What did the angels do during the creation?

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    Quote (Arnold @ Aug. 03 2010,07:41)
    Men are called Angels???? Would you please show me a Scripture that shows that?

    Hebrews 13:2
    Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it.


    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 03 2010,12:58)
    Judging by the fact that there are at least Seraphs and Cherubs, it stands to reason that these types/groups have leaders. We know as JA has already pointed out that there was a Chief Cherub and we know Michael is a prince. He could be the prince of Seraphs or took over the job of the ex-chief cherub.

    We also know that it is Michael who casts the devil into the pit for a millennium.

    Hi t8,

    You are so right…too many “fights” over opinions. lol

    Play nicely.

    Ages ago I did a study on angels thru the internet and this is what I came up with for categories of angels:

    Angel of the LORD, Cherubim, Seraphim, Archangels, Guardian Angels, 4 Living Creatures, Principalities, Authorities, Thrones, Dominions, Powers.

    Beware: Paul warned us about placing too much import re: angels.

    During creation they sang, played music and baiscally were the first “party animals”.

    Could you imagine the “fireworks” that must've occurred when the Big Bang grew out of nothing and the stars went into place?

    Scientists supposedly have measured the distance of points in the universe and have speculated the Cosmos to be between 15-16 Billion years. Talk about SPEED!!!


    t8, Shimmer,

    Men are not Angels.

    Angels can take on temporary human-like bodily form and 'appear' as non-descript men – and as such they were often initially mistaken for Men. But any time spent with them quiackly reveal that they were NOT flesh and blood men but superior, powerful beings that had a fixed purpose for being where they were.

    Angels are not idle, never waver from their commission. They are purposeful, knowing that they are always in God's spiritual 'eyesight'.

    Jesus [now] is not an Angel. Jesus is a Human in Spirit form. He can take a personal visually recognisable bodily form of a man that requires all the natural needs of Fleshkind and he can shed that form and be in Spiritual form. He can also do this as he pleases, Angels can [now] only do so when authorised by God.

    I was writing a load of stuff on mi mobi then the battery ran out and I lost it all… should take heed of those little beep-beeps!!!

    Humans can INVITE wicked angels into themselves – become possessed – this is REAL and very DANGEROUS – because man initially thinks he can control the wicked angel spirit but soon realises that it is IT that is controlling him.

    Typical invitations involve Seances, Voodoo sessions, Palmistry, Spiritism sessions, Uejee Board games (?), Card Readings, Horoscopes and so on. I would urge anyone who engages with such things to quit it for their LIFE's sake.

    So, What did the Angels do when the great creation was being effected? Did they also take part in it's creation… we know Satan (“Lucifer”) did, and we know (“Jesus”) did.

    And what is their purpose now? Is it conceivable that these extremely powerful spirit creatures who can walk about inside volcanoes, descend to the deepest depths of the ocean, ascend to the top of the highest mountains, walk through granite rock, are immune to the most acrid atmostphere, etc, (Because they are Spirit) just sat by and Watched the creation by 'Jesus' alone – be serious – They helped but are not accorded praise honor nor glory – just as a film makes has hundreds of people involved but only the “Director” and the “Star” are accolladed?

    We know from Revelation that some are there just to Praise, Honour, Adore, Glorify and Worship God, while others are WAR Angels, Announcers, Bearers, etc,.

    And we know from other Scriptures that some minister unto Mankind.

    Can anyone add to this?


    Angels are messengers and messengers is applied to the heavenly host as well as men.
    Scripture often translates the same word as angel when it talks of heavenly beings and messengers as men when it is appropriate. The thing is, it is the exact same word which I cannot remember off hand. Might be Malawk? Malachi's name is a related word as he was a messenger.

    Both John and Jesus are prophesied angels. The scripture escapes me now, but will look it up when I get back.

    I will also read your post in its entirety when I get back.


    Quote (JustAskin @ Aug. 03 2010,10:40)
    I was writing a load of stuff on mi mobi then the battery ran out and I lost it all… should take heed of those little beep-beeps!!!

    Or should have saved it as a draft (save to notepad button) at least and then carried on.



    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 03 2010,08:35)

    Quote (Arnold @ Aug. 03 2010,07:41)
    Men are called Angels???? Would you please show me a Scripture that shows that?

    Hebrews 13:2
    Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it.

    That is an interesting scripture.
    The word angel is applied to men too.



    Thanks for the tip on Notepad. I save something to the notepad once and could never find it again – is it specific to the thread (I guess so!)?

    t8, shimmer, I urge you to reconsider this idea that 'Men are Angels'.

    Angels are not afforded the direct pleasure of the Holy Spirit of God (“For he does not give aid to Angels”)

    Men are not Angels – … Ministering Angels bring “messages from God” – Are you thinking of Prophets, who also bring “messages from God”.

    Do you (any one) know the reason why there was a need for a prophet to speak these “Messages from God”?


