We are just a product of chemicals.

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  • #298652

    Atheist say we are just a product of chemicals and nothing else,but why then say, that christians are a deluded bunch of people.

    If we are realy just chemicals,then blame the chemicals that has made us christians that way,we are wired that way.
    And praise the chemicals that has made you atheist that way.

    Every one is wired accordingly; a thief is wired to be a thief,and a murderer is wired to be a murderer, none is guilty.

    Where does good and bad come in?
    Do chemicals know what is good and what is bad? Does it have a conscience?
    Why do they put people in jail? For being wired according to their composition of chemicals?

    Like some computers can not do what other computers can do. We can not blame the computer,but blame the wiring,and components.

    All christians are wired one way,and all atheist are also wired another way. So christians are not realy a bunch of deluded creatures,but nature has given us a different mixture of chemicals. So blame the mixture.

    If there is no God,then why blame him for all the bad things in this world,and why call a non existing God all those bad names?He does not exist; right.

    What I am saying is, that there is a God that created us good,but we chose to do the wrong things in our lives, and this has been pased on from generation to generation,by the parents.Its like a cancer,and God is working to get all the cancer out of the body,by sorting out the bad tissues,to be destroyed.

    All the cancerous roots must be destroyed,for the sake of a healthy body.

    Be ye holy for God is holy; do not thouch the unclean thing,so you wont be contaminated with the cancer, and then destroyed.

    peace to you all.


    If we ALL have peace in us then, only then can we make peace. And for this we need God in us,and to have God in us we need to seek him,AND FEED ON HIS FLESH,that is his own words written in the holy bible.


    Quote (Wakeup @ May 19 2012,10:11)
    Atheist say we are just a product of chemicals and nothing else,but why then say, that christians are a deluded bunch of people.

    Hi Wakeup,

    Boditharta once presented the point: If we have evolved due to simple circumstance, why is it that so many of us have evolved this strong belief in a higher power who created us?

    I think that fits in with what you are saying.


    Thank you Mike b.

    Chemicals does not evolve to the spiritual,For conscience is spiritual and we all have that, even the atheist.
    But even conscience can be destroyed by continuing working evil.

    greetings to you.



    Christianity is the religion for those who need an alternative to doing joined-up thinking.



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 20 2012,05:00)
    If we have evolved due to simple circumstance, why is it that so many of us have evolved this strong belief in a higher power who created us?

    Do you have an answer to this question yourself?



    Quote (Stu @ May 21 2012,00:17)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 20 2012,05:00)
    If we have evolved due to simple circumstance, why is it that so many of us have evolved this strong belief in a higher power who created us?

    Do you have an answer to this question yourself?



    The question is directed to you,so why dont you answer.
    We Chrisrians evolved this way: have you got any objections agianst evolution?



    Quote (Stu @ May 21 2012,03:14)
    Christianity is the religion for those who need an alternative to doing joined-up thinking.


    Because you have no clue as to what caused everything, you are not in a position to offer anything of substance to the meaning and cause of existence.

    You failed at the first marker, so what makes you think you can answer anything beyond that?

    You are obviously deluded Stu.


    Quote (t8 @ May 26 2012,11:13)

    Quote (Stu @ May 21 2012,03:14)
    Christianity is the religion for those who need an alternative to doing joined-up thinking.


    Because you have no clue as to what caused everything, you are not in a position to offer anything of substance to the meaning and cause of existence.

    You failed at the first marker, so what makes you think you can answer anything beyond that?

    You are obviously deluded Stu.

    If I can offer nothing else, I can at least warn people against believing those who make all sorts of claims they cannot substantiate.

    But of course you were left behind long ago, unable to articulate what you mean by “cause”.



    Quote (Wakeup @ May 26 2012,02:41)

    Quote (Stu @ May 21 2012,00:17)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 20 2012,05:00)
    If we have evolved due to simple circumstance, why is it that so many of us have evolved this strong belief in a higher power who created us?

    Do you have an answer to this question yourself?



    The question is directed to you,so why dont you answer.
    We Chrisrians evolved this way: have you got any objections agianst evolution?


    Well, if you insist.

    Religious belief is very probably an advantageous adaptation that became widespread in human populations because the tendency to supernatural belief allowed tribal leaders to threaten people with the wrath of their imaginary being, which had the result of making the tribe work together and made their survival chances better. The successful tribes, with the “god genes” successfully reared offspring more often than those who didn't work together so well.

    You can add to that the likelihood that the god belief meme is transmitted to children very effectively because their god-deluded parents tell them about gods early, at a time when there is another evolutionary advantage in operation, the tendency of young children to believe their parents with little questioning.

    Now that we are no longer tribal, god belief is becoming a liability: chiefly it is the parties of god that are the ones who want to blow eachother away, and the skirmishes have become global, not local.




