Who is this Jesus?

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  • #183850

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 18 2010,15:17)
    Hi KW,
    Is your need to judge and condemn based on insecurity?
    Relax and soak in the word of God.

    It is your fears that I believe are leading you astray.   You fear to be led wrongfully by those who use a tool and so disgard the tool.   It is not the tool you should discard but those desires that lead one astray,

    When philosphy is used in scripture it is used correctly to teach, correct, and rebuke so we may grow in righteousness.

    Even faith must be based on God's love or it is without purpose and thus it is written:

    1 Corinthians 13:13(NIV) reads:


    And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 18 2010,21:38)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 18 2010,15:17)
    Hi KW,
    Is your need to judge and condemn based on insecurity?
    Relax and soak in the word of God.

    It is your fears that I believe are leading you astray.   You fear to be led wrongfully by those who use a tool and so disgard the tool.   It is not the tool you should discard but those desires that lead one astray,

    When philosphy is used in scripture it is used correctly to teach, correct, and rebuke so we may grow in righteousness.

    Even faith must be based on God's love or it is without purpose and thus it is written:

    1 Corinthians 13:13(NIV) reads:


    And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


    what is the love of God ??? not in scriptures but in you own understanding THERE OF ?


    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 18 2010,22:03)

    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 18 2010,21:38)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 18 2010,15:17)
    Hi KW,
    Is your need to judge and condemn based on insecurity?
    Relax and soak in the word of God.

    It is your fears that I believe are leading you astray.   Your fear to be led wrongfully by those who use a tool and so discard the tool.   It is not the tool you should discard but those desires that lead one astray,

    When philosophy is used in scripture it is used correctly to teach, correct, and rebuke so we may grow in righteousness.

    Even faith must be based on God's love or it is without purpose and thus it is written:

    1 Corinthians 13:13(NIV) reads:


    And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


    what is the love of God ??? not in scriptures but in you own understanding THERE OF ?

    Do you believe God exists?  His love is in his every action whether it is writing Scripture, enacting legislation, providing for each of our needs or calling for us to change and do what is right.  

    My point is that God's love need to fill each of us so that we love as he loves.  In this way we truly keep his commandments and we do no wrong whether we engage in philosophical pursuits or any other pass time.  

    Just as God uses philosophy to rebuke, correct, rebuke, and train his people in righteousness so do his people.

    God's love is in himself and thus you need to be reborn in the Spirit to love as he loves.


    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 19 2010,04:35)

    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 18 2010,22:03)

    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 18 2010,21:38)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 18 2010,15:17)
    Hi KW,
    Is your need to judge and condemn based on insecurity?
    Relax and soak in the word of God.

    It is your fears that I believe are leading you astray.   Your fear to be led wrongfully by those who use a tool and so discard the tool.   It is not the tool you should discard but those desires that lead one astray,

    When philosophy is used in scripture it is used correctly to teach, correct, and rebuke so we may grow in righteousness.

    Even faith must be based on God's love or it is without purpose and thus it is written:

    1 Corinthians 13:13(NIV) reads:


    And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


    what is the love of God ??? not in scriptures but in you own understanding THERE OF ?

    Do you believe God exists?  His love is in his every action whether it is writing Scripture, enacting legislation, providing for each of our needs or calling for us to change and do what is right.  

    My point is that God's love need to fill each of us so that we love as he loves.  In this way we truly keep his commandments and we do no wrong whether we engage in philosophical pursuits or any other pass time.  

    Just as God uses philosophy to rebuke, correct, rebuke, and train his people in righteousness so do his people.

    God's love is in himself and thus you need to be reborn in the Spirit to love as he loves.


    yes i do believe in God with the deepest feelings of my heart,and mind,and breath.

    but i agree with what you say.

    philosophy=way of live


    Terricca wrote:


    yes i do believe in God with the deepest feelings of my heart,and mind,and breath.

    but i agree with what you say.

    That is the way it should be for God blesses those who seek him with all their heart.

    Terricca wrote:


    philosophy=way of live

    I believe that is the reason Jesus student's were called “disciples”; who are student/adherents of a particular philosophy.


    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 18 2010,21:38)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 18 2010,15:17)
    Hi KW,
    Is your need to judge and condemn based on insecurity?
    Relax and soak in the word of God.

