boy. “No pencil marks there?” And instantly his whole notion of the outer world becomes a blank. For the lines, by which alone he was imagining it, have now been denied of it. He has no idea of that which will exclude and dispense with the lines, that of which the lines were merely a transposition–the waving treetops, the light dancing on the weir, the coloured three-dimensional realities which are not enclosed in lines but define their own shapes at every moment with a delicacy and multiplicity which no drawing could ever achieve. The child will get the idea that the real world is somehow less visible than his mother’s pictures. In reality it lacks lines because it is incomparably more visible.

    So with us. “We know not what we shall be” [1 John 3:2]; but we may be sure we shall be more, not less, than we were on earth. Our natural experiences (sensory, emotional, imaginative) are only like the drawing, like pencilled lines on flat paper. If they vanish in the risen life, they will vanish only as pencil lines vanish from the real landscape, not as candle flame that is put out but as a candle flame which becomes invisible because someone has pulled up the blind, thrown open the shutters, and let in the blaze of the risen sun.

    C.S. Lewis


    Bible facts–Only the 144,000( Rev 14:3) are bought from the earth to heaven.= The little flock( Luke 12:32)= the anointed bride–These will sit on thrones as kings and priests alongside side of Jesus-judging.( Rev 1:6,,Rev 20_4-6) Only to these was the Lords evening meal a special covenant to those who will sit on thrones( Luke 22:29-30) Only these partake of the 2 emblems. Only members of the little flock were present at the Lords evening meal after Jesus told Judas to leave.

    Paul warns some are not worthy to partake( 1Cor 11:27-28) it is a major sin to partake if not of that little flock. The only other ones who belong to Jesus= the great crowd, no man can number( Rev 7:9) these are = John 10:16= the other sheep who are not of that fold= not of the little flock. They are not promised heaven anywhere in Gods bible.


    Thus you needn’t worry about life in heaven and what its like.


    Read Revelation 7:4&9:

    4 Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel…

    After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.


    Yes standing before the throne on earth. The throne = Gods ruling kingdom govt, no matter where one is standing, earth, moon or heaven they will subject to that throne.


    In Revelation 7:4–9, the throne is located in heaven. This passage is part of the broader heavenly vision in the book of Revelation. Here is a breakdown of the context:

    Revelation 7:4-8 describes the sealing of the 144,000, representing a special group of God’s servants. This section does not explicitly mention the throne.
    Revelation 7:9 begins with a description of “a great multitude that no one could count,” standing before the throne and the Lamb. The mention of the throne locates the scene clearly in the heavenly realm, as the Lamb (Jesus) is associated with God’s heavenly throne throughout Revelation.
    The broader context of Revelation 4–7 portrays the throne as being in heaven, surrounded by worshippers, angels, and redeemed believers. Therefore, the throne referenced in this passage is heavenly.


    Yes the throne= Gods theocratic govt located in heaven, run by his appointed king Jesus. All living by its authority=Few, are standing before that throne right now on Earth.


    Hi Keith.

    I suspect you adhere to a denomination that you believe is the true church. But there are thousands of denominations that claim to be the true way. Which one of those thousands are you promoting?

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