    What sort of a system is ideal you think?
    So get rid of all types of religions,and all believes in the supernatural; then what?
    Is worshipping technology ok with you?
    Everyone striving for the material;that in it self is worshipping.
    is that ok?



    Quote (Stu @ May 26 2012,13:09)

    Quote (Wakeup @ May 26 2012,02:41)

    Quote (Stu @ May 21 2012,00:17)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 20 2012,05:00)
    If we have evolved due to simple circumstance, why is it that so many of us have evolved this strong belief in a higher power who created us?

    Do you have an answer to this question yourself?



    The question is directed to you,so why dont you answer.
    We Chrisrians evolved this way: have you got any objections agianst evolution?


    Well, if you insist.  

    Religious belief is very probably an advantageous adaptation that became widespread in human populations because the tendency to supernatural belief allowed tribal leaders to threaten people with the wrath of their imaginary being, which had the result of making the tribe work together and made their survival chances better.  The successful tribes, with the “god genes” successfully reared offspring more often than those who didn't work together so well.

    You can add to that the likelihood that the god belief meme is transmitted to children very effectively because their god-deluded parents tell them about gods early, at a time when there is another evolutionary advantage in operation, the tendency of young children to believe their parents with little questioning.

    Now that we are no longer tribal, god belief is becoming a liability: chiefly it is the parties of god that are the ones who want to blow eachother away, and the skirmishes have become global, not local.


    I've heard this response before by an atheist postulating in a documentary.
    This is not your own idea or thoughts Stu so don't present it in a way that deceptively makes it look like your own personal idea in hope of looking wise.
    You are just parroting another's musings.
    In fact, everything you say sounds familiar.
    I got an idea…try experiencing life a little more and answering with your own understanding before drawing conclusions based and copied from other peoples sheltered and indoctrinated cocooned and institutionalized straight from school to university non experiences.
    Join the real world and do some honest work and experience unsheltered real world life huh..
    But be careful..you might break a precious fingernail or two!!
    or get some callouses on those soft fem hands…
    But i tell you something Stu…you will grow up a lot quicker than your sheltered university mates…you might even find God..and He might even forgive your ignorance.


    Quote (Wakeup @ May 28 2012,00:46)

    Is worshipping technology ok with you?
    Everyone striving for the material;that in it self is worshipping.
    is that ok?


    HI Wakeup,

    Why do you feel that it is mandatory to worship something?

    Worshipping is a religious devotion. You continually change the meaning of words and it makes your comments completely



    Quote (TimothyVI @ May 28 2012,05:49)

    Quote (Wakeup @ May 28 2012,00:46)

    Is worshipping technology ok with you?
    Everyone striving for the material;that in it self is worshipping.
    is that ok?


    HI Wakeup,

    Why do you feel that it is mandatory to worship something?

    Worshipping is a religious devotion. You continually change the meaning of words and it makes your comments completely


    Hi Timothy

    The word “Worship” to the world does take on a religious meaning.  The world automatically picture someone bowing down and praying to a god.

    This is where the world has been deceived.  
    Us Christians can also bow down and pray to our God, we can bless his name and sing songs to him, preach our hearts out, and declare him to the whole world….but…..If we don't obey his commandments, and don't follow them with a pure heart, and if we just carry on the same, not repenting, nor changing, then this type of worship is useless in God's eyes.  It is only lip service.

    God declares to us that he, the Father of Jesus Christ is the true God.  He left us with so much information to find him, and that is through his WORD contained in the holy scriptures.  Our actions, will declare to God who truly worship him, and not because of how many times we've prayed or bowed down to him, or confess to others how we follow, but how we conduct ourselves in our day to day living, and what is closest to our heart.

    We have two Gods here.  The one and only true God who resides in heaven, and the god of this world called Satan or the devil.  Without the holy scriptures, we would never of known that this material world has it's own god, or who the devil is, or what his purpose is.  We would not have known what is good and what is evil.  The devil has been exposed, if you read the holy scriptures, you will find out exactly what the devil is up to, and how he goes to all lengths to stop us from finding the truth.  He even goes as far as into the churches to corrupt the Word of God, and the true doctrine.  Where-ever there is truth, he will be there to distort it, and he works through men of cunning nature.  

    So take the time to find out what is truth, then you will see the true meaning of worship.  If you don't obey one, then you must obey the other.  It narrows down to only two Gods to choose from. We have a true God, full of wisdom, might and power, or a lying deceiving God with so much influence and power that is going to be destroyed in the end.  We know who the enemy is now and that's a start. This is how we can discern who we really worship and who is the God closest to our heart.   If Jesus says, how hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of heaven, then take it as a warning.  Riches are material things that give us short lived pleasure and power.  We can have it one day, and it can be gone the next.  It is not everlasting, and we cannot take it to the grave with us.  A rich man often does not see the need for a saviour, for he thinks he is self sufficient and in need of nothing, never going hungry, or battling to pay the bills.  He often does not help or reach out to the needy, and if he does, he blows a trumpet before himself, and uses the donation as a tax deduction.

