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- April 4, 2014 at 4:19 am#376230WakeupParticipant
**The only true begotten God**.
Those are man's concocted words.
Be careful,of those kinds of words.
It is up to something.wakeup.
April 6, 2014 at 5:29 pm#376619mikeboll64BlockedQuote (4Thomas @ April 03 2014,22:05) Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 02 2014,10:17) So, using only the scriptures, and taking into consideration who the SCRIPTURES say is the “Most High God”, and who the SCRIPTURES say is the “Son OF the Most High God” – which one is Jesus? The Most High God? Or the Son OF the Most High God?
Which one, please?
If you are THE **only** begotten God, then by default you HAVE to be the most high begotten God.
And Satan is called “THE god of this age”, Daniel.By your reasoning, Satan is therefore the MOST HIGH God of this age, right?
Satan is also called “THE god of Ekron”. Does that mean Satan is equal to Jehovah, because Satan must be the MOST HIGH God of Ekron?
I have asked you which one is called the MOST HIGH God – ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURES – not according to your own reasoning about a “most high begotten god”.
Since I specifically asked you which one is the “Most High” – ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES – I would like an answer from you ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES.
Btw, even the very highest of all the “begotten gods” would not be as high as the very lowest of the “unbegotten gods”.
You cannot equate Jesus to Jehovah by saying Jesus is the “most high” in this one category – therefore they are equal. Because the very category “begotten god” will never come close to being equal to the category “unbegotten god”.
April 6, 2014 at 5:39 pm#376620mikeboll64BlockedQuote (4Thomas @ April 03 2014,22:17) Hi Mike,
A Father may have higher authority than a true Son but its absolutely false to say that any true Son has a lessor nature or substance than their true Father.
Daniel,All you need to know is that there is but ONE “Most High God”. It is that ONE that we worship and serve as our God and Creator.
Jesus is NOT that ONE – but instead the Son, Servant, Messiah, Priest, and Prophet OF that ONE.
We and Jesus have the same ONE God, Daniel. This I learned from Jesus himself.
We and Jesus both WORSHIP the same ONE God. I also learned that from Jesus himself.
Why do you feel the need to elevate the SERVANT to the same position as his own MASTER? Would you elevate yourself to the position of your Master Jesus Christ? Of course not. So why then elevate God's servant Jesus Christ to the position of his Master, Jehovah?
Remember the hierarchy, Daniel:
Man is the head of woman.
Christ is the head of man.
And God is the head of Christ.
You don't equate the woman with the man. And you don't equate the man with Christ. So why would you dare to equate the Christ with his and our God, Jehovah?
April 7, 2014 at 12:59 am#3767094ThomasParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ April 07 2014,04:29) Quote (4Thomas @ April 03 2014,22:05) Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 02 2014,10:17) So, using only the scriptures, and taking into consideration who the SCRIPTURES say is the “Most High God”, and who the SCRIPTURES say is the “Son OF the Most High God” – which one is Jesus? The Most High God? Or the Son OF the Most High God?
Which one, please?
If you are THE **only** begotten God, then by default you HAVE to be the most high begotten God.
And Satan is called “THE god of this age”, Daniel.By your reasoning, Satan is therefore the MOST HIGH God of this age, right?
Satan is also called “THE god of Ekron”. Does that mean Satan is equal to Jehovah, because Satan must be the MOST HIGH God of Ekron?
I have asked you which one is called the MOST HIGH God – ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURES – not according to your own reasoning about a “most high begotten god”.
Since I specifically asked you which one is the “Most High” – ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES – I would like an answer from you ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES.
Btw, even the very highest of all the “begotten gods” would not be as high as the very lowest of the “unbegotten gods”.
You cannot equate Jesus to Jehovah by saying Jesus is the “most high” in this one category – therefore they are equal. Because the very category “begotten god” will never come close to being equal to the category “unbegotten god”.
Hi Mike,Hi Mike,
Is Jesus only a servant?
Jesus is the servant of servants as the Son of ***man***Don't refuse his glory as the one and only Son of God.
Satan is the Most high *false* God, there are many false gods and satan is the source of them all, he indeed blinds the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ -dont let him blind *you* of the glory of Christ who is also the only Son of God.
