Was Jesus Jewish Messiah – What does the Hebrew Bible really say?

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    Does Jesus qualify for the Messiahship?



    ADAM…..That video is so full of holes, right from the start, it would take hours to explain all of them. The inserting of the idea that the Old Testament is a Jewish bible is false,  it s an “Israelite ” bible , of which the Jews are a insignificant part of.  They  will not take responsibility for Their sins against Christ Jesus, and don’t want to take responsibility for killing Him either .   Jesus is the Messiah,  and suffered for our eternal life brother,  as God’s sacrificial Lamb.

    Adam don’t let them, convince you differently brother.

    peace and love to you and yours Adam………..gene


    ADAM…..That video is so full of holes, right from the start, it would take hours to explain all of them. The inserting of the idea that the Old Testament is a Jewish bible is false,  it s an “Israelite ” bible , of which the Jews are a insignificant part of.  They  will not take responsibility for Their sins against Christ Jesus, and don’t want to take responsibility for killing Him either .   Jesus is the Messiah,  and suffered for our eternal life brother,  as God’s sacrificial Lamb.

    Hi brother Gene, thanks for your comments on the video I posted. Yes Jews were the only Israelites available at the time of Jesus. All other 10 tribes were lost into the pagan world as they had left their God Yahweh. So you can blame those Israelites who could not keep the identity of their religion in the world. I appreciate the Jews as they are the only people who could stick to their God Yahweh and his religion. They have all the rights of this Hebrew religion and their Bible.

    Coming to Christian Messiah in fact I find there are lots of holes in the NT which mystified the concepts of Messiah. The results are confusion every where which is clearly visible on this group. I want to you to have open mind to accept this truth.

    Thanks and peace to you….Adam




    There are divisions or differences of opinion in every sector of society and the world.

    Not just Christians. But Muslim, scientists, politicians, teachers, you name it.

    Man is basically in darkness but light has come into the world.

    Just because light is in the world doesn’t mean that all who call themselves children of God are in the light or have 100% of their lives illuminated.

    and to present her to Himself as a glorious church, without stain or wrinkle or any such blemish, but holy and blameless. 

    This is the goal. It is not the reality at this moment.


    Adam……The Jews were the murders of Jesus Christ, the only begotten from the dead Son of the LIVING GOD.  The ten tribes of Israel were considered more righteous than the Jews according to Jeremiah. God did cast them out of the land he gave their forefathers,  but he the same to the treacherous Jews and even sent a Sword after them into every country they went,  because of their disobedience to God,  in fact if it weren’t for the lost sheep of Israel, like, England and the  United States,  they would not even be in the land of Israel they are in today.

    As long as they reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah, they are enemies  of God and will remain that way unless they repent,  They will have no peace in that land either,  nor will anyone one who rejects Jesus Christ as the true Messiah of GOD.

    peace and love to you and yours Adam……….gene



    Adam……The Jews were the murders of Jesus Christ, the only begotten from the dead Son of the LIVING GOD.  The ten tribes of Israel were considered more righteous than the Jews according to Jeremiah. God did cast them out of the land he gave their forefathers,  but he the same to the treacherous Jews and even sent a Sword after them into every country they went,  because of their disobedience to God,  in fact if it weren’t for the lost sheep of Israel, like, England and the  United States,  they would not even be in the land of Israel they are in today.

    As long as they reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah, they are enemies  of God and will remain that way unless they repent,  They will have no peace in that land either,  nor will anyone one who rejects Jesus Christ as the true Messiah of GOD

    Hi brother Gene, you are taking like an anti-semetarian. So what? You think that Jews killed Jesus? It’s not a new finding rather it was a old blame game played by the NT writers on the Jews. Jesus was crucified by the Roman authorities because of the charges of sedition against Roman government. If Jews killed Jesus that could have been a different story than Roman crucifixion.

    It’s another great imagination of Christians who claim that Americans and British are the lost tribes of Israel for which there is no support in the Hebrew Bible or in the historical books.

    It’s clear from the Hebrew Bible that one day all the world will turn to Jewish God as per Zech 8:

     3 Thus says the Lord: I will return to Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem; Jerusalem shall be called the faithful city, and the mountain of the Lord of hosts shall be called the holy mountain.

    15 so again I have purposed in these days to do good to Jerusalem and to the house of Judah; do not be afraid

    20 Thus says the Lord of hosts: Peoples shall yet come, the inhabitants of many cities; 21 the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, “Come, let us go to entreat the favor of the Lord, and to seek the Lord of hosts; I myself am going.” 22 Many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem, and to entreat the favor of the Lord. 23 Thus says the Lord of hosts: In those days ten men from nations of every language shall take hold of a Jew, grasping his garment and saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”

    So please remove your hatred towards this blessed nation.


    Was Jesus the High Priest ?


    Hi Adam,

    Do you believe that all the Jews understand the scriptures exactly alike? When did that start?