    I hope you can understand what I am trying to say.
    I don't know why certain words are being highlighted in yellow. Please ignore.


    Quote (Wakeup @ May 28 2012,00:46)

    What sort of a system is ideal you think?
    So get rid of all types of religions,and all believes in the supernatural; then what?
    Is worshipping technology ok with you?
    Everyone striving for the material;that in it self is worshipping.
    is that ok?


    Are you asking me what kind of worshiping system we should have?



    Quote (journey42 @ May 28 2012,14:30)
    Us Christians can also bow down and pray to our God, we can bless his name and sing songs to him, preach our hearts out, and declare him to the whole world….but…..If we don't obey his commandments, and don't follow them with a pure heart, and if we just carry on the same, not repenting, nor changing, then this type of worship is useless in God's eyes.  It is only lip service.

    Can you give me the ethical argument in favour of either worshiping, or obeying the Judeo-christian god?



    Quote (Stu @ May 28 2012,18:04)

    Quote (journey42 @ May 28 2012,14:30)
    Us Christians can also bow down and pray to our God, we can bless his name and sing songs to him, preach our hearts out, and declare him to the whole world….but…..If we don't obey his commandments, and don't follow them with a pure heart, and if we just carry on the same, not repenting, nor changing, then this type of worship is useless in God's eyes.  It is only lip service.

    Can you give me the ethical argument in favour of either worshiping, or obeying the Judeo-christian god?


    Hi Stu

    What do you mean by Judeo Christian God?
    Are you referring to the same God the Jews & the Christians worship? or are you referring to christians worshipping God through the old Jewish ways under the law Moses gave out?


    Quote (journey42 @ May 28 2012,20:22)

    Quote (Stu @ May 28 2012,18:04)

    Quote (journey42 @ May 28 2012,14:30)
    Us Christians can also bow down and pray to our God, we can bless his name and sing songs to him, preach our hearts out, and declare him to the whole world….but…..If we don't obey his commandments, and don't follow them with a pure heart, and if we just carry on the same, not repenting, nor changing, then this type of worship is useless in God's eyes.  It is only lip service.

    Can you give me the ethical argument in favour of either worshiping, or obeying the Judeo-christian god?


    Hi Stu

    What do you mean by Judeo Christian God?
    Are you referring to the same God the Jews & the Christians worship? or are you referring to christians worshipping God through the old Jewish ways under the law Moses gave out?

    I mean the Judeo-christian god, as opposed to the Roman god Bacchus, for example.



    Quote (TimothyVI @ May 28 2012,05:49)

    Quote (Wakeup @ May 28 2012,00:46)

    Is worshipping technology ok with you?
    Everyone striving for the material;that in it self is worshipping.
    is that ok?


    HI Wakeup,

    Why do you feel that it is mandatory to worship something?

    Worshipping is a religious devotion. You continually change the meaning of words and it makes your comments completely



    mankind has always looked up and ask questions; who made all things:Who what where is he.
    If one does not believe in the supernatural for some reason,one always end up worshipping some person or some thing.

    Power and money is worshipped by many,but as you can see,it does not make the world a better place,but destruction.
    This World and its system,is geared to self destruct.



    Quote (Wakeup @ May 28 2012,20:37)
    This World and its system,is geared to self destruct.

    And that's when it's not being flooded out of existence by a jealous god…



    Quote (Stu @ May 28 2012,20:34)

    Quote (journey42 @ May 28 2012,20:22)

    Quote (Stu @ May 28 2012,18:04)

    Quote (journey42 @ May 28 2012,14:30)
    Us Christians can also bow down and pray to our God, we can bless his name and sing songs to him, preach our hearts out, and declare him to the whole world….but…..If we don't obey his commandments, and don't follow them with a pure heart, and if we just carry on the same, not repenting, nor changing, then this type of worship is useless in God's eyes.  It is only lip service.

    Can you give me the ethical argument in favour of either worshiping, or obeying the Judeo-christian god?


    Hi Stu

    What do you mean by Judeo Christian God?
    Are you referring to the same God the Jews & the Christians worship? or are you referring to christians worshipping God through the old Jewish ways under the law Moses gave out?

    I mean the Judeo-christian god, as opposed to the Roman god Bacchus, for example.


    Ok, I have to point out first that the old Laws were given only to the Israelites, not the gentiles. We are not bound by those old laws, nor can we understand the the purpose of those old laws until we learn the new laws first, because there was a different set of rules for them for a specific purpose only. So if we just concentrate on the new testament first, we can go to the old later as I understand there “appears” to be a lot of contradictions to the unbeliever.

    Are you with me?

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