What IS a Servant of Christ?

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    Quote (Jodi @ Dec. 07 2008,04:04)
    You can't possibly think that someone who rejects the poorly translated bible and those that teach various messages from it, are rejecting God and the Messiah? There is noway to tell who God is calling and who He is not. We are not to judge such things.

    T h a n k
    Y o u
    S i s t e r!


    Hi Jodi,
    The revelation of God includes the precious scriptures.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 13 2008,15:18)
    Hi Jodi,
    The revelation of God includes the precious scriptures.

    It does? What of those who have never held a copy of the precious scriptures and yet they know God?

    Narrow thinking does not necessarily lead to the narrow door.


    Hi not3,
    It INCLUDES the precious Word of God.


    Hi not3,
    What with this hissy fit with God?
    He is on your side.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 13 2008,15:29)
    Hi not3,
    What with this hissy fit with God?
    He is on your side.

    And I thought you didn't know me, Nick.

    I'm not mad at God.
    I just don't trus the bible anymore.


    Hi not3,
    The truth has not changed.
    Why have you?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 13 2008,15:57)
    Hi not3,
    The truth has not changed.
    Why have you?

    I beg to differ with you, bro.
    The “truth” has changed – many times over – and in various languages and styles of writing. How many versions of the bible do you own?

    Trying to find the ONLY truth in the bible is like trying to find a needle in a haystack!


    Hi not3,
    When did you become an expert on scriptural corruption and no longer a lover of the Word?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 13 2008,19:31)
    Hi not3,
    When did you become an expert on scriptural corruption and no longer a lover of the Word?

    Since I have taken my blinder's off and accepted that there are errors. Have you not done that? Or do you blindly walk ahead? In love with words that are not from God…..


    Hi not3,
    The Spirit helps show what few and obvious corruptions have gained entrance.
    The liar would have us believe it and God Himself is no longer to be trusted.
    He knows that those who give in to doubt will receive nothing from the Lord.


    Nick…….there is more then a few corruptions, there are a lot of them, but for argument sake lets say we had bibles that had no errors at all in them, lets say everyone could read them an easily understand them. Do you think that would makes Us righteous in God's eyes even if we could quote every sentence in it correctly, would that change out Hearts and minds?, “for it is not the hear of the law but the doer.” and the only ones who can do the commandments are those who have the Spirit of GOD in them, who have the love of God shed around in their Hearts. “for you are saved By GRACE (God's influencing in the heart) and that (NOT) of yourselves”. Knowledge is not wrong, but it can PUFF UP, It takes more then Knowledge to change a Heart.

    love and peace to you and yours………………gene


    God does not want men to rely just on what is written but to need the Spirit within to assist them in grasping it. But the carnal mind resists change and men assume the spirit they follow is the Holy Spirit.

    Thus we need both and those who go beyond what is written show they are not led by God's Spirit. Those who deny the words of Christ or allegorise them also show it is not the Spirit of Christ that they are following.

    He who is the liar from the beginning remains a more popular leader of men. We need to rely first on what is written and abide in it.


    Ah yes……the Spirit.

    Let's try something, shall we? Let's have Nick, Gene and myself see what the Spirit tells us about John 1:1. Let's meet back here tonight and share what the “Spirit” has told us.

    He knows that those who give in to doubt will receive nothing from the Lord.

    Nick believes this.

    “for you are saved By GRACE (God's influencing in the heart) and that (NOT) of yourselves”. Knowledge is not wrong, but it can PUFF UP, It takes more then Knowledge to change a Heart.

    Gene believes this.

    Which is it? Do we obtain knowledge and so try to find out about God (and along the way also discover the errors)? OR do we not dare to doubt as to never receive anything from the Lord?


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Dec. 14 2008,08:42)
    Ah yes……the Spirit.

    Let's try something, shall we?  Let's have Nick, Gene and myself see what the Spirit tells us about John 1:1.  Let's meet back here tonight and share what the “Spirit” has told us.

    He knows that those who give in to doubt will receive nothing from the Lord.

    Nick believes this.

    “for you are saved By GRACE (God's influencing in the heart) and that (NOT) of yourselves”. Knowledge is not wrong, but it can PUFF UP, It takes more then Knowledge to change a Heart.

    Gene believes this.

    Which is it?  Do we obtain knowledge and so try to find out about God (and along the way also discover the errors)?  OR do we not dare to doubt as to never receive anything from the Lord?

    Can I join? John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All right. We know that we have the invisible God lets just say the Almighty God who is our Father. The Word became flesh, so we have to find out if He was a Spirit Being or like some say in the plan of the Father. To do so we have to go to other Scriptures of the Bible.
    Col. 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
    POINT ONE HE IS GOD'S SON. He came forth from the Father John 8:42,
    Rev. 3:14 ..” These says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness the Beginning of the creation of God.” But how can I see that He was a Spirit being before He became a man.
    John 17:5 ” And now Father glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory which I had with You before the world was.” So the Word was a Spirit and became flesh. He did all that for us so we can have eternal life.
    So the Word that became flesh was named Jesus and He was commissioned to die for us so we can have eternal life.
    Romans 2: 8 ” For by grace you have been saved, through faith and that not of yourself, it is a free gift of God.
    verse 9 not of works , lest anyone should boast.

    I hope I explained, I hope any questions?
    Peace and Love Irene


    Servanthood roles are by appointment

    2 tim 1
    11 Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.



    Well it had to start somewhere didn't it?


    Nick………Jesus said….. Mat 10:24-25….> The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord. (25) It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord…………>.

    peace and love to you and yours………………………..gene


    Hi J42,
    It did.
    And it still should be now as it was then

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