What is jesus?

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  • #240154

    If I can Effectively prove that Jesus is not an Angel, would this mean that You are wrong, therefore a victem of your own wishfull Thinking, therefore Opening the Possibilities that Jesus IS God?


    JustAskin has a question, I think it's to you Mike;


    When Jesus was dead in the grave three days, who was God's firstborn son?

    How were ALL THINGS created through Jesus but not BY Jesus.

    How is something created through something but not BY that something.

    If a person takes a knife and cut a figure from a piece of wood, is that figure created THROUGH the knife or BY the knife? Or, in fact, not by the knife at all but by and through the person.

    Should the knife get praised for the creation of the figure?



    And to WJ:

    Is the son of a king – a king?


    Quote (karmarie @ Mar. 23 2011,18:52)
    And to WJ:

    Is the son of a king – a king?


    Who rode into Jerusalem as the KING of Israel. The Father or the Son?

    Read the bible!



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 22 2011,21:25)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 22 2011,16:39)
    Yet Jesus said if you have seen me then you have seen God.

    ???  Jesus said “the Father”, not “God”.


    So the Father is not God? When is the last time you said to someone…

    IF YE HAD KNOWN ME, ye should have KNOWN MY FATHER (God) ALSO: and from henceforth YE KNOW HIM, (God) AND HAVE SEEN HIM (God). Philip saith unto him, Lord, SHEW US THE FATHER, (GOD) and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and YET HAST THOU NOT KNOWN ME, (God) Philip? HE THAT HATH SEEN ME HATH SEEN THE (God) FATHER; and HOW SAYEST THOU THEN, SHEW US THE (God) FATHER? John 14:7-9

    In other words if you have seen and know Jesus then you know God. And if you have seen the Father then you have seen Jesus for he is the “visible Image” of God or God in the flesh. With an honest and sincere heart anyone can see that Jesus once again is making himself equal to the Father. He is the “exact representation of the Father’s (God’s) being” meaning in nature he is also God!  :)

    You can't know God without Jesus. Which means Jesus is “Equal” to God. SO IF YOU KNOW A JESUS THAT IS LESS THAN GOD, and you can't know the Father (God) without knowing Jesus, it doesn't take a rocket science to know that your Jesus is not the “exact representation of Gods being”, or the “visible image of God”. That would mean you do not know the Father either. Our fellowship is with the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. For they are “One”. Eternal life hinges on knowing “BOTH” the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit flowing from them to us..

    Jesus is “God with us” (Emmanuel) yet all you anti-Jesus is God folks keep trying to say he is “not God with us”. How about that? :D



    Quote (karmarie @ Mar. 23 2011,02:52)
    JustAskin has a question, I think it's to you Mike;


    When Jesus was dead in the grave three days, who was God's firstborn son?

    How were ALL THINGS created through Jesus but not BY Jesus.

    How is something created through something but not BY that something.

    If a person takes a knife and cut a figure from a piece of wood, is that figure created THROUGH the knife or BY the knife? Or, in fact, not by the knife at all but by and through the person.

    Should the knife get praised for the creation of the figure?


    Jesus is being compared to a knife now? :D


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 22 2011,21:25)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 22 2011,16:39)
    Yet Jesus said if you have seen me then you have seen God.

    Let's do a comparison:

    1. Father being in Jesus = Jesus is God
    2. Father being in us = We are God

    Am I right, Keith?


    Nope, you are not right. As usual your examples are misleading for you left out an important part and keep building the same straw man for me to burn down. :)

    As far as your point number 1….

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 22 2011,21:25)
    1. Father being in Jesus = Jesus is God

    ALL of the Father being in Jesus means Jesus is equal to the Father.

    So does Jesus being in the Father = the Father is not God?

    Straw man burnt to the ground because to say that the Father being in Jesus means Jesus is not God is like saying Jesus being in the Father means the Father is not God.

    As far as your point number 2….

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 22 2011,21:25)
    2. Father being in us = We are God

    This one is where you are deceiving and misleading.

    It is the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit in us and WE in THEM.

    It is THEM and US Mike, and the “US” does not include Jesus for JESUS IS IN ALL OF US (well those that know him). :)

    This moot point you keep bringing up is a logical fallacy. Their “ONENESS” is not the same as our Oneness. :)



    Quote (karmarie @ Mar. 23 2011,02:52)
    And to WJ:

    Is the son of a king – a king?



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 24 2011,02:37)

    Quote (karmarie @ Mar. 23 2011,02:52)
    And to WJ:

    Is the son of a king – a king?


