When does the bio. father become the bio. father?

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    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ April 27 2011,04:02)

    Quote (karmarie @ April 26 2011,17:58)
    You are a gang, the gang of the scholars, the self proclaimed elite who look down on anyone who is not up there with you. What would God think?


    Don't you think calling someone an enemy is promoting a gang like mentality? It is one thing to say an enemy of the faith, but another to call a believer in Christ an enemy.




    Quote (karmarie @ April 26 2011,20:48)

    I really dont like angry outbursts like that done in self justification and in a mannor in which to protect “the self” from what others may read.

    First, I wasn't angry at all when I posted that.  Secondly, I don't really care what you “like” and “don't like”.  And if I was “self justifying” by giving my permission for you to post the pm that you painted out to be so terrible, then maybe that pm wasn't quite as “terrible” as YOU made it out to be, eh?

    Quote (karmarie @ April 26 2011,20:48)

    Mike, your as bad as each other. Istari came back in a much better way, but you still held onto what HAPPENED, but what happened was been and gone.

    You know what Kar?  Wispring had just made a intelligent post on the bodies thread a day or two before Istari was un-banned.  I was really looking forward to discussing some things with him there.  But because Istari came back and IMMEDIATELY posted false and insulting info about me (which I immediately corrected him on), I decided to leave the discussion I was really looking forward to having – just so I didn't have to go to war with Istari again.

    DOES THAT SOUND FAIR TO YOU, KAR?  Should some of us have to avoid discussions that we really want to partake in just because your “boyfriend” is so nasty?  DOES IT SOUND LIKE I WAS THE ONE HANGING ON TO WHAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST………….OR HIM?   

    You might see Istari through rose colored glasses, but look at the posts made here just today.  No one else is buying what you alone are trying to sell.

    Quote (karmarie @ April 26 2011,20:48)

    And as for the rule on not 'Divulging or sharing the contents of a PM to others' fear not. I havent, have I?

    The fact that Istari divulged MY personal information TO YOU is an infraction of the rules here, and I could ban him for it.  So just remember that the next time he's crying about how I pick on HIM.

    NOW…………………..will you show me where I “changed the words” of Istari?  You claimed that I did.  Show me where I did what you claimed, or apologize for making false claims against me please.

    Kar, you called us “the gang of the scholars, the self proclaimed elite who look down on anyone who is not up there with you”, but you are possibly the MOST judgemental person on this site, and I refuse to be judged by you.  Go talk to someone else for a while, okay?



    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ April 26 2011,22:37)
    come on it was clever! esepaicly the “tossed away card” from the deck one.
    that was classic

    True dat! :D



    I used to like you. But then you went all funny when you started posting with the debaters and things.

    I would say more, but I wont.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 27 2011,18:53)
    NOW…………………..will you show me where I “changed the words” of Istari?  You claimed that I did.  Show me where I did what you claimed, or apologize for making false claims against me please.

    I said “I think thats what Istari was saying” I didn't say it as a fact Mike.

    Is it too much to ask for some peace and equality here?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 27 2011,18:53)
    you are possibly the MOST judgemental person on this site, and I refuse to be judged by you.  

    Really? Haha.
    Is that true?


    Hey Kar,

    Let's just let it go. I have walked away from Istari, and we should do the same for a while, okay?



    Quote (karmarie @ April 27 2011,10:04)

    I used to like you. But then you went all funny when you started posting with the debaters and things.

    I would say more, but I wont.

    Well Karmarie,
    I have always acted the same, and in general i dont deal with peoples crap.
    So i dont let people pick on me, and i pick my battles wisely.

    all my attacks are Counter attacks.



    Fair enough.

    So you don't think internet sites changed you ?
    I can say that they changed me, but that Im ok now. I have been for days. And nobodys going to take it off me. Fair enough?

    As for your debates, I would debate you, but your posts are too long. Or they used to be:)


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 27 2011,19:13)
    Hey Kar,

    Let's just let it go.  I have walked away from Istari, and we should do the same for a while, okay?


    How long for? Thats mean Mike. So you will be ignoring me?


    Quote (karmarie @ April 27 2011,11:16)

    Fair enough.

    So you don't think internet sites changed you ?
    I can say that they changed me, but that Im ok now. I have been for days. And nobodys going to take it off me. Fair enough?

    As for your debates, I would debate you, but your posts are too long. Or they used to be:)


    If someone would try to belittle in person, I would do the same thing I do on HN which is cleverly posting remarks that makes one angry and feel incredibly stupid, while I point and laugh at them.
    And usually i just twist whatever they through at me and give them a double portion.

    HN could never fully display my character, Its impossible to know somebody fully by the internet. Knowing someone in person couldnt be compared to knowing someone on the interenet.