    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 03 2010,10:50)

    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 03 2010,08:35)

    Quote (Arnold @ Aug. 03 2010,07:41)
    Men are called Angels???? Would you please show me a Scripture that shows that?

    Hebrews 13:2
    Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it.

    That is an interesting scripture.
    The word angel is applied to men too.

    t8 What do your mean by an Angel???? I know all Angels can be and have been Messengers, however does that make the Son of God an Angel???? You have not given me a Scripture that the Son of God and Son of man is an Angel…. Yes, He was a Messenger to bring us through Him salvation, but that does not make Him an Angel…. Yes, He is a Spirit being, the Son of God the firstborn of all creation.


    Quote (JustAskin @ Aug. 03 2010,12:12)
    t8, shimmer, I urge you to reconsider this idea that 'Men are Angels'.

    I never had that idea, I only found the verse after reading t8's post,


    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 03 2010,12:36)

    Quote (JustAskin @ Aug. 03 2010,12:12)
    t8, shimmer, I urge you to reconsider this idea that 'Men are Angels'.

    I never had that idea, I only found the verse after reading t8's post,

    In Genesis it talks about Giants, those are the offspring's of Angels marring Human Women, and they produced Hybrids….So they were half Angels…interesting indeed…Irene


    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 03 2010,02:35)

    Quote (Arnold @ Aug. 03 2010,07:41)
    Men are called Angels???? Would you please show me a Scripture that shows that?

    Hebrews 13:2
    Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it.

    Hospitality to strangers? it does not say that they are men. look at sodom and gomora that when they saw the angels, they were something different that they also wanted to perverse, that the guy even wanted to give up his virgin (stupid) daughters to protect the angels.

    Many times angels have taken the form of man, when we know very well that the angels mention by ezekial and relvelations look NOTHING like men. that there true form is beastly and i guess marvelous in some sense, that even JOHN tried to worship in Angel in revelations, but the angel stoped him adn told him to worship God.

    Point is that just because the angels had the power to limit themselves in to a man form, doenst mean that they are man.



    No such thing as Half Angels. The offspring, Nephilim, are Men – Scriptures clearly says “Men” of renown.

    The Nephilim died in the flood – but the wicked Angels shed their flesh body and returned to the heavenly realm where God them ordered for them to be 'chained' and then access to earth was banned to all angels except with God's authority.


    Quote (JustAskin @ Aug. 03 2010,11:12)
    Thanks for the tip on Notepad. I save something to the notepad once and could never find it again – is it specific to the thread (I guess so!)?

    The Notes link is next to the Log Out link.

    But be careful, because saving to Notepad overwrites the old content in Notepad.


    I watched this online just today and it was about this topic.


    Just copy and paste in your browser.


    Thanks kathi. I will take a looksie.


    This is a replica of a post I made in the Angel of the LORD topic, (5th post down).

    The following is food for thought regarding the meaning of the word angel.

    The word angel means 'messenger' and is not always referring to cherub. The Angel of the Lord literally means messenger of the  LORD. The word 'messenger' is used to describe what we know to be cherubs & seraphs, but also Christ, and prophets too.

    In both Hebrew and Greek, the words for “angel” simply means “messenger”.

    When people from the spiritual world appeared, they usually brought messages from the Lord, so they were called “messengers”  (Greek angeloi). Some have suggested that being an angel is a matter of one's function or office, not one's race. In this  respect the word “angel” is like the words “king” and “prophet” – it describes the person's function.

    In fact, since the word for angel means “messenger” it is used to describe people on earth who are messengers. For example, Haggai and John the Baptist were called messengers or “angels” of the Lord because they spoke for Him

    Haggai 1:13
    13 Then Haggai, the LORD's messenger, gave this message of the LORD to the people: “I am with you,” declares  the LORD.

    Thus the prophet Haggai was called God's messenger (angel); and it is known that “Malachi” is not a real name, but means  “messenger” or “angel”.

    Malachi 3:1
    1 “See, I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking  will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the LORD Almighty.

    Almost without exception this passage has been interpreted to refer to two messengers – John the Baptist as the first messenger (or angel) “preparing the way” and the Lord Jesus Christ as the second “messenger (or angel) of the covenant”.  It  is also quoted in Matt.11:10.

    The word for angel (messenger) in the OT is mal'ak {mal-awk'} – hence Malachi.

    The scripture below talks of a messenger who forgives sins and also has God's name in him.

    Exodus 23:20-23
    20 “See, I am sending an angel (messenger) ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the  place I have prepared.
    21 Pay attention to him and listen to what he says. Do not rebel against him; he will not forgive your rebellion, since my  Name is in him.
    22 If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who  oppose you.
    23 My angel will go ahead of you and bring you into the land of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites and  Jebusites, and I will wipe them out.

