Where to fellowship if you don’t believe in the Trinity

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  • #777350

    The bible does not state you must believe in the trinity to be a part of the kingdom of God.


    That is a good question. Sorry I haven’t addressed this earlier, but I just noticed it.

    You can be baptized by any true Believer into the name of Jesus. If you cannot find any willing and they insist on being baptized into the Trinity, then make sure that you are baptized in the Spirit of God which is the important one and you can do this without the aid of another person.

    Scripture records a group who had the Spirit but had not heard of water baptism. Upon hearing they were baptized. The point I am making is that Peter teaches us to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and we will receive the Holy Spirit. So the outcome is the Spirit of God. So if some were able to have the Spirit of God without being baptized in water, then it is possible for you too.

    Jesus said that God will give his spirit to all who ask.

    Luke 11:13
    If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

    So here is my advice to you:

    Trust in the water baptism you have already received in water even if the Trinity formula was uttered. Being baptized in Jesus name does not mean that certain words need to be spoken. It just means in the authority of Jesus Christ and if this what you believed you were being baptized into, then you have already made that outward and public commitment to serve God and his Christ. If not, and the understanding was to be baptized into the Trinity and building your faith on the creedal understanding of the group that baptized you, then you could try this. Make sure you have the spirit of God by askling him for the spirit. Then baptize others in water in the name of Jesus Christ. And get them to baptize you. Remember this though, Jesus is a transliteration of Yeshua or similar name. So as you can see, it is not the exact correct utterance that is important, but that you do all things in the name of Jesus Christ including your baptism.

    Think of it like this. Jesus said, that a glass of water given in ,y name shall not lose its reward. Did he mean that we have to say, “In the name of Jesus I give you this glass of water”, or did he mean that you give it because of your faith in God and his Christ. Surely it is the latter, so to do all in his name does not mean you have to utter his name every single time for it to count.


    This is a very good response! I grew up in a church that did not believe in the trinity. I am glad someone is explaining how there is ONE God who came down and took on flesh.


    Hi Bre.

    God did not give Himself to the world,but gave His Son.
    God did not die;but His Son died.
    Jesus is the Word of God made flesh.



    That’s true.There is only one God.
    He said; beside me there is no God.
    Beside me there is no saviour.Isaih 43 and 44.



    I have been wrestling with this idea of the Trinity to the point where I almost began to ignore CHRIST altogether because it scared me to see how people are calling Christ the “creator of the universe” and “GOD”. It seems as if slowly but surely they are worshiping Jesus and edging GOD out of the equation altogether. There are too, too many scriptures where CHRIST refers to GOD as a separate entity. Never once in any part of the scriptures did CHRIST EVER say HE was GOD! He does say that “I am in the Father and the Father is in me”, but HE also says the Holy Spirit lives in us. Does that make us GOD as well??? Only recently I have come to truly accept CHRIST as my LORD and SAVIOR while acknowledging that He is the Son of GOD, not GOD himself no matter what my friends say. I have finally publicly admitted my difference of opinion as well.


    Good one Nadel. Do not lose heart. Although it might seem like you are on your own, remember that many people of God felt the same way in the time and place they lived. Be encouraged because you are coming to a realization that not many ever contemplate.



    Water is just a symbol of the HS.
    The thief was not baptised and yet accepted.
    The HS will come to teach as we seek.He will open the eyes so we can understand. some times He comes to visit;this is how you can feel him
    in you,and you will praise God, and thank God out loud,even cry.
    But this will not happen all the time;because we wont be able do do our work nor drive.
    Get baptised by a friend if you want,it just demonstrates that you are ready to change.


    Tim Soper

    You are 100% correct! We teach this also on our Facebook page, The Truth Shall Set You Free. Blessings!


    Welcome Tim,

    Of course true fellowship is in the Body of Christ, in the Spirit and with God, His son and the brothers.


    Welcome to Babylon..!!!

    (I hope you survive)


    Hi davidl,

    Few here want to walk your path to Babylon.


    yes I hate this place


    Hi davidl,

    Yes it must be galling to find your path is false


    Be not wise in your own eyes..



    Hi davidl,

    Watch where your feet follow.

    Following men is a snare


    the anti-trinity teachings on this site are the doctrines of men..

    Revelation reveals the Deity of Jesus Christ.


    Hi davidl,

    Are we meant to follow the voice of STRANGERS.

    We have an anointed and appointed leader and he never taught what you dare to teach.


    I doubt if anyone here has the same faith in your own ideas that you have.
    You are your own foundation.


    Hi davidl,

    When did you stop believing scripture

    or have you never known the food from above?

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