2 Corinthians 4:4-6
New International Version
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.5For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. 6For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,”a made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.Life in the Son and in his name
DanielApril 7, 2014 at 1:15 am#376716mikeboll64BlockedDaniel,
Satan is never called a “false god” in any scripture. In fact, the terms “false god” and “so-called god” are not in any scripture in the entire Bible.
Those phrases were added in by men who came later.
According to Webster's Dictionary, a god is “any of various beings conceived of as supernatural, immortal, and having special powers over the lives and affairs of people and the course of nature”.
That is also the Biblical definition of god, Daniel.
Accordingly, Jesus, Satan, and Jehovah are all gods, though not one of them is a “false god” – because the things said above truly apply to each of them.
The difference is that Jesus is a god who OBEYS his Master Jehovah (the only MOST HIGH God, and God OF all the other gods), while Satan is a god who disobeys his Master Jehovah.
In fact, there is little evidence that Jesus is even more powerful than Satan, since Jesus' own God Jehovah still needs to place Satan and Jesus' other enemies at his feet before Jesus can destroy them.
At any rate, I'm still waiting for your SCRIPTURAL answer to my question. Is Jesus SCRIPTURALLY “the Most High God”? Or is Jesus SCRIPTURALLY the Son and servant OF “the Most High God”?
Because the answer to that question is really all any of us need, Daniel. Not one single piece of the many other things you post will do away with the answer to this one simple question. None of the other stuff you post will ever change the simple answer to that simple question.
Would you be so kind as to answer it – ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE?
April 7, 2014 at 1:19 am#376718mikeboll64BlockedHere Daniel,
I'll make it easier for you:
According to scripture, Jesus Christ is…………….
A. The Most High God.
B. The Son, Servant, Messiah, Prophet, Priest, Word, and Sacrificial Lamb OF the Most High God.
A or B, Daniel?
April 7, 2014 at 1:27 am#3767234ThomasParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ April 07 2014,04:39) Quote (4Thomas @ April 03 2014,22:17) Hi Mike,
A Father may have higher authority than a true Son but its absolutely false to say that any true Son has a lessor nature or substance than their true Father.
Daniel,All you need to know is that there is but ONE “Most High God”. It is that ONE that we worship and serve as our God and Creator.
Jesus is NOT that ONE – but instead the Son, Servant, Messiah, Priest, and Prophet OF that ONE.
We and Jesus have the same ONE God, Daniel. This I learned from Jesus himself.
We and Jesus both WORSHIP the same ONE God. I also learned that from Jesus himself.
Why do you feel the need to elevate the SERVANT to the same position as his own MASTER? Would you elevate yourself to the position of your Master Jesus Christ? Of course not. So why then elevate God's servant Jesus Christ to the position of his Master, Jehovah?
Remember the hierarchy, Daniel:
Man is the head of woman.
Christ is the head of man.
And God is the head of Christ.
You don't equate the woman with the man. And you don't equate the man with Christ. So why would you dare to equate the Christ with his and our God, Jehovah?
Hi Mike,
So man and women are no equal in human nature?
So my Son is Superior in nature to my daughter?Men being the head over women is because of the fall.
16To the woman he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”
Jesus as the true Son of God has to be equal in nature.
Its very simple common sense -honestly!“All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.”
Lets cut to the chase,
Lets examine our foundations and the simple truth what it means for Jesus to be the Son of God.
There is no angel jesus, the foundation of rock is that Jesus is truly the one and only Son of God, true God by nature.
The exact same truth is that Jesus is also true man, as he is the Son of man.
Matt 16
16Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”17Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18And I tell you that you are Peter,b and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will bed bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will bee loosed in heaven.”
Is Jesus the true one and only Son of God? Satan is not Jesus brother and neither is Gabriel or Michael or any other angel.
Jesus is
THE Son OF God.FROM and OF his Fathers very substance.
You honestly deny that Jesus is the true Son of God by saying that The Son doesn't have the same substance/nature FROM and OF his Father.
Please just think about it as a child?
Don't try and be to wise and be minded and remember Jesus who being in the very nature God humbled himself to take the second nature as the Son of man because he Loves us and wants to save us.Jesus wants your Love – your heart and he can see right into it. Why desire the heavens and not the hands that created them.
