Where is God exactly

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    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 25 2013,15:19)
    I am not making the arguement that God is everywhere all of the time, if you read my posts.

    But I did hear once a teacher say, “when God asks you a question, it is not because he needs the answer”.

    I would say when God asked where Adam was, that he was likely highlighting why Adam hid from God when before he probably ran out to greet him. A good way to talk about why he hid from God.

    agreed , :)



    God is a living person with a mind, a will, and emotions. Jesus stated that God is a Spirit because the life that He lives defines who He is, and this is true for every person.

    The scripture states that God is Holy and that God is love:

    Lev 11:44 For I [am] the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I [am] holy: neither shall ye defile yourselves with any manner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    1Jo 4:7 ¶ Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
    1Jo 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

    And Jesus has stated that when we have seen him through his works of obedience to God we have seen God manifest through his life:

    Jhn 14:7 ¶ If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.

    Jhn 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

    Jhn 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou [then], Shew us the Father?

    Jhn 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

    Luk 11:2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 25 2013,03:23)
    So if there was just God who is life, then where could he put creation that was not possibly within his view or understanding. Did God make a hiding place and put creation there?

    There is no place anyone can go to hide from God, t8.  But that doesn't mean God is everywhere all the time, right?

    It's getting harder and harder for us today to hide from our governments, due to all the surveillance cameras everywhere we go.  But our governments aren't everywhere all the time.

    Look guys, if Jesus says God is in heaven,  I believe that's where God is.  If God can come and go, then He is not everywhere all the time.

    I'm really not into these “philosophical” discussions.  I will accept the scriptures as a little child.  And if the scriptures tell me that if I'm a good boy, God will come and dwell within me, then I know that if I'm a bad boy, God is NOT dwelling within me.  And from that, I know that God is not “everywhere all the time”.

    There isn't a single scripture that says He is.  And there are plenty of scriptures that imply He isn't.  Let's not add to those scriptures.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 27 2013,08:49)

    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 25 2013,03:23)
    So if there was just God who is life, then where could he put creation that was not possibly within his view or understanding. Did God make a hiding place and put creation there?

    There is no place anyone can go to hide from God, t8.  But that doesn't mean God is everywhere all the time, right?

    It's getting harder and harder for us today to hide from our governments, due to all the surveillance cameras everywhere we go.  But our governments aren't everywhere all the time.

    Look guys, if Jesus says God is in heaven,  I believe that's where God is.  If God can come and go, then He is not everywhere all the time.

    I'm really not into these “philosophical” discussions.  I will accept the scriptures as a little child.  And if the scriptures tell me that if I'm a good boy, God will come and dwell within me, then I know that if I'm a bad boy, God is NOT dwelling within me.  And from that, I know that God is not “everywhere all the time”.

    There isn't a single scripture that says He is.  And there are plenty of scriptures that imply He isn't.  Let's not add to those scriptures.


    I start to believe that what it mean not able hide from God

    is that sins he created all thing their is no place that he do not know of were any one can hide in ,


    Or it could easily be that God CAN choose to go anywhere He wants to go. If He is looking for you, there is nowhere you can hide from Him, because He can go anywhere you could go, and then some.

    Or He could just say, “Hey Michael and Gabriel, go find out where Pierre is hiding from me. I need to talk to him about something.” :)

    Even if God doesn't personally go and find you, you still can't hide from Him.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 27 2013,16:49)
    There is no place anyone can go to hide from God, t8.  But that doesn't mean God is everywhere all the time, right?

    It's getting harder and harder for us today to hide from our governments, due to all the surveillance cameras everywhere we go.  But our governments aren't everywhere all the time.

    Look guys, if Jesus says God is in heaven,  I believe that's where God is.  If God can come and go, then He is not everywhere all the time.

    I'm really not into these “philosophical” discussions.  I will accept the scriptures as a little child.  And if the scriptures tell me that if I'm a good boy, God will come and dwell within me, then I know that if I'm a bad boy, God is NOT dwelling within me.  And from that, I know that God is not “everywhere all the time”.

    There isn't a single scripture that says He is.  And there are plenty of scriptures that imply He isn't.  Let's not add to those scriptures.

    Agreed. God dwells in Heaven and he cannot be where Satan is for example. But one day I believe he will dwell in all by his spirit. He will be in all once all sin is dealt with.

    Hence my posts so far.

    He will be inside and where is that exactly. I shared some ideas about that. Such as he may exist within the smallest of things meaning he could be everywhere in that sense and also outside the biggest thing, the universe, and how? By his Spirit. As it is written, “not even the heavens can contain him”. And I can't think of a verse at the moment, but it must be written that God can live in us by his Spirit.

    And when there is a new Heaven and a new Earth, God will be in all because the former things have passed away.

    Isn't that the very definition of a redeemed creation, when God's Spirit resides inside?


    I believe that God is in a certain place and I do not believe that we can understand this.
    I believe that God is love and I believe that in the end God's love will fill everything, and everything will then be complete.

    Without God's love in it's fullest, we are not complete, we are merely just surviving. :)


    I do not believe that God being enter in anyone ,but that because his rules and love his spiritual and so can only be perceived by our spirit and heart (our deepest feelings)and by putting his rules and love and commands in our hearts and mind and use our strength to bring out the deeds that are good to him ,THEN I THINK WE CAN SAY THAT GOD LIVES IN US ,AND WE WITH HIM
    AND SO BECOME ONE WITH THE SON ,this i think and believe his living by the spirit .

