Where is God exactly

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  • #343007
    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ April 26 2013,14:35)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 26 2013,14:33)
    Hi Mike,

    I don't feel it's a crime to disclose one's affiliation.
    But sorry about detouring your discussion. :(

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    That would be comparable to you saying to someone: “Ed doesn't believe in the rapture.”

    Leaving dark-spots of speculation opens the door for the enemy.

      “for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed;
        and hid, that shall not be known” (Matthew 10:26)


    Read the entire (HUGE) opening post of this thread.  You'll see a ton of “evidence”, including the words of the Pope himself.

    Mike, quoting Tom Harpur, Encyclopaedia’s, Catholics and Protestants especially Tyndale “VIEWS” or theories doesn’t change the *fact* that the early church believed Matthew 28:19 to be true.
    Just because an author of some book expresses his views doesn’t make them true. You need evidence.
    Mike I am after evidence of **actual** writings from the early Church.
    Mike there is no evidence, if there is – please show me at least 1 early church writing, I have given you a huge list of actual writings from the early church. I wouldn’t waste my time quoting encyclopaedias. Thanks to this website we all know how much confidence we can put in encyclopaedias. Point and fact look at the unicorn…
    unicorn, mythological animal resembling a horse or a kid with a single horn on its forehead.

    Some organisation use encyclopaedia to push their views without true facts and easy to see why they do this…. Its because they don’t have any real facts of their own so they start saying this author of this book believes this so it must be true…. Yeah right, I don’t buy these lies if I believed this kind of reasoning you would also expect me to believe in ***evolution***, wouldn’t you. We all know that that’s rubbish, I have some excellent resources that I will share with you when I get time.
    Anyway Please give me some ***real evidence***,
    I have given you real evidence and lots of it.

    Rev 3:14 CLEARLY explains that Jesus and his God have DIFFERENT names.

    Mike, I have answered this already. I will answer it a different way as I may not have made myself clear.
    Jesus already has a different name to his Father *ALREADY* at the *SAME TIME* as having ***multiple*** names that he shares with his Father.
    The Names the Father and Son share are Jesus, Lord, God, Saviour, first and the last etc etc
    Names that only the Son has BECAUSE he is a man, Son of man, Lamb of God, Christ/Messiah.
    NOW *********PLEASE HEAR ME**************
    His new name is related to his humanity, as him in the FLESH. I spent quite some time showing you with SCRITPUTRE that all men/women who overcome will get a new name.
    Jesus is not a man alone, IS HE.
    The key to understanding what I am saying is to understand that Jesus is both God and Man. He is not just Theos ALONE
    Just because he gets a new name AS A –MAN– doesn’t mean he is no longer shares his name the Father gave him. ***That being Jesus.****
    Please listen – Jesus comes in his Father’s name, the name the Father has given him, so Rev 3:14 shows the Fathers name Jesus (the name above all names in heaven and earth – in this world and the world to come)
    So I believe we will have the name Jesus (the Fathers name) and we will also have the new name for Christ as the conqueror hell, death and the grave. YAH conquers *could* be his new name* and this would be a name that the Father would also share also.

    Isaiah 7:14
    New International Version (NIV)
    14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you[a] a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and[c] will call him Immanuel.[d]

    I also believe that Immanuel is a name that the Father and Son share. If not now at least someday.

    Matthew 1
    21“She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.
    ”22Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet:23“BEHOLD, THE VIRGIN SHALL BE WITH CHILD AND SHALL BEAR A SON, AND THEY SHALL CALL HIS NAME IMMANUEL,” which translated means, “GOD WITH US.”24And Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took Mary as his wife,25but kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus.

    Now, would you like to move on to this “proskuneo” thing that you've brought up in your last post?  Or can I ask you my first question?

    Whatever you want, if this is what is stopping you from worshipping then let look at this, if it’s something else that is stopping you then let’s look at that.

    Ed J

    Quote (4Thomas @ April 26 2013,18:13)

    Rev 3:14 CLEARLY explains that Jesus and his God have DIFFERENT names.

    Mike, I have answered this already. I will answer it a different way as I may not have made myself clear.
    Jesus already has a different name to his Father *ALREADY* at the *SAME TIME* as having ***multiple*** names that he shares with his Father.
    The Names the Father and Son share are Jesus, Lord, God, Saviour, first and the last etc etc


    Hi Daniel,

    Those are titles, NOT names.

