Weinland for non-believers

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  • #87771

    Knowing the Weinlands personally it really saddens me, how Satan has wrapped himself around a human being and then drag others with Him. We have to watch out for those Antichrists cause many will come in His Name.
    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Quote (TimothyVI @ April 19 2008,07:47)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ April 19 2008,07:19)

    Quote (Stu @ April 18 2008,21:50)

    April 18th!  Phew, eh?


    Quote from the Letters of Mr. W.  This was written on April 17th.

    Having said that, more will be said in the months to come, but now is the time to publicly reveal the name of the second end-time witness. It is my wife Laura. We are a family through whom God will be working to bring an end to this age and setting the stage (and much more) for the age to follow. Many will mock and ridicule, but as we go forward, this time God will place fear in those who mock Him and His servants. Power has been given to make this so.

    I say – well, of course the second witness is his wife!  Sure.

    Do you think that God told him that she was the second witness, or did Laura let him know in no uncertain terms.  :D


    Tim, I love your timely humor!


    Tim…….Wait till you get a 6.5 trust me brother that a real ride. That 10 time more a schock wave the a 5.5. I have experienced several large quakes in my life. You can't hardly believe the earth can move like that.


    Here in WA we had a 6.2 with the epi center being only 30 miles from our house!  I remember my kids who were toddlers at the time, were naked in the bath tub.  I was washing their hair and felt the floor rise in a wave.  I grabbled them up and we got under a door way just in time for the show!  The house rocked back in forth in such a way that I thought it would tumble over.  I remember telling the kids, “Pray to Jesus really hard because we are having an emergency!”  We all prayed very hard.

    The house swayed back and forth for a while after the quakes had stopped…..spooky.  Houses are not suppose to move!


    kejonn As far as I know they keep the 10 Commandments and all the Feast, but that is all. So they only keep half of the O.T. Law. They do not eat pork. Thy tithe. They pick what ever they want. They should read Galatians more to see what they are doing.
    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Quote (kejonn @ June 28 2008,00:06)


    Read it. Thanks, Kevin.

    Well, since our house won't be paid off before 2012, I think we'll take out a 2nd mortgage and live high on the hog!

    Jesus is coming back anyway and we won't have to worry about paying it off!

    Crazy business


    I get it now! Hellfire preachers are undercover mortgage brokers.


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