What is your confession regarding Jesus

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  • #795160

    Hi t8,

    Would you deny the wonderful obedience of Jesus?

    There is no greater vessel.

    From his decision to obey God, God takes over.

    Flesh contributes nothing.

    The Word was made flesh.

    The Word that was with God.

    You seem to be saying that Jesus is flesh and Word is God, thus Jesus Christ is the combination.

    But if Jesus is the flesh only, then how did Jesus come in the flesh?

    And why is it that you and I are more than flesh?

    Was he less than us?


    Hi t8,

    Jesus was like you and I, flesh, soul, human spirit and since the Jordan the Holy Spirit.

    When he died his own human spirit left him and returned to God.

    He was yet spiritually alive in the Eternal Spirit .

    Soul and Spirit


    The anointed man Jesus, is now Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh.

    Jesus Christ, the Word, has come in the flesh

    1jn 4 2




    If Jesus is just one of us, albeit without sin, then we too must be the Word come in the flesh, Is this a proper conclusion from what you teach?


    question for you up here Nick.. ⇑⇑⇑


    Hi t8,

    The Word is of the Spirit of God. The Word was born into a man Jesus of Nazareth.

    We, like Jesus, are of human stock with a human spirit.

    We too, like him, can be reborn from above.

    We surely can follow him.


    So we will become the Word in flesh too?


    hi t8,

    If you are reborn of the Spirit you receive an earnest of the Spirit.

    If you do not have the Spirit of Christ you are none of his.

    To Jesus was given the Spirit WITHOUT MEASURE.


    We share in the Spirit but there is a vast difference between the head and the body





    So one of those differences is that he is the Word come in the flesh and we are not?

    If so, then what are we exactly if we have come in the flesh like him?


    Hi T8,

    Jesus was flesh no different to us. Then he was anointed from above and the Word was made flesh.


    The Word was God. God is spirit.

    The Word is spirit of the Spirit of God.

    The anointing with the Spirit enfleshed the Word.


    When he returned the Father sent the Spirit of Christ [Word] to all the believers and He continues to do this even now.


    We have not come IN the flesh. We ARE flesh just as he was.

    “Remember man that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return”


    Hi t8,

    Scripture says of us

    We will be saved.

    We are being saved.

    We have been saved.


    All are true in the timeless prophetic speech of God.



    Hi t8,

    And if you put THE WORD where is says JESUS CHRIST in Phil 2 you will see the alignment of the scriptures

    Jesus Christ IS the Word made flesh.


    Hi Bd,

    THE BEGINNING does sometimes refer to the beginning of creation.

    But sometimes it can relate to the beginning of other things-like relationships.


    Jesus was flesh no different to us. Then he was anointed from above and the Word was made flesh.

    But he already had flesh before he was anointed from above by the Spirit.


    Hi t8,



    But the Word did not.

    The Word is the Spirit of Christ.

    The Word that was with God and WAS God.



    So Jesus had flesh and when he was anointed the Word became flesh as well, and so is that two fleshes or is it two in one flesh. i.e., Jesus the man and the Word inhabiting the same flesh?

    Starting to sound a little like debating the Trinity now.


    Hi T8,

    When the apostles laid hands on the believers in Acts did the Spirit begin to inhabit their bodily temples?

    When you were reborn from above did the Spirit begin to inhabit your soul and flesh ?

    It was the same with Jesus, the one we follow.



    Hi t8,

    The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

    John saw heard and touched the Word of life.

    But new flesh was not made for the Word.


    God chose to live and work in clean human temples designed for that purpose

    Ed J

    Hi T8,

    I think Nick is on to the right idea, but has got the embodiment wrong.

    1) I believe Jesus was born “The Christ” – meaning the “spirit of Christ” was impregnated into Mary. (ref.Matt.1:18)
    1a) The “spirit of Christ” is Jesus’ spirit he was born with, the HolySpirit is Father to that spirit. (ref. Heb.12:9)

    2) Nick says: “The Word is spirit of the Spirit of God.
    2a) I also believe “The Word” is spirit of the Spirit of God, (ref. John 6:63)
    2b) and that the “HolySpirit” is spirit of the Spirit of God sent to us. (ref. John 16:13)

    3) Therefore “The Word” IS the “HolySpirit” – and the “HolySpirit” is GOD. (ref. Acts 5:3-4)


    4) I believe as Nick: “The Word” became flesh at Jordan. (God was manifest in the flesh: 1Tim.3:16)

    5) When Jesus was baptized with God’s HolySpirit …”The Word” became flesh. (ref. John 1:14)

    6) And yes, when we are baptized with God’s HolySpirit …”The Word” becomes flesh in us. (ref. Matt 10:19-20)

    ”But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak:
    for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not
    ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.” (Matt 10:19-20)

    ”But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak,
    neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye:
    for it is not ye that speak, but the HolySpirit.” (Mark 13:11)

    …The Word in flesh. (ref. 2Cor.6:16)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
    http://www.holycitybiblecode.org _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ”Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” – JEHOVAH GOD

    Ed J

    Hi T8,

    I hope that was clear enough for you, but if not let me know.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi ED,

    How does the conception in Mary have any relationship to the anointing of the Son?

    Is it written or your opinion?

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