    [יהוה] GOD’s Name  [י] Yod [ה] Ha [ו] Vav [ה] Hey  …is pronounced  YÄ-hä-vā  &  [יה] YÄ

    Jesus’ Hebrew name [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă has a direct connection to GOD’s name [יה] in that YÄ
    is the first part of Jesus’ Hebrew name. GOD’s name is not vocalized in the English translation
    of the name Jesus and therefore misses the precise exactness and direct authentic connection
    to God’s Hebrew name [יה] YÄ. Jesus’ Name in Hebrew means: (“YÄ is salvation” [יה]+[ישע]=[יהשוע]).

    Therefore “Jesus” name [יהשוע] (YÄ-shü-ă) establishes YHVH (“YÄ-hä-vā”) or JEHOVAH as the Highest Name.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ April 25 2013,21:35)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 26 2013,14:33)
    Hi Mike,

    I don't feel it's a crime to disclose one's affiliation.
    But sorry about detouring your discussion. :(

    That would be comparable to you saying to someone: “Ed doesn't believe in the rapture.”

    I accept the apology, Ed.  Thanks for that.  But how are the JWs my “affiliation”?  Haven't I also, on this very site, been “affiliated” with Trinitarians?  And non-preexisters?  And numerologists?  

    And no, it would really be more comparable to someone saying, “Ed only believes in the pre-tribulation rapture BECAUSE he has been influenced by the teachings of John Nelson Darby and the Plymouth Brethren.”

    Now, all of the sudden, the discussion is no longer about whether or not you're RIGHT about pre-trib rapture, because instead, we're all talking about John Nelson Darby, and his beliefs, and any mistakes he's made in the past.

    So please don't EVER “affiliate” me with the JWs again.  If you notice that something I believe is ALSO the way the JWs see it, then you can make that connection.  But don't EVER assume, or suggest, that my understanding came FROM the Watchtower, or the JW organization.  My understanding comes from ME reading and re-reading the scriptures, and studying them over and over again.



    Quote (Ed J @ April 26 2013,09:33)
    Hi Mike,

    I don't feel it's a crime to disclose one's affiliation.
    But sorry about detouring your discussion. :(

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    it was the way you had chosen to do it ;and in this way you have deviated the conversation but also brought in an irrelevant disclose info,nothing in this was asked or look for ,you just bud in and broke the discussion,et voila ,,



    Mike, I have answered this already. I will answer it a different way as I may not have made myself clear.
    Jesus already has a different name to his Father *ALREADY* at the *SAME TIME* as having ***multiple*** names that he shares with his Father.
    The Names the Father and Son share are Jesus, Lord, God, Saviour, first and the last etc etc
    Names that only the Son has BECAUSE he is a man, Son of man, Lamb of God, Christ/Messiah.

    wen you say that Christ the son shares anything with his father ,i do not understand your word “share ” i do now what the word means but i wander if you try to say that the SON HIS, HIS FATHER ???


    Quote (4Thomas @ April 26 2013,07:08)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 24 2013,13:38)
    BTW Daniel,

    I'm not a JW, and didn't bother to read any of the material you posted about them.  I couldn't care less.  My understanding comes from scripture – not from the JWs, and certainly not from any other organization.

    The give away for people who are influenced by JWs doctrine or who are actually JWs – is if they worship Jesus.

    It is very clear for this fact alone that you are influenced by the JW's – point and fact is you must be using their translation of the bible (NWT). there use of the word proskuneo is so untruthful its very sad that an organisation intrusted to oversea people who believe in the Father and Son would go to these depths to deny the Son. If only they knew when they saw the Son they saw the Father.

    The greek proskuneo which is the highest word for worship is never translated to worship for Jesus..  

    The watchtower would rather translate the word proskuneo to worship for demons, idols, devil but never for Jesus even though it is used 15 times for him (almost 30% of all uses are used for him).

    Its easy to see those who are interested in scripture and the truth in regard to if they worship Jesus.
    Their are other words in greek that are used for obeisance.

    Remember the early church who read the bible in greek seen no difference in the greek word proskuneo when applied to the Father and Son because thats the actual greek word they READ.