    Ed J

    Quote (2besee @ Jan. 27 2013,20:31)
    I believe that God is in a certain place and I do not believe that we can understand this.
    I believe that God is love and I believe that in the end God's love will fill everything, and everything will then be complete.

    Without God's love in it's fullest, we are not complete, we are merely just surviving.  :)

    Hi 2Besee,

     Heaven is a place of elevation, not a physical location.
    It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth” (Isa 40:22)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    We have observed and know many facts about our physical universe, but cannot come up with a single theory that covers everything. We have no means to even observe the spiritual reality and scripture gives us very little information on the subject so why take such dogmatic positions on where God is? Remember at this point it is only speculation.

    Genesis 1 (KJV) :1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In other words God created space, time, and matter. Now if He created them it only makes sense they did not exist prior to that point and God was outside of them.

    The question I ask is some believe in a multidimensional reality, I believe that the spiritual reality is a different dimension overlaid about ours (just speculating) we know that it proceeded ours, but is there some other dimension that proceeded it and could God exist there?

    Just asking – Wm


    Good post seekingtruth.

    In our physical bodies, we can only perceive a small part of an almost infinite spectrum.

    My opinion is that our bodies actually act as filters or as cocoons where we eventually merge as butterflies (so to speak). They enable our soul to experience but a small part of things because we are young souls and are learning basic things. When we have our spiritual bodies, then we see/understand/perceive all that our bodies hid from us. We may be able to communicate with thoughts and move through different dimensions. Who knows, but maybe the angels are able to explore the universe and are not subject to harm because they are not subject to physical laws.

    In some ways this is why I like the Book of Enoch. It gives you a view of what the Earth and beyond looks like as he was taken in his spirit and shown things.

    John too was taken up, although I think he wasn't sure if he was in his body or not. But he saw things that were too

    Yes a lot of speculation as we see through a glass dimly. But it doesn't hurt to show curiosity as long we do not teach things as truth that are outside of what is reveled. Curiosity IMO is a sort of worship of God. It shows a strong interest in the things that he as made. I suspect that in eternity, we will be experiencing ever more things of God and will continually praise him.


    The question is “Where is God exactly”.
    It can be answered by looking at the question “Where is air exactly”


    Quote (Richtuner @ Jan. 30 2013,12:51)
    The question is “Where is God exactly”.
    It can be answered by looking at the question “Where is air exactly”


    Our Father who art in HEAVEN.

    John 16:10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;





    Our Father who art in HEAVEN.

    John 16:10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;

    I breathe air in Alabama, a man in China breathes air.
    Where is air exactly?


    In the air?


    The bible says that the heavens cannot contain God. David said, where can I go that you are not there.
    What is so hard about how we see God like we see air. Air is every where and is there for us as we need it without moving one inch.
    Likewise, God is everywhere for everyone and all of His creation.

    Jesus said that a sparrow cannot fall without God not knowing about it. (think about it, How many sparrows are in the world)

    Yes God has a throne, but not limited to time and Dimension as we are. Space is every where in the universe, but it's not one space here and another over there etc.

    It would be confusing to limit God to only one place just because He has a throne in Heaven.


    David said there was no place he could hide from God. That is different from saying God is everywhere all the time.

    Human beings, with their satellites, could someday be able to see every sparrow that falls to the ground too. But that won't mean humans, or their satellites are everywhere all the time.

    As for space, it is displaced by the things in it, so it is NOT everywhere.

    Even the smallest atoms are made up of mostly space. If you elimated the space in and between the atoms that comprise the Empire State Building, the left over matter would be the size of a golf ball weighing millions of tons.

    BUT………….. the part of the atom that is NOT made up of space proves that space is not everywhere.

    God dwells in heaven. Angels come to and go from Him. Those things could never even happen if God was everywhere. Angels couldn't “come to present themselves before God” (Job 1 and 2), if God was already where-ever that angel came from.


    Quote (Richtuner @ Jan. 30 2013,15:51)
    The question is “Where is God exactly”.
    It can be answered by looking at the question “Where is air exactly”

    Thanks Richtuner, I agree with what you are saying.

    But I am going to get technical:
    Is there air on Mars?
    Is there air on Phobos, (a small irregular shaped moon of Mars)?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 05 2013,14:29)
    David said there was no place he could hide from God. That is different from saying God is everywhere all the time.

    I see your point.

    But what if God was actually a mind? A mind takes up no space and can be everywhere too.

    I believe that the essence of God's being is Spirit. But that the is a mind or consciousness.

    So while I agree that he may not have his Spirit everywhere, even though that is the eventual outcome of his plan, I also think that there is no limit to his mind.

    I have said this before:

    What is God? He is a spirit.
    Who is God? He is the Father. (The Father is a mind or a consciousness.)

    So that leaves this question?

    Where is God?
    The answer depends on whether you are thinking of his spirit or his mind.


    To all: The whole point of looking at the question of (where is) air like God was to point out that air is every where on earth. the man in China could say air is over here, while i can say, not it's over here because I am breathing it right now. Air is an invisible substance that cannot be pinpointed to one place, as it is one big matter that has no one place on earth like the north only or the south only. It covers the whole earth.
    When the bible says that the heavens cannot contain God would show that God is every where at the same time. How is this? Don't know. But when David asked the question of where could he go that God was not there, does not mean he is the only one who would need God at the same time.

    I can go to God's throne here in the USA while at the same time someone in China can go to His throne.
    I just think it's trying to confuse the minds by looking at pointless questions. IMO.

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