    It’s clear from the Hebrew Bible that one day all the world will turn to Jewish God as per Zech 8:

    Thus says the Lord of hosts: In those days ten men from nations of every language shall take hold of a Jew, grasping his garment and saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.” 


    No one can go to the Father without going through the Son


    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    Yesterday, today AND for ever



    If the Jews and their interpretation of scripture is always correct gadam, then the earth is flat. Lol.


    Maybe they misunderstood the messiah too? 


    If the Jews and their interpretation of scripture is always correct gadam, then the earth is flat. Lol.

    Hi proclaimer, I agree that the Bible was written by ancient non-scientific people. I don’t think it’s a  scientific or historical book as many fundamentalist Christians believe here. You are forgetting that the Old Testament is the basic primary source for the Christian New testament.

    So what do you think that the NT writers and Christians are the true interpreters of the Hebrew scriptures?

    There lies the problem they first believed that Jesus the so called divine Messiah and started searching the Hebrew Bible to prove their ideology. I find lot of holes in this thinking. So I turn to the very source of the NT, the Hebrew scriptures to investigate this new religion created by the NT writers.

    In fact the the NT writers were the people who confirmed the three decked Universe stating that the Heaven is above, the Hell below and the Earth in between. At least Hebrew Bible did not mention the Hell. The Hebrew Sheol is only a place of burial(dead) and not any Hell.


    Hi Adam,

    Do you believe that all the Jews understand the scriptures exactly alike? When did that start?

    His Sis Kathi, sorry I don’t think so. There are  a number of sects in Jewish people. One is called Jews for Jesus, a Trinitarian Christian group and the other is called Jews for Judaism an anti-missionary Jewish group. There may be other Mystic sects of Jews who are called Kabbalists.


    Thank you Adam for your reply.

    You admit that even the Jews understand the scriptures differently amongst themselves. Therefore, how can you use the reason that the Hebrew scriptures do not say _______________ (fill in the blank) therefore it is wrong, if the Jews do not even agree on what the Hebrew scriptures say?


    Hi proclaimer, I agree that the Bible was written by ancient non-scientific people. I don’t think it’s a scientific or historical book as many fundamentalist Christians believe here. You are forgetting that the Old Testament is the basic primary source for the Christian New testament.

    Another failure gadam because the Bible doesn’t teach a flat earth. The mind of men imposed that bias on scripture when that theory was the scientific view.

    This is your problem. You too impose your bias on scripture and then blame scripture.

    Just read what it really says and you will have a different view.

    So far I have seen you impose God as a Trinity and agree that it also says God is one and then blame the Bible for confusing people. The confusion however is all yours and others who do what you are doing.

    The Bible clearly teaches that there is one God the Father and one whom God made Lord of all, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The Trinity and other doctrines like that come from the mind of man and are not found in scripture. Scripture does not teach the Trinity as you think. If you think so, then give me your mo1 verse that proved the New Testament teaches the Trinity. If you cannot, then you are wrong.


    Another failure gadam because the Bible doesn’t teach a flat earth. The mind of men imposed that bias on scripture when that theory was the scientific view.

    This is your problem. You too impose your bias on scripture and then blame scripture.

    Just read what it really says and you will have a different view.

    So far I have seen you impose God as a Trinity and agree that it also says God is one and then blame the Bible for confusing people. The confusion however is all yours and others who do what you are doing.

    The Bible clearly teaches that there is one God the Father and one whom God made Lord of all, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The Trinity and other doctrines like that come from the mind of man and are not found in scripture. Scripture does not teach the Trinity as you think. If you think so, then give me your mo1 verse that proved the New Testament teaches the Trinity. If you cannot, then you are wrong.

    Hi Proclaimer, I think you seem to misunderstand others as I have already noticed in the case of Gene. First you correct your self before judging others I am sorry to say that. I have already quoted here I am not a Trinitarian as you seem to think about me. I am only debating here on the NT writings how they had deviated from their original source the Hebrew Bible.

    I have not supported any thing about Flat earth in my post above in fact you are the one who blamed Jewish people on Flat earth. Please re-read my post I have only stated that the Bible was written by Ancient non-scientific people which is quite accurate as per the historians. I don’t believe in any inspiration of these writings in fact these books were written by human beings like you and me. I find lot of bias and orientation in these writings which you seem to ignore like any fundamentalist.

    The statement of Paul in 1 Cor 8:6, there is no support in Hebrew Bible that God created every thing through Jesus and also as you think that God made Jesus first in the beginning. It shows that how you are  closing your eyes to scriptures in Hebrew Bible.

    As I am not a Trinitarian and there is no need to prove it as demanded by you. You can ask any Trinitarian here for such proofs.


    You admit that even the Jews understand the scriptures differently amongst themselves. Therefore, how can you use the reason that the Hebrew scriptures do not say _______________ (fill in the blank) therefore it is wrong, if the Jews do not even agree on what the Hebrew scriptures say?