    4352. proskuneo pros-koo-neh’-o from 4314 and a probable derivative of 2965 (meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master’s hand); to fawn or crouch to, i.e. (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore):–worship.

    And the highest form of Worship is continually kissing ones feet, is greater than songs of praise.

    Luke 7:44-46

    44 Then He turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head. 45 You gave Me no kiss, but this woman has not ceased to kiss My feet since the time I came in. 46 You did not anoint My head with oil, but this woman has anointed My feet with fragrant oil.

    Jesus, by whom the entire universe and heaven was made by.


    If continually kissings someones feet isn't worship what else could one do to trump that ?????????

    So you are not a JW now but you still need to let go of your childhood and submit to the scriptures.
    I would highly recommend getting a *REAL* bible or learning greek and reading that.

    Mike, Jesus is revealed *clearly* in scripture as our Great God and saviuor* He is not a false God is he??????????????

    This leaves only one simply possibilty he is true theos, true God.

    Eternal generation explains simply how you can have one True God, its all about understanding that the Father is eternally Father and that he is a True Father.

    The Son is not a spirit creature like the angels mike, a angel can't come to earth and shed his blood to save all mankind from their sins only God the Son in the flesh can do this.
    Worshipping “Jesus” is the most important discission you will even make. ***Don't let any man rob you or confused family member****

    I speak this because I care, thats why I am here.

    T8 do you Worship Jesus?

    Life in the Son


    If continually kissings someones feet isn't worship what else could one do to trump that ???

    do you know why she did that ???

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 27 2013,10:44)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 25 2013,21:35)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 26 2013,14:33)
    Hi Mike,

    I don't feel it's a crime to disclose one's affiliation.
    But sorry about detouring your discussion. :(

    That would be comparable to you saying to someone: “Ed doesn't believe in the rapture.”

    I accept the apology, Ed.  Thanks for that.  But how are the JWs my “affiliation”?  Haven't I also, on this very site, been “affiliated” with Trinitarians?  And non-preexisters?  And numerologists?  

    And no, it would really be more comparable to someone saying, “Ed only believes in the pre-tribulation rapture BECAUSE he has been influenced by the teachings of John Nelson Darby and the Plymouth Brethren.”

    Now, all of the sudden, the discussion is no longer about whether or not you're RIGHT about pre-trib rapture, because instead, we're all talking about John Nelson Darby, and his beliefs, and any mistakes he's made in the past.

    So please don't EVER “affiliate” me with the JWs again.  If you notice that something I believe is ALSO the way the JWs see it, then you can make that connection.  But don't EVER assume, or suggest, that my understanding came FROM the Watchtower, or the JW organization.  My understanding comes from ME reading and re-reading the scriptures, and studying them over and over again.


    Hi Mike,

    Actually I did hear the rapture doctrine FIRST and I did believe it.
    But when I heard others say it was false I researched it out
    for myself and found the rapture to be a false doctrine.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 27 2013,10:44)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 25 2013,21:35)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 26 2013,14:33)
    Hi Mike,

    I don't feel it's a crime to disclose one's affiliation.
    But sorry about detouring your discussion. :(

    That would be comparable to you saying to someone: “Ed doesn't believe in the rapture.”

    I accept the apology, Ed.  Thanks for that.  But how are the JWs my “affiliation”?  


    Hi Mike,

    I was referring to David's JW affiliation, a family member is not an affiliation. :D
    I said that because YOU said that I do that to David all the time, remember?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ April 27 2013,16:44)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 27 2013,10:44)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 25 2013,21:35)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 26 2013,14:33)
    Hi Mike,

    I don't feel it's a crime to disclose one's affiliation.
    But sorry about detouring your discussion. :(

    That would be comparable to you saying to someone: “Ed doesn't believe in the rapture.”

    I accept the apology, Ed.  Thanks for that.  But how are the JWs my “affiliation”?  Haven't I also, on this very site, been “affiliated” with Trinitarians?  And non-preexisters?  And numerologists?  

    And no, it would really be more comparable to someone saying, “Ed only believes in the pre-tribulation rapture BECAUSE he has been influenced by the teachings of John Nelson Darby and the Plymouth Brethren.”

    Now, all of the sudden, the discussion is no longer about whether or not you're RIGHT about pre-trib rapture, because instead, we're all talking about John Nelson Darby, and his beliefs, and any mistakes he's made in the past.