Love the Lord your God. PLEASE remember he became a man, a human, for our sake – dont deny him for that reason and all those scriptures that proove Jesus was truly the Son of ***man****. The Son [Word/radiance] of God made flesh.
The Jews missed it and they couldn't handle Jesus claims as the Son of God, please don't follow her spirit
Jesus is THE Son of God and not a Women and Jesus is the messiah and priest as the Son of Man.
In the old testament Jesus is revealed clearly as Jehovah Almighty who glorifies Jehovah his Father.
Do you really think I can be judged for believing Jesus is the one and only Son of God.
I honestly believe those who deny that Jesus is the one and only Son of God will be judged for denying him his true nature before he took flesh.Every scripture that talks of Jesus before he took flesh reveals that he is God by nature, because he is the Son of God, that's what scripture says.
Life in the Son of God, true God by nature
DanielApril 7, 2014 at 1:37 am#3767254ThomasParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ April 07 2014,12:19) Here Daniel, I'll make it easier for you:
According to scripture, Jesus Christ is…………….
A. The Most High God.
B. The Son, Servant, Messiah, Prophet, Priest, Word, and Sacrificial Lamb OF the Most High God.
A or B, Daniel?
Hi Mike,Jesus is FROM and OF the Father most high Substance, their is only one nature but you cant have an eternal Father of NOTHING
Please answer how you can have an Almighty God of NOTHING..
Jesus is FROM the Father substance he is the ONLY begotten God.
Jesus is reveal by scripture as THE Almighty, there is no Higher except by authority.
The Father is a true Father who loves his Son very much far more than he we could ever understand,
Why are you making war against the Lamb also having the true nature as his true Father??
Honestly doesn't make any sense.
Most High = the Almighty
The Father and Son have the Same nature like any true Son.
Simple truth with Love for your sake.
I have asked you so many times WHY did Jesus say for the sake of our salvation that no one has ever seen God at any time – and then reveal that Moses will accuse the jews. The same jews who couldn't believe Jesus was THE Son of God because they had the simple knowledge of truth that Jesus was making himself equal with his Fathers very nature.
Jesus did not count on the euality but humbled himslef to be a servantLife in the one and oinly Son
DanielApril 7, 2014 at 1:55 am#376730mikeboll64BlockedQuote (4Thomas @ April 06 2014,19:27) Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 07 2014,04:39)
Christ is the head of man.And God is the head of Christ.
……you don't equate the man with Christ. So why would you dare to equate the Christ with his and our God, Jehovah?
Hi Mike,
So man and women are no equal in human nature?
So my Son is Superior in nature to my daughter?
Okay, fair enough. Now deal with the other two points in the quote box, Daniel.Is man equal to Christ? If not, then why assume Christ is equal to God?
Christ is the head of man, therefore man is NOT equal to Christ.
God is the head of Christ, therefore Christ is NOT equal to God.
April 7, 2014 at 1:57 am#376731mikeboll64BlockedQuote (4Thomas @ April 06 2014,19:37) Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 07 2014,12:19) According to scripture, Jesus Christ is……………. A. The Most High God.
B. The Son, Servant, Messiah, Prophet, Priest, Word, and Sacrificial Lamb OF the Most High God.
A or B, Daniel?
Hi Mike,Jesus is FROM and OF the Father most high Substance………..
A or B, Daniel?April 8, 2014 at 12:53 am#3768304ThomasParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ April 07 2014,12:57) Quote (4Thomas @ April 06 2014,19:37) Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 07 2014,12:19) According to scripture, Jesus Christ is……………. A. The Most High God.
B. The Son, Servant, Messiah, Prophet, Priest, Word, and Sacrificial Lamb OF the Most High God.
A or B, Daniel?
Hi Mike,Jesus is FROM and OF the Father most high Substance………..
A or B, Daniel?
Hi Mike,All I want is for you to Love Jesus with your whole being and not think he should be called an angel, your Lord and your God. I want you to belong to him, as your God and Lord.
is Jehovah the Almighty the Most high God = yes/no
if Yes, you have answered your own question, I have *many* explicit examples of Jehovah the Almighty being seen, Jesus the Only Son said ***FOR THE SAKE OF OUR SALVATION*** that no one has ever seen God
I have already ALSO answered your question.