    Amen! It was the SON who rode into Jerusalem as KING.



    WJ said:

    In other words if you have seen and know Jesus then you know God. And if you have seen the Father then you have seen Jesus for he is the “visible Image” of God or God in the flesh. With an honest and sincere heart anyone can see that Jesus once again is making himself equal to the Father.


    Jesus had just said, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.”

    He was calling his disciples to cast their fears upon Him as they would God. This was a call to idolatry if Jesus was not equal with God.



    Keith said:

    Yet Jesus said if you have seen me then you have seen God.

    Mike replied:

    Jesus said “the Father”, not “God”.


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack Jr. @ Mar. 23 2011,11:01)
    WJ said:

    In other words if you have seen and know Jesus then you know God. And if you have seen the Father then you have seen Jesus for he is the “visible Image” of God or God in the flesh. With an honest and sincere heart anyone can see that Jesus once again is making himself equal to the Father.


    Jesus had just said, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.”

    He was calling his disciples to cast their fears upon Him as they would God. This was a call to idolatry if Jesus was not equal with God.


    Amen! :)



    JustAskin would also like to say:



    Is the son of a queen – a queen?


    Where in Scriptures does it say that Jesus sits ON his fathers throne? Surely, it says : 'At his right hand side'

    and 'At the right hand OF the throne of God'

    (note: Jesus and God are expressed as two separate persons! If Jesus is God, how is he sat at the right of himself? Who is the God that is the owner of the throne to which the HONOR POSITION (rh-side))


    so god has a literal right hand?
    so God who is spirit and everywhere that no Man can see, has a right side?
    thats such a bogus claim


    Quote (karmarie @ Mar. 23 2011,15:38)
    JustAskin would also like to say:



    Is the son of a queen – a queen?


    Where in Scriptures does it say that Jesus sits ON his fathers throne? Surely, it says : 'At his right hand side'

    and 'At the right hand OF the throne of God'

    (note: Jesus and God are expressed as two separate persons! If Jesus is God, how is he sat at the right of himself? Who is the God that is the owner of the throne to which the HONOR POSITION (rh-side))

    Hey JA

    Talk to the hand. I won't discuss scriptures through a third party.

    Hope you are well! :)



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 23 2011,09:35)
    This one is where you are deceiving and misleading.

    It is the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit in us and WE in THEM.

    It is THEM and US Mike,

    Does the “THEM” include the Father? Yes? Okay then, the Father is also in US. Does that make US God?



    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Mar. 23 2011,17:58)
    so god has a literal right hand?
    so God who is spirit and everywhere that no Man can see, has a right side?
    thats such a bogus claim


    Carnal unregenerate men have not figured out that God is a “Spirit being” who has given us “metaphors” to make sense of his nature and attributes, so we can relate to an “infinite being”. That is why they cannot see Jesus is God because they do not believe that God can manifest himself in any way form or place that he chooses.

    They serve a god after their own image and not after his image, Jesus, God in the flesh. :)

    Blessings Keith


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Mar. 23 2011,16:58)
    so god has a literal right hand?
    so God who is spirit and everywhere that no Man can see, has a right side?
    thats such a bogus claim

    Then what exactly IS meant by the statement that Jesus was EXALTED BY HIS OWN GOD to the RIGHT HAND OF HIS OWN GOD?

    It's spoken of many times in many ways, D. What does that statement imply?



    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Mar. 23 2011,00:36)
    If I can Effectively prove that Jesus is not an Angel, would this mean that You are wrong, therefore a victem of your own wishfull Thinking, therefore Opening the Possibilities that Jesus IS God?

    If you could prove this, (which you can't), it would mean I was wrong about this one thing. It would have no bearing on me losing my sanity and starting to claim that the Son OF God is the same God he is the Son OF. :)



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 23 2011,18:17)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 23 2011,09:35)
    This one is where you are deceiving and misleading.

    It is the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit in us and WE in THEM.

    It is THEM and US Mike,

    Does the “THEM” include the Father?  Yes?  Okay then, the Father is also in US.  Does that make US God?


    What is your point?

    Does being in the Father mean he is human?

    So why would you ask does that make us God?

    Its a moot point because once again the Fathers “Oneness” is not the same as ours is it?

    The point is just because the Father is in Jesus doesn't mean Jesus is not God no more than Jesus being in the Father means the Father is not God.

    But when we see that “ALL” of God is in Jesus without limitation then that at least means to us Jesus is equally God.


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