    So please don't EVER “affiliate” me with the JWs again.  If you notice that something I believe is ALSO the way the JWs see it, then you can make that connection.  But don't EVER assume, or suggest, that my understanding came FROM the Watchtower, or the JW organization.  My understanding comes from ME reading and re-reading the scriptures, and studying them over and over again.


    Hi Mike,

    Actually I did hear the rapture doctrine FIRST and I did believe it.
    But when I heard others say it was false I researched it out
    for myself and found the rapture to be a false doctrine.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Mike,

    I guess all the bible verses that say there are no other God's has not sunk in yet.  :D

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ April 27 2013,00:02)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 27 2013,10:44)
    My understanding comes from ME reading and re-reading the scriptures, and studying them over and over again.

    Hi Mike,

    I guess all the bible verses that say there are no other God's has not sunk in yet.  :D

    That is a perfect proof of what I've claimed, Ed. By far, the most POPULAR belief in 21st century human culture is that there truly exists only ONE elohim/theos. The fact that I believe the actual scriptures when they teach of MANY elohim/theos shows that my understanding does NOT come from the “popular beliefs” of any organization, or from 21st century culture. Instead, my beliefs are securely founded in the scriptures themselves.


    Quote (4Thomas @ April 26 2013,01:13)
    Mike there is no evidence, if there is – please show me at least 1 early church writing………

    So the words of the Pope himself, saying that the Catholic Church changed the formula early on, and not too many people know about it, weren't enough?  :)

    Daniel, let's use our God-given common sense here:

    1.  God told Moses His name was Yahweh.

    2.  Later, many Israelites named their children using many variations of the name Yahweh.  “Joshua” was one of those names, and there were many men named “Joshua” in the scriptures.  (“Iesous”, as I'm sure you know, is the Greek version of “Joshua”.  “Jesus”, is the English equivalent.)

    3.  So what you are saying is that anyone who ever had the name “Joshua”, or “Iesous” in scripture, had the divine name of God Almighty Himself.

    4.  Now this doesn't make sense considering that the Jews (way before Jesus' time) stopped uttering the divine name Yahweh, and started to refer to Him as “Adonai” instead.  So you are asking us to believe that the Jews refused to utter the divine Name, yet HAD TO utter it any time they talked to someone named “Joshua” or “Iesous”.  Does that make sense to you, Daniel?  (This is the FIRST strange thing we must believe in order to believe God's name is “Jesus”.)

    5.  Now, you have provided much support that the “triune formula” was in use relatively soon after the death of Jesus.  But HOW SOON?  Do we have any idea, out of all the support you posted, which one is the OLDEST?  Do you know?

    Okay, now I will appeal once more to your God-given common sense.  Let's assume for a moment that Jesus DID say the triune formula in Matthew 28:19.  What happened after that?

    1.  The Apostles totally disregarded this “great commision”, that was spoken to them directly from the mouth of their Lord, and decided completely on their own to baptize only in the name of Jesus – despite Jesus' words.

    2.  The Apostles, and everyone else who baptized in the scriptures, were privy to some secret knowledge that the name of God Almighty had been changed from Yahweh to Jesus.  And even though they all knew this secret, not one of them decided to write it down, or let the rest of the world know.

    Which one of those two do you think happened, Daniel?

    There is this third possibility: Jesus actually said “Go baptizing in my name”, and the disciples did exactly as they were told. :)


    Mike, i just read your post now, will reply back hopefully tomorrow or the next day in my lunch break.



    Quote (4Thomas @ April 28 2013,19:39)
    Joshua               YAH Is Salvation (also known as Yah'shua)

    Yah'shua, the name Jesus is far above all other names, even though some try and reduce it by calling it Joshua…………………..

    Hmmmm………………… ???


    Okay, now I will appeal once more to your God-given common sense.  Let's assume for a moment that Jesus DID say the triune formula in Matthew 28:19.  What happened after that?

    1.  The Apostles totally disregarded this “great commision”, that was spoken to them directly from the mouth of their Lord, and decided completely on their own to baptize only in the name of Jesus – despite Jesus' words.

    2.  The Apostles, and everyone else who baptized in the scriptures, were privy to some secret knowledge that the name of God Almighty had been changed from Yahweh to Jesus.  And even though they all knew this secret, not one of them decided to write it down, or let the rest of the world know.