To be clear, here it is again
Jesus is the Son of the Most High *God* [unbegotten Father]
The Father is the Father of the Most High begotten *God*
Only the Father and the Son and their Holy Spirit is true God by nature.
Do you think satan is true God by nature???
Or has satan ***made*** himself a god
and have his followers of hate and lying***made*** him their God???Satan is the most high **False*** God, there are many idols and *false* Gods of money, lust, lying, worshiping objects including the golden cows in the Old Testament etc YET
Satan is the Father of all the False Gods – would you not agree that Satan is the Father of all False Gods and that he is the Most high False God?? If not who is the Father of the False Gods – please answer if you don't agree..So I keep answering you.
Jesus is the Son of the Most High God [unbegotten Father]
The Father is Father of the Most High begotten God [The only Son]Yes scripture declares that Jesus is THE only begotten God, and Jesus isn't a false God.
I have asked you ***heaps*** of questions, why CANT you answer my questions?
In truth and love why do you think this is Mike?
Is satan true God by nature? would you be happy calling him true God?
Is the Father true God by nature. Yes and we should call him so.
Is the Son true Son and FROM the Fathers substance? If so he is God by nature and we should call him so.
My foundation is built on the rock of The Son of God,
Matthew 7:24
24“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”You need to refute that Jesus is NOT the one and only true Son of God to refute that he is OF and FROM the Father Almighty nature and substance. Jesus is the expressed Almighty Word – the Word was God. and Jesus is the radiance of the Father, the only begotten God.
*Please* accept Jesus as THE true Son of God by nature and accept him as your Lord and God.
I'm sorry I cant say more or do more to reveal that Jesus is indeed God by nature – i'm honestly trying my best with the time I have.
You believe Jesus is a god (dont you??)
if so is he your God??
Take care, Jesus does Love you!! I prayer that you will be like the great Saul, who seen the Lord and converted to accept him.
Jesus saves
DanielApril 9, 2014 at 12:21 am#376978mikeboll64BlockedQuote (4Thomas @ April 07 2014,18:53) Hi Mike, All I want is for you to Love Jesus with your whole being and not think he should be called an angel, your Lord and your God. I want you to belong to him, as your God and Lord.
Daniel,I love Jesus as the most loyal and faithful servant of God ever. I love him for the sacrifice he made on my behalf. I honor and serve him as my High Priest, Lord, and King.
I will never consider Jesus as the God who created me, nor will I worship him as if he is that Most High God.
Jesus is the first creation God ever made. He is not the God who created him as the first of His works – to be His firstborn Son and the beginning of His creation.
Did the Israelites worship Aaron as their God? No. So why then would you worship this other Priest of God as God Himself?
A priest of God is not the God he serves, Daniel.
Yes, Jesus is beautiful and wondrous, and deserves much honor and glory. But no, he is not the very God he serves.
April 9, 2014 at 12:26 am#376979mikeboll64BlockedQuote (4Thomas @ April 07 2014,18:53) My foundation is built on the rock of The Son of God………
Great! But do you recognize the difference between “God” and “the Son OF God”? Only one of them is “God”, Daniel. The other one is not “God”, but the Son OF God. Learn the difference.Quote (4Thomas @ April 07 2014,18:53) You need to refute that Jesus is NOT the one and only true Son of God to refute that he is OF and FROM the Father Almighty nature and substance.
Of what substance were the OTHER spirit sons of God made, Daniel?April 9, 2014 at 12:36 am#376985mikeboll64BlockedQuote (4Thomas @ April 07 2014,18:53) Do you think satan is true God by nature?
I believe Satan is as real of a god as Jesus and Jehovah are. A god is a powerful spirit being, Daniel……… nothing more. And Satan is a REAL “powerful spirit being”. He is not a FAKE “powerful spirit being”.Of all the many gods, one particular god is the Most High, and the one who created all the other gods – along with all other things. He is the god OF Jesus, Satan, and of all those many other gods. He is also the ONLY one of the many gods that Jesus explicitly taught us to worship. In fact, Jesus also worships Him like we do, Daniel. He is not only our God, but also Jesus' God.