    I have only replied your post to me on the sects of Jewish people. But I have not admitted on their interpretations. As I have mentioned earlier the Jews for Jesus are the Trinitarian Christian Jews who interpret the Hebrew Bible to suit their ideas on Jesus as Messiah. So I can not expect any thing from this group as I know much about Trinitarian Christianity. So I am quoting the interpretations of the rival group, the Jews for Judaism or the Out reach Judaism which I find reasonable when compared to those of Christian Jews.


    I have already quoted here I am not a Trinitarian as you seem to think about me. I am only debating here on the NT writings how they had deviated from their original source the Hebrew Bible.

    As mentioned before, I realise that. My point is you assume that parts of the New Testament teach or allude to a Trinity leading adherents into confusion. So I want to see exactly the verses that lead you to believe this.

    So what is your no1 verse to support your view here. Please note, that I know you are not a Trinitarian.

    Do you comprehend what I’m actually asking for and on what basis?


    Hi proclaimer, I agree that the Bible was written by ancient non-scientific people. I don’t think it’s a scientific or historical book as many fundamentalist Christians believe here. You are forgetting that the Old Testament is the basic primary source for the Christian New testament.

    Once again, you have completely missed the point. I’ll spell it out for you.

    You have argued in the past that the Jews held this and that belief based on the Old Testament that doesnt align with the New Testament. For example, their view of the messiah doesnt align with the New Testament view or their view of Isaiah 53 is about the nation of Israel, not the messiah despite evidence to the contrary.

    So your arguments are based on the Jews alone having the correct view of the Old Testament, thus disproving the New Testament view. Based on that, their belief that the Old Testament supported their view of the cosmos means that these writings support a flat earth. But they do not.

    So I’m simply pointing out that if they interpretted that incorrectly, then they could also have an incomplete view of the messiah and his mission too. And if you do not believe in the NT and or / the OT, then your argument that one contradicts the other as judged by the viewpoint of the Jews understanding, is a weak argument to make because they at leat got the cosmos model wrong.

    Simple. Now I have spelled this out for you. So no excuses.

    Finally, would you like me to dumb down my replies to you and include more detail from now on? Or are you happy to put in a greater effort in future. I think you can do it. If not, then my replies to you will be fewer because they will take longer.


    As mentioned before, I realise that. My point is you assume that parts of the New Testament teach or allude to a Trinity leading adherents into confusion. So I want to see exactly the verses that lead you to believe this.

    So what is your no1 verse to support your view here. Please note, that I know you are not a Trinitarian.

    Do you comprehend what I’m actually asking for and on what basis?

    Hi Proclaimer, thanks for your reply and understanding that I am not a Trinitarian. I am not visualising that the NT supports black and white Trinity. In fact I am much interested in the concept of Messiah figure whom the NT writers made a mess and mystified.

    The so called writer of Fourth Gospel claimed that his Gospel was written to prove that Jesus was Messiah but he proved otherwise as a godly (divine) being who was preexisting before his human birth. He claimed that this supposed Messiah was preexisting even before his forefather Abraham. He also claimed that the Spirit of God would be sent by the supposed Messiah in his Gospel. Finally he kept strange words in the mouth of the doubting Thomas stating that risen Jesus was his God and Lord.

    I can quote number of such deviations in the NT.

    So this is where I am vexed with the writings of the NT which completely changed the concepts on the Hebrew Messiah who was meant to a human being and a warrior prince and not any god or divine who shares divinity with one and only God.


    Once again, you have completely missed the point. I’ll spell it out for you.

    You have argued in the past that the Jews held this and that belief based on the Old Testament that doesnt align with the New Testament. For example, their view of the messiah doesnt align with the New Testament view or their view of Isaiah 53 is about the nation of Israel, not the messiah despite evidence to the contrary.

    So your arguments are based on the Jews alone having the correct view of the Old Testament, thus disproving the New Testament view. Based on that, their belief that the Old Testament supported their view of the cosmos means that these writings support a flat earth. But they do not.

    So I’m simply pointing out that if they interpretted that incorrectly, then they could also have an incomplete view of the messiah and his mission too. And if you do not believe in the NT and or / the OT, then your argument that one contradicts the other as judged by the viewpoint of the Jews understanding, is a weak argument to make because they at leat got the cosmos model wrong.

    Hi Proclaimer, please note that I am not fundamentalist first. You can check my posts on evolution of Hebrew religion in the Polytheistic environment and how it had finally adapted Monotheism of worshipping one God Yahweh. So I don’t support any idea of Jews or any primitive concepts on Flat Earth or any non-scientific interpretation. I am on search for the truth on the religion whether it is Hebrew religion or Christianity. So please avoid any misconceptions on me.

    I am only investigating the so called strange claims of the NT writers that Jesus the supposed Messiah was some how involved in God’s creation and had become a godly being and a Savior figure who can give life to the dead and so on.

    I am only bringing the arguments which support my understanding here but that doesn’t mean I am for the Jewish people completely. I am visualizing the Messianic figure from the point of view of Hebrew Bible as it was the source of the messianic idea.

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