    Which one of those two do you think happened, Daniel?

    There is this third possibility:  Jesus actually said “Go baptizing in my name”, and the disciples did exactly as they were told.    

    If you use actual evidence of scripture and the early church it’s very clear.
    I pray that God will convert you so you understand that Jesus wasn’t a creature angel and that he wasn’t a false God before he took on flesh.  Jesus is true God, just as his Father is true God and true Lord and a true eternal Father.
    The Father isn’t a Eternal God of *Nothing* is he…
    the Father is Eternally “Almighty” he displays this in his Son

    Mike scripture is very clear, the Son came in his Father’s name its says it time and time again.

    From a translation you respect
    “Protect by the power of your name Father”
    “the name you gave to me”

    John 17:11
    New International Version (©1984)
    I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name–the name you gave me–so that they may be one as we are one.

    Ever wondered why the name Yahweh isn’t in the new testament???

    It pretty clear and solid evidence from 70AD onwards, yet I haven’t yet had one single shred of evidence from you to say otherwise.
    You mention a pope said otherwise, who cares, what does this matter unless its said in council. BTW Catholics aren't bound by what the Pope says unless said on the seat of peter, excathadra [this is the only way the bishop of rome [pope] can bind teachings for the Catholics, the other way is all the bishops by way of council. Anyway mike this isn't about what Pope believes it doesn’t matter what faith you belong to mike if you have the wrong Jesus. Jesus saves, but you need the correct Jesus mike.
    Here is the earliest authenticate writing from the early Church
    Didache,(.A.D. 70)
    “And concerning baptism, thus baptize ye: Having first said all these things, BAPTIZE INTO THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, in living water. But if thou have not living water, baptize into other water; and if thou canst not in cold, in warm. But if thou have not either, pour out water thrice upon the head into THE NAME OF FATHER AND SON AND HOLY SPIRIT. But before the baptism let the baptizer fast, and the baptized, and whatever others can; but thou shalt order the baptized to fast one or two days before.”(7in ANF,VII:379)

    Let move onto the most important subject of all, who has the correct Jesus.

    Jesus saves



    From a translation you respect
    “Protect by the power of your name Father”
    “the name you gave to me”

    do you really know what those words mean ??? “power of your name “? and “the name you gave me “?


    Okay Daniel,

    You brought up this scripture earlier:

    John 8 NIV ©
    24 “I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be , you will indeed die in your sins.”

    25 “Who are you?” they asked.

    Just what I have been telling you from the beginning,” Jesus replied.

    Jesus said these words in John 8:25, so I thought I'd go back through the entire book of John, using only words that JESUS himself said, and find out exactly WHO Jesus had been telling them all along that he was.  Here's what I came up with:

    1.  Is the Son OF God.  (3:16)
    2.  Was given BY God.  (3:16)
    3.  Was sent BY God.  (3:17)
    4.  Has had all things placed in his hands BY God.  (3:35)
    5.  Is a prophet OF God.  (4:44)
    6.  Can do nothing on his own.  (5:19)
    7.  Was granted BY God to have life in him.  (5:26)
    8.  Has been given authority to judge BY God.  (5:27)
    9.  God is someone OTHER THAN Jesus, who testifies in Jesus' favor.  (5:32)
    10.  The Jews had never seen God or heard His voice, although they clearly saw and heard the voice of the one God sent.  (5:37)
    11.  Came in the name OF his God.  (5:43)
    12.  Gives thanks TO his God.  (6:11)
    13.  Has been given the seal of approval BY his God.  (6:27)
    14.  Does the work OF his God, as the one his God has SENT.  (6:29)
    15.  Is the bread OF God.  (6:33)
    16.  Has been given disciples BY God.  (6:37)
    17.  Does the will OF his God.  (6:38)
    18.  Is FROM God, whom no one has ever seen.  (6:46)
    19.  Lives BECAUSE OF his God.  (6:57)
    20.  Says his teachings are not his own, but come FROM the God who sent him.  (7:16-17)
    21.  Is FROM the One who SENT him.  (7:28-29)
    22.  Will go TO the God who SENT him.  (7:33)
    23.  Jesus is one, and the God who SENT him is his OTHER witness.  (8:18)

    Daniel, do you think you can come up with even one direct quote of Jesus where he himself claimed to BE the God who sent him, or even equal TO that God?