Our hope is to someday become legitimate SONS of God, and BROTHERS of Jesus.
See Daniel? Our hope is not to become the brother of, and joint heir with, GOD. The best we can hope for is to become the brother of, and joint heir with, JESUS.
So tell me, do you think that YOU will someday be the brother of God Almighty Himself? YES or NO?
April 9, 2014 at 6:18 am#3770204ThomasParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ April 09 2014,11:36) Quote (4Thomas @ April 07 2014,18:53) Do you think satan is true God by nature?
I believe Satan is as real of a god as Jesus and Jehovah are. A god is a powerful spirit being, Daniel……… nothing more. And Satan is a REAL “powerful spirit being”. He is not a FAKE “powerful spirit being”.Of all the many gods, one particular god is the Most High, and the one who created all the other gods – along with all other things. He is the god OF Jesus, Satan, and of all those many other gods. He is also the ONLY one of the many gods that Jesus explicitly taught us to worship. In fact, Jesus also worships Him like we do, Daniel. He is not only our God, but also Jesus' God.
Our hope is to someday become legitimate SONS of God, and BROTHERS of Jesus.
See Daniel? Our hope is not to become the brother of, and joint heir with, GOD. The best we can hope for is to become the brother of, and joint heir with, JESUS.
So tell me, do you think that YOU will someday be the brother of God Almighty Himself? YES or NO?
Hi Mike,Yes, I not only think I will be a brother of God Almighty [who is the only begotten God – The only Son]
But wait for it my friend, I also think I am a Son of God Almighty [who is the only unbegotten God – The only Father]
Yet I can only be a brother of the only begotten God and a son of the only unbegotten God -BECAUSE- the one and only true Son by nature/substance – FROM his true Father has become flesh (The Son of man, true man) and has made his true Father his God by entering their very own creation that they created.
Mike, who hands created the heavens? What does the Father say? He says it was by the Son, the Word that the heavens where made and he even says explicitly that its was the Sons ***HANDS*** that created the heavens. Yet its was Gods [Jehovah's hands alone] that created the heavens that's why the Son says he is one with the Father, because they are one in nature, BECAUSE THE SON is the only true Son who comes FROM the Fathers substance ALONE. They are indeed ALONE.
Also regarding Worshiping.
Moses seen Jehovah face to face and he worshiped him and fall to his feet. they is only one time when Moses could no look at Jehovah and that was when Moses requested to see all of Jehovah's goodness – yet even then Jehovah the Son allowed him to see his form and back.So what a blessing my Father is The Almighty and my Brother is also The Almighty. Truly no eye has seen or thought has entered into the mind of man that awaits those who love the Lord.
I have the best brother in the universe, he striped of his divine glory to take flesh and revealed that he could have no greater Love for me and lay down his life for me.
Thanks for the testimony regarding your love for Jesus and was awesome to read. I truly dont understand why you cant expect he is truly the Son of God by nature FROM his Fathers very substance.
Do you think that Satan comes FROM the Fathers very substance. Yes/No.
Be careful you don't deny the only true Son his very nature that he has FROM the Father Almighty.
I must say – I truly dont believe you are living a lie I honestly believe that you truly believe that you are right.
I have faith that the truth will be exposed and you will be an awesome true follower of the only true Son of God and led many to love him with all their hearts souls and minds.
Did you know even accept being called *A* god is a huge sin and do you know what happened in the new testament to the person who accepted this title – they died!
Life in the one and only true Son and in his name
DanielApril 10, 2014 at 2:02 am#377133mikeboll64BlockedQuote (4Thomas @ April 09 2014,00:18) Hi Mike, Yes, I not only think I will be a brother of God Almighty [who is the only begotten God – The only Son]
But wait for it my friend, I also think I am a Son of God Almighty [who is the only unbegotten God – The only Father]
Daniel,I like you and think you truly mean well, but only a Trinitarian could speak about our ONE Almighty God, and claim to someday be both a brother AND a son to Him. (Notice the SINGULAR “Him” – as opposed to the plural “Them”.)