    I still dont understand why you felt so depressed in the first place? why do you take others remarks so seriously and personally? you shouldnt.
    Your basically letting people who live millions of miles of away from you affect your life?
    thats quite foolish

    My post will respond to every little thing you say.
    so the longer your response, the longer mine will be as well.



    I agree with that. I guess I have toughened up now. I wasnt used to the internet. I hadnt been on any forums before. I never got a computer till 5 years ago. And I do take things hard, Im quite sensitive to things especially personal attacks on myself and my relationship with God.

    But God helps in the end. I believe in God, and thats the best thing to me there is.

    I can remember when you first joined here.


    You reminded me of my son, in the way you wrote.


    Well technically I havent started using a computer until i was about 13 years old which means its a total of 8 years that i have been using the interent. I didnt have a computer untillllll hmmm 14? and than broke it, its off and on since than.

    I remember when i first joined here too, I was hoping to nicely end debates by having other people putting thier disagreements aside and seek God. Than i realized, God is the one who draws men. Its by revelation that one may know the truth.

    You have told me before that I for some reason remind you of your son.
    Maybe we are both Serious clowns.

    As a mentor once described me “behind all his jokes and clown persona, is a very very dead serious person”


    Thats my son exactly,

    Your right too, only God draws people, so does love,
    I learnt that when I was debating Bod. When it started getting nasty, it was time to walk away. When it was going good was when we were nice to each other. A debate can become neverending, with the same points over and over again, and in the end, does anyone 'win'?

    You know how you said on another thread a while back you were getting headaches? Do you drink coffee? And do you sleep enough? Just wondering, because I gave up coffee and feel a lot different, way better. Im sleeping 8 hours again. If thats your problem, you should try it. Drink Tea.

    Nice talking to you SF.


    Let it go with them – they are lost.

    They attack and then cry foul when they are attacked back.

    The forum has become a place for deceit and they are the master if it so dont believe anything you say to them will change them.

    Satan is the master of the earth (T8 – Earth!) – this is his province – his Kingdom – he rules it.
    These are the master of their Earth – this forum – it is their Kingdom – they rule it.
    They punish the good and reward the bad – they 'toss away' the good card and keep the bad while laughing and posting falsified information JUST TO SOFTEN THEIR PAIN…

    Dont worry about their falseness – it will become their REWARD – a false reward.

    Self-seeking ones always end up the losers – has to be – that is TRUTH – can Dark triumph over Light?

    The God of this Forum upholds their base activities and scorns the truth-teller… Where have you heard that before?


    Time out Istari is the best thing.


    Quote (Istari @ April 27 2011,13:07)
    Let it go with them – they are lost.

    They attack and then cry foul when they are attacked back.

    The forum has become a place for deceit and they are the master if it so dont believe anything you say to them will change them.

    Satan is the master of the earth (T8 – Earth!) – this is his province – his Kingdom – he rules it.
    These are the master of their Earth – this forum – it is their Kingdom – they rule it.
    They punish the good and reward the bad – they 'toss away' the good card and keep the bad while laughing and posting falsified information JUST TO SOFTEN THEIR PAIN…

    Dont worry about their falseness – it will become their REWARD – a false reward.

    Self-seeking ones always end up the losers – has to be – that is TRUTH – can Dark triumph over Light?

    The God of this Forum upholds their base activities and scorns the truth-teller… Where have you heard that before?


    You realize your being a hypocrite right?

    In fact you always attack with something to say and than cry out a riddles and the blues of how its unfair and cry foul when we through the same mess right back at you!

    IF the forum is so full of deceit than why are you obsessed with it?  you show signs of obessesion.  Anything you say, will certainly not change anyone because we know that your father is the father of lies

    again your a worthless card, its that extra pointless uneeded card.  

    How can you have  a false reward?  more of your nonsense.

    You are a self-righteous one, a person who calls himself good, but is deceiving himself.

    You claim you are good and that you are the light, but in fact even Satan comes as a angel of Light.

    Its funny doesnt your name “istari” means angel?
    and you speak falsly and accuse the brethern just like satan.

    Maybe you should rethink about your behavior and take out that biggg thorn in your eye before you pick at others.


    Hi All

    The drama never ends on HN does it?  :p



    You know how when a truth is spoken (the light) those who love darkness run and hide behind shields of deceit (Darkness).

    It would help if there was honesty and truthseeking amongst the posters – that truth could build upon truth – but it appears that some like to tear down truth from another (Don't think they don't understand what they are doing – they do, indeed)

    They say, 'I know he speaks truth but if we hiss him off by corrupting what he says or just downright denying the truth in it then, though we deny it now, we can use it later for ourselves …'

    Now, why would someone deny a truth today from a truthsayer and then be saying the something tomorrow as if that person discovered it themselves – what kind of person dies that kind of thing?

    Yes, a very CLEVER person… Their deceit has no lower bounds!
    Does God seek – 'Clever' – people?

    Or does He seek – Honest – people?

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