    And even if you could, would you just ignore these 23 that I've listed – as if they weren't DIRECT QUOTES of your Lord himself, found in the holy, inspired scriptures?

    Ed J

    Quote (4Thomas @ April 29 2013,12:39)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 26 2013,20:06)

    Quote (4Thomas @ April 26 2013,18:13)

    Rev 3:14 CLEARLY explains that Jesus and his God have DIFFERENT names.

    Mike, I have answered this already. I will answer it a different way as I may not have made myself clear.
    Jesus already has a different name to his Father *ALREADY* at the *SAME TIME* as having ***multiple*** names that he shares with his Father.
    The Names the Father and Son share are Jesus, Lord, God, Saviour, first and the last etc etc


    Hi Daniel,

    Those are titles, NOT names.

    [יהוה] GOD’s Name  [י] Yod [ה] Ha [ו] Vav [ה] Hey  …is pronounced  YÄ-hä-vā  &  [יה] YÄ

    Jesus’ Hebrew name [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă has a direct connection to GOD’s name [יה] in that YÄ
    is the first part of Jesus’ Hebrew name. GOD’s name is not vocalized in the English translation
    of the name Jesus and therefore misses the precise exactness and direct authentic connection
    to God’s Hebrew name [יה] YÄ. Jesus’ Name in Hebrew means: (“YÄ is salvation” [יה]+[ישע]=[יהשוע]).

    Therefore “Jesus” name [יהשוע] (YÄ-shü-ă) establishes YHVH (“YÄ-hä-vā”) or JEHOVAH as the Highest Name.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Thanks Ed,

    Yes I understand that Gods name is YAH, as scripture reveals tell them that “I AM” sent you.
    Praise the name of “I AM” which is why people say HalleluYah