When you speak of our ONE and ONLY Almighty God, do you refer to that God as a “Him”, or as a “Them”? And if God is not a “Them”, then how can you be both a brother and a son to HIM?
Quote (4Thomas @ April 09 2014,00:18) Do you think that Satan comes FROM the Fathers very substance. Yes/No.
Yes. If not from the Father's substance, then from what substance was he made?(I asked you this about the other spirit sons of God who were created after Jesus, but before the earth……. but you didn't answer. I want to know what they were made from.)
April 11, 2014 at 6:26 am#3773554ThomasParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ April 10 2014,13:02) Quote (4Thomas @ April 09 2014,00:18) Hi Mike, Yes, I not only think I will be a brother of God Almighty [who is the only begotten God – The only Son]
But wait for it my friend, I also think I am a Son of God Almighty [who is the only unbegotten God – The only Father]
Daniel,I like you and think you truly mean well, but only a Trinitarian could speak about our ONE Almighty God, and claim to someday be both a brother AND a son to Him. (Notice the SINGULAR “Him” – as opposed to the plural “Them”.)
When you speak of our ONE and ONLY Almighty God, do you refer to that God as a “Him”, or as a “Them”? And if God is not a “Them”, then how can you be both a brother and a son to HIM?
Quote (4Thomas @ April 09 2014,00:18) Do you think that Satan comes FROM the Fathers very substance. Yes/No.
Yes. If not from the Father's substance, then from what substance was he made?(I asked you this about the other spirit sons of God who were created after Jesus, but before the earth……. but you didn't answer. I want to know what they were made from.)
Hi Mike,Its wrong to say that I think the Son is the Father, NO I don't.
I think the Son has the same Nature as his true Father *just* like all true Son have.
I don't think Jesus is Mary as the Son of man.
Jesus is though 100% man and he is FROM and OF Mary flesh, her seed [ovum/egg].
Is yes human nature less than Mary's? certainly not all humans have share the same exact nature.
Yet there are other fleshly beings like monkeys and APES who are ALSO made of FLESH and even have a hearts, lungs and organs like us. Yet should we try and say they are equal to humans? Monkeys and APES are not equal, just like Angel spirit beings are not equal to the nature of God.
See common sense teaches with all honestly that a Son of a Monkey or APE will have the exact same nature as the Father etc…
Now NO WAY does Satan come FROM and OF the Father substance,
Hebrews 1:3
English Standard Version
He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,New American Standard Bible
And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,New International Version
The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.Satan is NOT the radiance of the glory of God,
Satan is NOT the Word of God.
Satan is NOT the first and the last
Satan is NOT the savior
Satan is NOT *THE* Son of God.Jesus is ALONE THE Son of God.
Do you understand what it means to be THE Son of God.
This is the foundation of the christian faith, this is the key.
Satan was never a true Son BECAUSE their is only one true Son and that is Jesus, the Lord.
What is your goal, do you what me to believe that Satan and Jesus are Sons?My goal is simple I what you to believe that Jesus is the one and only true Son of God by nature.
Do you believe that the Father has the nature of being God.
The eternal nature of being Almighty in power and glory.
Or do you think the Father doesn't have a nature.
Again how can you have an Almighty God of NOTHING?
Is Jesus the greatest expression of the Fathers Almighty power ever and will he ALSO be the greatest expression of that glory?
Yes he is and he always will be . The Son is the testament of the Fathers power.
I dont think mountains, dust, flys and bugs and angels where created out of and from the Fathers substance I believe they where created out of nothing –
The Father only shares his glory with his only Son and their Holy Spirit, the eternal nature of God.
Satan is not the glory of God.
Gods nature is glory, power and love.
Take care and please remember, scripture teaches it was the very reason that Jesus claimed to be the very true Son of God why the Jews thought he was blaspheming. They understand FOR that reason he made himself equal to God the father, its honest child faith common sense. you cant be judged for believing this truth.
There is NOT one single example anywhere where a true Son by nature and substance isn't equal with their Fathers nature.
Again the Father is NOT the Son but ofcourse they have the same nature.
A APE can have a human or even a monkey, the demons are NOT from the Fathers substance. Please think about this and if someone is feeding you this stuff please take an honest look at it for yourself. in truth and love lets pray for each other.