    So it seems messengers are angels whether they are man, son of God, cherub, or seraph. Therefore it seems entirely possible (but not conclusive) in this context that Jesus could have been the Angel of the LORD, as he is the messenger of the LORD and the Word of God.

    The following is quoted from a webpage I read recently:

    I think it is unfortunate that the Greek word for messenger — “angel” — has become fastened onto our  English vocabulary. For most people an angel is a supernatural being with wings. What has happened is that human messengers or  prophets have become confused with messengers on short-term assignments from heaven, whether spirit-beings or resurrected  personages. A whole mythology has developed about “angels” over the millennia which has not only separated them from mortal  human beings but put wings on their backs also!

    It really is time to demythologise angels and to understand the connection between human angels (prophets/messengers) and  heavenly angels (spirits/ resurrected personages), for they are of the same origin. How else could angels have had intercourse  with human women and created a race of giants? Why didn't their babies have wings? (There is alot of mythology attached to  this also which we could examine another time).

    I am all in favour of dropping the Greek word “angel” because of the confusion and superstition it creates in men's minds. We  even use the term “angel” to refer to a child who is sweet and innocent, or a person who is particularly kind and helpful. But  this is an example of the evolution of our language in a direction that perverts the original meaning. For most people an  “angel” is fat, tubby little child hovering in a cloud playing a harp. But who would describe John the Baptist, who wore  animal skins, ate locusts and honey, and breathed God's judgment on a wicked generation as an “angel”? Yet that is exactly  what he was! So a change in vocabulary, especially amongst Christians, is long over due.

    In any case, supernatural beings who are God's messengers already have proper names like cherubim and sepharim which ought to  be used where appropriate. Todays earthly angels are called messengers, of which there are several kinds: patriarchs,  prophets, apostles, evangelists, and pastors.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Aug. 03 2010,16:33)

    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 03 2010,02:35)

    Quote (Arnold @ Aug. 03 2010,07:41)
    Men are called Angels???? Would you please show me a Scripture that shows that?

    Hebrews 13:2
    Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it.

    Hospitality to strangers? it does not say that they are men.  look at sodom and gomora that when they saw the angels, they were something different that they also wanted to perverse, that the guy even wanted to give up his virgin (stupid) daughters to protect the angels.  

    Many times angels have taken the form of man, when we know very well that the angels mention by ezekial and relvelations look NOTHING like men. that there true form is beastly and i guess marvelous in some sense, that even JOHN tried to worship in Angel in revelations, but the angel stoped him adn told him to worship God.

    Point is that just because the angels had the power to limit themselves in to a man form, doenst mean that they are man.

    SimplyForgiven I know that, I was simply quoting a verse that's all, Jeepers now everyone's all worked up,  ha


    Hi. Some things I learned,

    Angels rejoice over one repenting sinner.

    The angels constantly interact as kindly beings concerned with our salvation and welfare.

    At the same time angels are devoted to God, so if we sin the angel holds us back even punishes, to hopefully awaken repentance to help us turn back to God.

    Each Child has a Guardian Angel.  “See you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you, their angels in heaven always behold the face of My Father in heaven”

    St Augustine, “The angels, with great concern, and with untiring eagerness, reside with us at every hour and in every place. They help us, they foresee our needs, serve as mediators between God and ourselves, lifting up to Him our groans and sighs, accompanying us in all our travels, they go in and out with us, attentively watching if we deport ourselves with piety and honor among the evil species, and with what effort do we seek the Kingdom of God.”

    St Basil the Great, “With every believer there is an angel, which as a child's leader and pastor, directs his life.

    Thus should a Christian remember his good angel, who for the span of all his life concerns himself with him, rejoicing in his spiritual achievements, grieving over his downfalls.

    Orthodoxy –

    [Quote]  – If your guardian Angel's task was to prevent you from suffering harm as a result of your misuse of your freedom to choose then he would be called your Puppeteer rather than your Guardian Angel.

    Orthodoxy believes each one of us has his or her own Guardian Angel. You may never notice the quiet voice that warned you of temptation. You may never hear the prayers to God offered on your behalf in a moment when you most needed them. – [Unquote]


    Thanks for your post shimmer .



    Quote (JustAskin @ Aug. 03 2010,16:01)

    No such thing as Half Angels. The offspring, Nephilim, are Men – Scriptures clearly says “Men” of renown.

    The Nephilim died in the flood – but the wicked Angels shed their flesh body and returned to the heavenly realm where God them ordered for them to be 'chained' and then access to earth was banned to all angels except with God's authority.

    So when in says in Genesis 6 that the Son's of God came and married the Daughter of men and bore children they are not Hybrids?  When you mix two natures or two Animals they are called Hybrids….You are wrong.  They are from an Angel and a human Woman…. That makes them a half Angel and half Human, does it not???? The are called Hybrids….It is because all flesh had become evil that God destroyed mankind…..only Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD and He then built the Ark.  The rest of the story you know…..Irene

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