    It is your fears that I believe are leading you astray.   You fear to be led wrongfully by those who use a tool and so disgard the tool.   It is not the tool you should discard but those desires that lead one astray,

    When philosphy is used in scripture it is used correctly to teach, correct, and rebuke so we may grow in righteousness.

    Even faith must be based on God's love or it is without purpose and thus it is written:

    1 Corinthians 13:13(NIV) reads:


    And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

    Hi KW,
    You differ with Paul on the value of philosophy.
    “See that no one takes you captive through philosophy and deception, according to the tradition of men”
    You will need salve for your eyes because earth limits your vision.


    Nick Hassan wrote:


    You differ with Paul on the value of philosophy.
    “See that no one takes you captive through philosophy and deception, according to the tradition of men”
    You will need salve for your eyes because earth limits your vision.

    You are mistaken as Paul does not call all philosophy deceptive but only that which relies on the “traditions of men.”   Philosophy that relies on the commands of God is the kind of philosophy I speak of.

    Jesus addressed a similar matter when speaking to the Pharisees and scribes.

    Mark 7:8(NKJV) reads:


    For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men—the washing of pitchers and cups, and many other such things you do.”

    Here is the end of Colossians 2 and Paul is actually addressing the same type of things Jesus is in Mark 7.

    Colossians 2:20-23(NKJV) reads:


    Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations— “Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,” which all concern things which perish with the using—according to the commandments and doctrines of men? These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh


    Hi KW,
    We do not judge the Word of God or the Spirit that wrote it through men and the choice of God to use philosophical styles in Ecclesiastes and Proverbs.
    But that does not sanctify the philosophy of men which relies on logic and human wisdom and weak measures to try to fathom the ways of God.
    The Philosophers of Athens in Acts 17 loved to discuss trifles to no profit for themselves or their listeners and God passed them by.


    Nick……..But you are trying to be the Judge if it is the Philosophy of Men or GOD , in light of your Personal dogmas or understood Philosophies. You have postured yourself as right, and all who disagree with you as (VAIN Deceivers) There in lies the Problem here. What Kerwin has said is right and when you accuse others of being Gnostic's or Worldly Philosophers and even being so bold as saying God Passes them By, you are making yourself a Judge of GOD”S Hertiage and this should bother you more than anything else should. Because you do not understand what some are saying does not make it right or wrong ,or give you a right to ridicule, especially if it is a matter of your lack of understanding is all. IMO


    Nick Hassan wrote:


    We do not judge the Word of God or the Spirit that wrote it through men and the choice of God to use philosophical styles in Ecclesiastes and Proverbs.

    I am hoping you are not a divisive man because if you are I am disobeying God by continuing this debate.  May I instead be showing loving patience by continuing to attempt to remove the obstacles Satan has placed in your path?

    If you judge the least of God’s children for using a philosophical argument based on godly precepts then you judge God just like when you hate your brother you hate God, 1 John 4:20-21.

    Nick Hassan wrote:


    But that does not sanctify the philosophy of men which relies on logic and human wisdom and weak measures to try to fathom the ways of God.

    This display ignorance on your part as the wisdom of man is wisdom that depends on the desires of the flesh while the wisdom of God depends on the desires of the Holy Spirit.  Logic can do either just like fire can be used to do good or to do evil.

    Nick Hassan wrote:


    The Philosophers of Athens in Acts 17 loved to discuss trifles to no profit for themselves or their listeners and God passed them by.

    That is not what scripture states.  Instead scripture states that Paul took the philosophy, teaching, he was teaching to the Areopagus so that the educated elite of Athens could hear the message. In Acts 17:34 we are told that certain men among them believed.

    The Greek word “philosophia” translated to philosophy is only mentioned once in the New Testament but it means “love of wisdom”.  Are you making the point that God does not love Wisdom?

    The Greek word “philosophos” is used in Acts 17:18 when speaking about those who invite Paul to the Arepagus.  That definition of that word is one given to the pursuit of wisdom or learning.   Some were seeking the wisdom that comes from God while others were seeking the wisdom of man.

    Terricca is correct that philosophy is a way of life and Jesus taught the way of life, i.e. philosophy, which leads to God.


    Hi KW,
    The wisdom men love is that of other men.
    The men of Athens had no knowledge of the God from Whom true wisdom comes.