    Abijah                  אביה             My Father Is YAH          

    Adaiah                 עדיה             YAH Has Adorned          

    Adonijah              אדניה            YAH Is My Ruler

    Ahaziah              YAH Has Seized – 1Chronicles 3:11

    Ahijah                  My Redeemer Is YAH

    Amariah              YAH Has Commanded

    Amazyah             YAH Will Establish

    Anaiah                 YAH Heeds

    Ananiah               YAH Has Covered

    Anthothijah          My Witness Is YAH

    Asaiah                 YAH Will Bring To Pass

    Athaiah                YAH Will Hasten

    Athaliah                YAH Will Draw Together

    Azaliah                 YAH Will Select

    Azaniah               YAH Hears

    Azariah                YAH Has Helped

    Azaziah                YAH Will Prevail

    Baaseiah             In The Gathering Of YAH

    Bakbukiah           The Wasting Of YAH

    Bealiah                YAH Is The Ruler

    Bedeiah              Servant Of YAH

    Benaiah               YAH Surely Will Build

    Beraiah                YAH Is The Creator

    Berechiah           Kneel To YAH

    Besodeiah          In The Foundation Of YAH

    Bithiah                 Daughter Of YAH

    Bizjothjah             Contempt Of YAH

    Bukkiah               YAH Will Waste

    Chenaniah          YAH Has Planted

    Conaniah            YAH Has Ordained

    Coniah                 YAH Will Establish

    Deliah                  YAH Will Draw Out

    Dodaiah              Love Of YAH

    Elijah                    My Mighty One is YAH

    Gedaliah              YAH Is Magnificent

    Gemariah            YAH Will Bring To Completion

    Habaiah               YAH Will Hide

    Hachaliah            Darkness Of YAH

    Harhaiah              YAH Grows Hot In Anger

    Hasadiah             YAH Will Reprove

    Hashabiah           YAH Will Find Out

    Hezekiah             YAH Will Prevail

    Hilkiah                  YAH Is My Portion

    Hodaiah               YAH Is Glorious

    Hodaviah             YAH Is Majestic

    Irijah                     Reverent Of YAH

    Isaiah                   Salvation Of YAH

    Ishaih                   YAH Will Exact

    Ishmajah              YAH Will Hear

    Ismachiah            YAH Will Sustain

    Israhiah               YAH Will Rise Up

    Jaazaniah           YAH Will Hearken

    Jaaziah               YAH Will Be Fierce

    Jahaziah             YAH Will Behold

    Jeberedhiah       YAH Has Blessed

    Jecamiah            YAH Will Establish

    Jecholiah             YAH Will Enable

    Jeconiah              YAH Will Provide

    Jedaiah               YAH Has Known

    Jedidiah              Beloved Of YAH

    Jehdeiah             YAH Is A Unity

    Jehiah                  YAH Will Restore To Life

    Jehoadah            Advanced By YAH

    Jehoaddan          Delightful To YAH

    Jehoahaz            Seized By YAH

    Jehoiachin          Ordained Of YAH

    Jehoiada             Known Of YAH

    Jehoiakim           Established By YAH

    Jehoiarib             YAH Will Rebuke

    Jehoram              YAH Is Exalted

    Jehoshabeath    Sabbath Of YAH

    Jehoshaphat       Judgement Of YAH

    Jehosheba         Completion Of YAH

    Jehozabad          YAH Will Confer

    Jehozadak          YAH Is Righteousness

    Jehu                     YAH Is He

    Jehucal                YAH Is Able

    Jekamiah            YAH Will Perform

    Joab                    YAH Is Our Father

    Joah                     YAH Is Our Kindred

    Joannas              YAH Is Merciful

    Joash                   Fire Of YAH

    Jochebed            YAH Is Glorious

    Joel                      YAH Is Our Strength

    Joezer                  YAH Is Our Aid

    Joha                     YAH Will Make Alive

    Jonadab              Offer Willingly To YAH

    Jonah                   Ornament Of YAH

    Jonathan              YAH Has Given

    Joshua               YAH Is Salvation (also known as Yah'shua)

    Jothan                  YAH Is Perfect

    Jozachar             YAH Marks

    Kelaiah                YAH Will Despise

               Voice Of YAH

    Kushaiah             Entrapped Of YAH

    Maadiah              YAH Will Continue

    Maaseiah            The Working Of YAH

    Maaziah               YAH Will Cause To Save

    Malchiah              Appointed By YAH

    Mattaniah            Gift Of YAH

    Melatiah              Cemented Of YAH

    Melchiah              Appointed By YAH

    Meraiah               Rebellion Against YAH

    Meshelemiah      Ally Of YAH

    Mikneiah              Brought Of YAH

    Moadian              Appointed Feast Of YAH

    Moriah                 Seen Of YAH

    Neariah               Active For YAH

    Nedabiah            Offer Freely To YAH

    Nehemiah            YAH Has Consoled

    Nethaniah            Shown Of YAH

    Noadiah              Set Time For YAH

    Obadiah              Worshiper Of YAH

    Pedaiah              YAH Has Redeemed

    Pekahiah             YAH Has Observed

    Pelaiah                Separated Out By YAH

    Pelaliah               Judgement Of YAH

    Pelatiah               YAH Will Cause To Escape

    Pethahiah            YAH Has Drawn Out

    Raamiah              YAH Has Shaken

    Ramiah                YAH Has Exalted

    Reaiah                 YAH Has Marked

    Rechabiah           YAH Will Enlarge

    Reelaiah              YAH Will Cause To Reel

    Remaliah             YAH Will Bedeck

    Rephaiah             YAH Is The Physician

    Semachiah          YAH Will Bear Up

    Seraiah                YAH Prevails

    Shamariah          YAH Will Guard

    Shebaniah          Growth In YAH

    Shechaniah         YAH Will Inhabit

    Shechariah          YAH Seeks Diligently

    Shelemiah           Peace Offering To YAH

    Shemaiah            YAH Will Call Together

    Shemariah          YAH Has Guarded

    Sheriah                YAH Has Separated

    Tobiah                 Righteousness Of YAH

    Uriah                    YAH Will Set Afire

    Uzziah                  Strength Of YAH

    Vaniah                 YAH Will Witness

    Yah'shua, the name Jesus is far above all other names, even though some try and reduce it by calling it Joshua, they could also quote one of the many other names of YAH. It is the name *far* above every name in heaven and earth in this world and the world to come because it is the name that God with us [God in the flesh] received from his Father when the eternal Son came in his Fathers name to save mankind from their sins.              