Life in *the* one and only -true- Son!
Please try to love Jesus with all your heart soul and mind. Or do you think this is a sin?
If not PLEASE try it!
DanielApril 11, 2014 at 6:29 am#3773564ThomasParticipantHI Mike,
I honestly care for you and honestly like you as a person.What i say and do, i believe 100% with all my heart. God knows I do not lie. I believe in hell and would never led anyone to deny the truth.
April 12, 2014 at 5:46 pm#377527mikeboll64BlockedHi Daniel,
I read your post but saw no real answers to my questions.
Please answer both of these DIRECTLY – without a sermon.
1. When you speak of our ONE and ONLY Almighty God, do you refer to that God as a “Him”, or as a “Them”? And if God is not a “Them”, then how can you be both a brother and a son to HIM?
2. Of what SUBSTANCE were Satan and God's other spirit sons made? What did God make them OUT OF?
April 15, 2014 at 1:27 am#3780044ThomasParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ April 13 2014,04:46) Hi Daniel, I read your post but saw no real answers to my questions.
Please answer both of these DIRECTLY – without a sermon.
1. When you speak of our ONE and ONLY Almighty God, do you refer to that God as a “Him”, or as a “Them”? And if God is not a “Them”, then how can you be both a brother and a son to HIM?
2. Of what SUBSTANCE were Satan and God's other spirit sons made? What did God make them OUT OF?
Hi Mike,
God made Satan out of NOTHING.
You must be aware of the difference between Jesus being THE Son of God when compare to *A* Son of God.
No *angel* was used to create a *single* thing.
Scripture is clear creation is made FOR the Son.
TheWhen Jesus turned the water into wine, he did this out of nothing also. He didn't use another substance or his substance, he did this FROM NOTHING because he has the nature of the only Father because he is the only TRUE Son by nature.
I believe God knows we can exist as we have been in his mind for all eternity and I believe at this particular time by grace we are allow the chance to know him who is truth and light.
Sacred scripture reveals God in the plural and not the singular! This is very explicitly seen time and time again. Even the word for God [Elohim in the Hebrew], which is the most often used word for God in the Old testament is a plural noun.
Jesus is EXPLICITLY revealed as Jehovah and Worshiped in the old testament.
Jesus is ALSO worshiped in the new testament, this is the truth MY FRIEND – Jesus is our God, we are made FOR him and only by belonging to him do we have access to the Father.
Ofcourse when God the Word took flesh, the Lord of glory became a true man by nature – this allowed him to *become* our Brother and this allowed his Father to become our Father.
The flesh allowed Jesus to be the priest and the offering to god his father in atonement for our sins.There is one divine eternal nature that is God, the nature is eternally FROM the Father – who changes NOT.
James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.See how scripture says the FATHER changes NOT.
How many times is the God the Father called Father in the new testament? How many times is he called Jehovah in the new testament? What is the revealation?? God is indeed Father by nature and he indeed has his Glory and expressed begotten radiance revealed as THE -only- Son of God. Who is creator, savior, the rock, the first and the last the alpha and omega. The God of the spirits.. I will post this explicit proof soon.
There is no other Father like our Father, he is Father by nature. he is eternally Almighty Father.
The question I keep asking is How can you have a eternal Almighty God of Nothing -especially an unchanging Father? *please* answer this?
The Trinity reveals the truth that Jesus is truly God FROM the Father because he is -THE- Son of God.
The Trinity states
(1) There is only one God by nature
(2) There are three Persons ( The Father, The one and only Son, The Holy Spirit) who all share the divine nature from the eternal Father who is the source of the whole divinity.
(3) All three Persons are distinct. The Father is NOT the Son and the Son is NOT the Father etc…Genesis 1:26-27
Then God said, “Let usmake mankind in ourimage, in ourlikeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.Genesis 2:22-23
Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, becauseshe was taken out of Man.”Genesis 5:1-2
This is the book of the generations of Adam. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Manwhen they were created.I have actually reduced my post. I only write this out of love for your soul because as you know I believe that we are lost if we do not truly believe Jesus is THE true Son of God by nature.
Love in the Son and in his name
Daniel - AuthorPosts
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