    Hi KW,
    The city of Athens was one given over to idolatry.
    The most common objects of such worship is the thoughts of men.
    in a city of many thousands a few believed-the worst crop God harvested through Paul.


    Nick Hassan wrote:


    The wisdom men love is that of other men.

    Some men do love the wisdom that is based on sinful desires and that is why television shows, music, and other media appeals to that love.   Some of mankind loves the wisdom of God and these are the ones that Jesus intends his philosophy to reach.

    Nick Hassan wrote:


    The city of Athens was one given over to idolatry.

    Scripture does support that idea.

    Nick Hassan wrote:


    in a city of many thousands a few believed-the worst crop God harvested through Paul.

    Scripture does not state one way or another how many per population came to believe in Athens and how that ratio compared with other cities.

    In fact there is no evidence Paul brushed the dust of that city off his feet.

    On the other hand we are told that in Pisidian Antioch the persecution was so great that Paul and Barnabas did wipe the dust of that city from their feet, Acts 13:51.


    Hi KW,
    The vain wisdom of men is idolised as much as other proclivities.
    Newton, Einstein…

    Those the world admire are often held in less esteem by God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 19 2010,16:00)
    Hi KW,
    The vain wisdom of men is idolised as much as other proclivities.
    Newton, Einstein…

    Those the world admire are often held in less esteem by God.

    God judges whether the phylosophy is of the Spirit of Righteousness or the Spirit of Corruption. It is those those that seek him and his kingdom that he holds in high esteem.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 19 2010,21:00)
    Hi KW,
    The vain wisdom of men is idolised as much as other proclivities.
    Newton, Einstein…

    Those the world admire are often held in less esteem by God.

    Nick………Therein is the problem , you view (OTHERS) as (VAIN) and (Idolatrous) but fail to see you are just as vain and as they are. , The problem here is you have become a Judge of other mens Faith and convictions, there in lyes the problem. WHO gave you the right to judge Newton or Einstein or anyone else for that matter, WE are told to Judge Nothing Before the time. And He who condemns another condemns himself Why? (because he has taken on the position of GOD), You make accusations of others you do not even know nor do you know there faith or standing with GOD. It is one thing to judges what some is saying regarding a subject, but it is another to cast dispersion on there character which you have (NO) idea of. Even Jesus said he Hated the (DEEDS) of the Necholitians , but did he say he hated them (NO).

    Kerwin is right if you Judge the least of God's Childern using Philosophical Arguments , based on Godly precepts then you are Judging God. IMO


    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 19 2010,23:26)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 19 2010,16:00)
    Hi KW,
    The vain wisdom of men is idolised as much as other proclivities.
    Newton, Einstein…

    Those the world admire are often held in less esteem by God.

    God judges whether the phylosophy is of the Spirit of Righteousness or the Spirit of Corruption.   It is those those that seek him and his kingdom that he holds in high esteem.

    Kerwin ….> Amen, brother.

    peace and love to you and yours………………gene


    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 19 2010,23:26)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 19 2010,16:00)
    Hi KW,
    The vain wisdom of men is idolised as much as other proclivities.
    Newton, Einstein…

    Those the world admire are often held in less esteem by God.

    God judges whether the phylosophy is of the Spirit of Righteousness or the Spirit of Corruption.   It is those those that seek him and his kingdom that he holds in high esteem.

    Hi KW,
    God does not need to judge whether men are following His Spirit or the god of this world.
    Fruit proves the source for men.
    It is obvious.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 20 2010,05:59)

    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 19 2010,23:26)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 19 2010,16:00)
    Hi KW,
    The vain wisdom of men is idolised as much as other proclivities.
    Newton, Einstein…

    Those the world admire are often held in less esteem by God.

    God judges whether the phylosophy is of the Spirit of Righteousness or the Spirit of Corruption.   It is those those that seek him and his kingdom that he holds in high esteem.

    Hi KW,
    God does not need to judge whether men are following His Spirit or the god of this world.
    Fruit proves the source for men.
    It is obvious.


    the wisdom of above glorifies God works

    the wisdom of men glorifies the works of men.


    If we no longer know Jesus according to the flesh but he is of the Spirit are some offering another Jesus[2cor 11.4]

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