    Hi Daniel,

    I don't see any 'i am's' in there?  (Link)
    'i am' has become the sacred cow of religion. (see 2Thess.2:3-4)
    “For many shall come in my name, saying, 'i am'; and shall deceive many.” (Mark 13:6)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 30 2013,13:49)
    Okay Daniel,

    You brought up this scripture earlier:

    John 8 NIV ©
    24 “I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be , you will indeed die in your sins.”

    25 “Who are you?” they asked.

    Just what I have been telling you from the beginning,” Jesus replied.

    Jesus said these words in John 8:25, so I thought I'd go back through the entire book of John, using only words that JESUS himself said, and find out exactly WHO Jesus had been telling them all along that he was.  Here's what I came up with:

    1.  Is the Son OF God.  (3:16)
    2.  Was given BY God.  (3:16)
    3.  Was sent BY God.  (3:17)
    4.  Has had all things placed in his hands BY God.  (3:35)
    5.  Is a prophet OF God.  (4:44)
    6.  Can do nothing on his own.  (5:19)
    7.  Was granted BY God to have life in him.  (5:26)
    8.  Has been given authority to judge BY God.  (5:27)
    9.  God is someone OTHER THAN Jesus, who testifies in Jesus' favor.  (5:32)
    10.  The Jews had never seen God or heard His voice, although they clearly saw and heard the voice of the one God sent.  (5:37)
    11.  Came in the name OF his God.  (5:43)
    12.  Gives thanks TO his God.  (6:11)
    13.  Has been given the seal of approval BY his God.  (6:27)
    14.  Does the work OF his God, as the one his God has SENT.  (6:29)
    15.  Is the bread OF God.  (6:33)
    16.  Has been given disciples BY God.  (6:37)
    17.  Does the will OF his God.  (6:38)
    18.  Is FROM God, whom no one has ever seen.  (6:46)
    19.  Lives BECAUSE OF his God.  (6:57)
    20.  Says his teachings are not his own, but come FROM the God who sent him.  (7:16-17)
    21.  Is FROM the One who SENT him.  (7:28-29)
    22.  Will go TO the God who SENT him.  (7:33)
    23.  Jesus is one, and the God who SENT him is his OTHER witness.  (8:18)

    Daniel, do you think you can come up with even one direct quote of Jesus where he himself claimed to BE the God who sent him, or even equal TO that God?

    And even if you could, would you just ignore these 23 that I've listed – as if they weren't DIRECT QUOTES of your Lord himself, found in the holy, inspired scriptures?

    Very very simple Mike, all the scriptures you use to try and deny that Jesus is true God are in relation to the Word taking flesh. As a man Jesus was indeed a Prophet and Priest. Jesus needed the Father to grant him life and he needed the Father to place his seal of approval on him, not just this though Jesus also needed to eat, sleep and he could also die. Mike please note I believe Jesus derives his very substance eternally from his Father the Origin -this is how they are one. the Father is the eternal source of the Son. Jesus is the very expressed image of the Father himself, thats why when you see the Father you see the Son, thats why when you Deny the Son you deny the Father.

    Would Jesus be the a high priest, the bread of life etc etc if he had *not* became a man???? You need to look at Jesus, God the Word ***BEFORE**** HE HUMBLED HIMSELF FOR –OUR SAKE– TO TAKE ON FLESH to save us of our sins.

    I believe it’s a sin to point to scriptures where Jesus has taken flesh and say hey look at that, he can’t be God he’s a high priest  he’s the breed of life. The Hebrew & Aramaic name for where Jesus was born in Bêthlehem, means “house of bread” and in Arabic form bêt lahm, it means “house of meat”, now we know Jesus was born in a feeding though, a manger “manger” (which means “to eat”)..
    Jesus is the “tree of life” in the new paradise that why scripture declares that they saw Jesus hanging on a tree when crucified. The revelations of Jesus being the Lamb of God, High Priest the new Passover, Melchizedek etc etc are all in relation to Jesus sacrifice that he offers us, this revelations are intense but there is no point in having a understanding of these unless you understand *what* Jesus is before he took on flesh.

    So let’s look at Jesus before he took flesh, let’s look at what SCRIPTURE teaches about *WHAT* Jesus was before he came in the flesh. Then we know who it was that came in the flesh and we will know if we have the right Jesus.


    Mike please let me know if this is ok with you and please understand I am only interested in the truth.

    Jesus saves

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